Monday, July 21, 2008



I wish that you will each click on the following link and read the tragic story of 15 year-old Lawrence King of Oxnard, California, (yes, the little boy to the left was 15 years-old) a student at E.O. Green Junior High School, who was shot to death in a classroom on February 12th, by a fellow student, 14 year-old Brandon McInerney, because of his flamboyant behavior.

This is a rather long article, but I feel that it must be read, not only because it is a tragedy, but also because there is a much deeper lesson here that should be learned, not so much for those of you who regularly read my blog, but by those of you who are liberals and drop by to “lurk” so to speak. The things that this boy was doing, how he was dressing, etc., were never dealt with properly, not by his teachers, not by the school administrators, not by any of the counselors who saw him, and most certainly not by child welfare services. This young boy needed some real drastic help, but what he got instead was liberal affirmation of his abhorrent behavior.

After reading the article, please back click to return to this blog to read my commentary on the article.

Please click here for the article:


You all know my view on homosexuality by now. As an Orthodox Catholic priest, I believe God’s Word, when He says; “If a man lies with a man as with a woman, it is an abomination in the eyes of God,” and all of the other references in Holy Scripture that says homosexuality is a sin, but I do not condone the cold blooded murder of anyone.

Larry was a truly troubled boy who came from a very troubled background, and I believe that if the school officials and other authorities had given him the psychiatric help he needed, instead of operating under “politically correct” rules and mandates, perhaps Larry would be alive today.

I’m sorry, but homosexuality is a disorder and even if one does not believe in God or a religion, commonsense tells you that homosexuality is not natural. The very concept of two males or two females boinking each other is too disgusting and vile to even contemplate. Being gay is not something to be proud of, nor is it something to be upheld as a wonderful alternative life style. Despite all of the political correct pressure being put on society, forcing us to accept homosexuality and to be tolerant of it, I am afraid that even though a vast number of heterosexuals will say that homosexuality should be accept and that they see nothing wrong with “same-sex” marriages or that they support same-sex unions, I can assure you that deep down in side, that is NOT how they really feel. They are just as disgusted by it as I am, but they refuse to say so out of fear of being branded a bigot or homophobe, and the possibility of facing hate-crimes charges.

If even young children feel revolted by having a same-sex playmate coming “on” to them, despite the fact that they are being taught in school that they must accept homosexuals, should tell you something. No amount of liberal politically correct laws enacted, can force anyone into accepting and tolerating that which goes against nature and morality.

Pass all the laws you want, but I guarantee that you will see many, many more deaths like Larry King’s, because deep down inside, people are disgusted and revolted by all of the “in your face” flamboyant homosexual behavior. Why do you think Matthew Shepherd was so brutally murdered? It wasn’t so much because he was gay; as it was that he was out in a bar and trying to hit on guys in the bar. Any normal heterosexual male who is hit on by a gay male, especially in a public place and in front of his friends, would find the action to be so repugnant and embarrassing to the point that they react violently, and this goes for teens and pre-teens. It may not be right, but it is a fact.

I honestly believe that it is time for society to start re-thinking how we should react toward homosexuals. When it comes to pedophiles, society treats them like criminals, tossing them into prison and forcing psychiatric help on them and going so far as to harass them in society, even though many of them “were born that way”, yet when it comes to homosexuals, they say “We were born that way”, so society is then forced to pass laws giving them all sorts of special “rights”. This has got to stop or I can guarantee that society will start to see more and more murders of homosexuals, both kids and adults.

The blood of young Larry King is not only on the hands of fourteen year-old Brandon McInerney, but also on the hands of all those who remained silent in the face of liberal political correct madness.

Remember, the Bible does say; “The wages of sin is death.”