Monday, July 14, 2008



Is this a patriot?

Is this being patriotic?

We hear a lot, especially around election time, about PATRIOTISM. Everyone claims to be a patriot, but what exactly is a patriot?

To put it in simple terms, a patriot is someone who loves his/her country, supports his/her country, and someone who is willing to serve his/her country. In short, patriotism is love and loyalty to one’s country.

On a deeper level, patriotism is much more then just a love for one’s country. Patriotism also includes a love for your country’s customs, traditions and having pride in its history, and a devotion to the welfare of the people.

On the other hand, patriotism is not having a blind devotion to the government, whereby one obeys everything that the government tells you to do, no matter how bad or immoral. Those who deliberately set about to destroy, change or do-away with the moral values upon which we were founded, such as enacting laws to make same-sex marriages legal, are not patriots. Those who deliberately set about to dumb down our children in our public school system through the re-writing of our history and the forcing of “politically correct” thought control on our children and society are not patriots. Those who sacrifice their unborn children on the altars of abortion clinics, depriving our country of future citizens and workers, are not patriots. Patriots do not burn or trample on their nations flag just because they do not agree with a particular policy of the government.

Men and women who have been appointed to don a black robe and sit on the bench of the highest court in the land are not patriots when they give approval to laws that grant rights and freedoms to those who participate in immoral acts and life-styles.

Politicians and elected officials who violate the Constitution of America on a routine basis are not patriots. Any politician and/or elected officials who served in the armed forces, even if they earned medals and citations for bravery and heroism, have sold out their patriotism when they push for laws and advocate policies that do more to aid foreign countries and illegal immigrants then they do for the legal citizens of this country. They are not patriots when they sign trade agreements that end up costing American citizens their jobs or that lower the standard of living of Americans. They are not patriots when they propose higher taxes so that they can “give” benefits to those who haven’t earned them. They are not patriots when the sign treaties and agreements that diminish or do-away with the national sovereignty of our country. Any politician who plans on changing our form of government from a Constitutional Republic with a democratic form of government into a socialist/communist form is not a patriot.

A politician running for the highest office in the land, who lies to the American people about securing our national borders, and who then ignores the will of the people and speaks before an organization of radical racists, promising them that he will go ahead with pushing for “comprehensive immigration” laws that will include amnesty for illegals and increasing the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country, at the cost of legal American citizens, is not a patriot.

It speaks volumes about the lack of patriotism of a politician running for the highest office in the land, who refuse to place his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance, or (even though in itself is not a sign of patriotism) who finds he has to make lame excuses for not wearing a lapel flag pin.