Thursday, July 31, 2008



"Change is inevitable, and Barak Obama wants all yours."


We all have often heard it said that “you are what you eat”. I also believe that “you who you associate with”. Yes, Alan Colmes, there is guilt by association.

It seems that Barak Obama just doesn’t know how to pick his friends and associates, and if he has to keep throwing them under the bus because they suffer from “foot in mouth disease, the poor schmuck is going to end up one lonely soul.

Let’s see, he has had to toss Rev. Wright, Fr. Phlager, William Ayers, and now “Ludacris”, after the vile and hateful rap song that “Ludacris” “sang”, that was truly hateful to McCain, President Bush, Hillary Clinton and white people in general.

Who is next to go under the bus, Obama, your wife? You don’t have to worry about the McCain campaign making us afraid you; you are doing a great job of that yourself. And just for your edification, you ARE inexperienced and too much of a gamble to put into the Oval Office. Spending a day or two in Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, France and England, DOES NOT make for international experience.

Your drug infected, liberal brainwashed mind is giving you delusions of grandeur. You are NOT the awaited Messiah, nor are you America’s long awaited hope. Sorry to break it to you, but you are a moron and not even a pimple on the ass of humanity. Get over yourself, get your feet back on the ground and grow the hell up.

Children of Africa

Wednesday, July 30, 2008




Upon hearing that one of the patients in a mental hospital had saved another mental patient from committing suicide by pulling him out of a bathtub full of water, the director of the hospital reviewed the rescuer’s file and decided that he would release him, so he called him into his office for a consultation.

“Mr. Haroldson,” the director said, “Your files and your heroic actions indicate that you are ready to be discharged. I am only sorry that the man you saved later killed himself by hanging. He was found a few days later with a rope around his neck hanging from a water pipe.”

“Oh, he didn’t kill himself,” Mr. Haroldson replied, “I hung him up to dry.”


Neither of the candidates running for the top office of president of the United States is good viable choice to lead our nation. Americans should send a strong message to both the Democrat and Republican parties that we will not vote for any candidate who refuses to honor and uphold the principles of the Constitution and to honor the national sovereignty of the U.S. If a large majority of Americans were willing to send such a message, this could very well become a history-making year in the politics of America.

If we continue to accept the failed, mediocre candidates that are foisted upon us by the two major political parties, we will continue to elect candidates that represent lowest common denominator of acceptability, which is what the idea of voting for the ‘lesser of two evils’ means, and it leads to a continued decline of standards of leadership. This is why we end up with morons like Pelosi, Reid, Hillary, and the utter disappointment that G.W. Bush turned out to be.

Neither McCain nor Obama are any where near qualified for the office of President, and both of them will lead this nation down the wrong path, further from our uniquely American concepts of self-government, personal responsibility, national sovereignty and individual rights. It is a real waste of one’s vote to vote for a mediocre candidate of either party.

Barack Obama has got to be the absolutely worst candidate to ever be nominated to run for the presidency of this country (even worse then Carter) his largely extremist socialistic views will damage this country in major ways. But, McCain is really not much better since many of his views on major issues actually mirror those of Obama, and McCain has already stated that if he is elected, he will “work with Nancy Pelosi.”

When Gerald Ford was president, the only thing he stood for was business as usual. Being sick of the corruption in Washington, the people elected Jimmy Carter and stuck with a Democrat dominated Congress. After four years, Americans realized their mistake. Our prestige was in the crapper, our economy was a total mess and Americans were being held hostage in Iran while the Soviets were on the march all over the world. Jimmy Carter himself realized that there was a deep “malaise” that was affecting the whole country; the only problem was that he didn’t even have a clue that he was the one who caused it.

The Americans wised up and knew who to blame, which is why they elected Ronald Reagan in a landslide victory, which would never have happened if they hadn’t gone through the pain and shame of Carter’s failed policy and leadership.

Now, let us suppose that McCain is elected in 2008 and as a foregone conclusion; the Democrats maintain control of both Houses of Congress, we won’t really know who to blame for the resulting failed policies that will be the result. Of course, we all know that the Democrats will place the blame squarely on McCain so that in 2012, we either have a President Hillary Clinton or President Obama. So, in reality, a McCain victory in 2008, just delays the day of reckoning.

Also, if McCain wins in 2008, he will make sure that the Republican Party morphs ever closer into the Democrat Party as McCain forces it to become ever more bi-partisan.

Actually, I feel more and more every day that McCain really doesn’t seem to want to win the election, because his campaign has all of the oomph and spirit as a pair of my dirty socks lying on my bathroom floor, and he seems to be going out of his way to disrespect the conservative base of the Republican Party.

Therein lays the rub, because that leaves us with Obama and we all know that he totally lacks experience, and the very short time he spent in Afghanistan and Iran, along with the quick visits to Germany, France and England, does not count as foreign policy experience. Also, with his ideas for domestic policy, he will tax us into oblivion and turn us into the Socialist States of America, and there may be no coming back.

Therefore, let us all vote NONE OF THE ABOVE!

Remembering the days of our youth

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Come for Myspace comment codes, funny myspace comments, myspace comment images



Recently reported in the Massachusetts Bar Association Lawyers Journal the following questions were actually asked of witnesses by attorneys at trials. This is just another indication that even our brilliant lawyers are morons.

1.) “Now doctor, isn’t it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn’t know about it until the next morning?”

2.) “The youngest son, the twenty-year old, how old is he?”

3.) “Were you present when your picture was taken?”

4.) “Were you alone or by yourself?”

5.) “Was it you or your younger brother who was killed in the war?”

6.) “Did he kill you?”

7.) “How far apart were the vehicles at the time of the collision?”

8.) “You were there until the time you left, is that true?”

9.) “How many times have you committed suicide?”


I think it is true, the inmates ARE running the asylum. Morons and complete idiots have taken over every aspect of governmental control of the United States, from the local and State level all the way to the upper echelons of the federal government. If you doubt this, just take a look at some of the laws, statutes, regulations and official policies that have already been enacted and those that are awaiting to be voted on in city councils, town boards, State and national legislatures, then ask yourselves, “Would normal intelligent individuals vote for such crap?”

The United States is being steered down the path of destruction by a bunch of insane dweeps that put all together, don’t have the mental I.Q. of an amoeba. I have to concur with Dr. Lyle Rossiter, an eminent psychiatrist, who states; “Liberal ideology is a mental disorder.” Rossiter says; “Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled angry children, they stomp their feet and rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a ‘nanny state’ government meet all their needs from cradle to grave.”

Do you honestly think that if our ‘esteemed’ legislators really understood human nature and had even a modicum of common sense, would create a society with rules and laws that over-regulates and over taxes the nation’s citizens, and morally and ethically corrupts their character and reduces them to nothing more than wards of the state – the way the liberals do?

Here are a few examples of what I mean:

A.) As the cost of a barrel of oil kept climbing, those in charge said, “We need to look toward renewable energy resources, such as bio-fuels,” thus, farmers started selling the bulk of their corn and wheat crops to be used to make bio-fuels.

Result: The cost of all food products started climbing through the roof, especially meats, butter, milk, cheese, etc., why? Because there were less feed grains to feed livestock, so live stock feed prices rose, which affected the price of meats and other products.

B.) What caused crude oil prices to rise in the first place? Well, those in charge said that there was an increased demand for oil by developing nations, such as India and China, which caused the increase in price for oil.

Yes, but who was it that demanded that we help other nations, such as India and China, to become developing nations? OUR GOVERNMENT! Why didn’t they stop to think that if China and India, along with other third world countries became “developed”, that it would put an added strain on the world’s energy resources?

C.) With every “free trade” agreement that the imbeciles in Washington, D.C. signed, they kept telling us that free trade and competition was good for America’s economy and good for business. Now please forgive my stupidity, but doesn’t free trade mean that we import goods from other countries without levying high import taxes on their goods, and they import goods from us without levying high import taxes on our goods? Well, apparently I am wrong; it means that our manufacturing companies move to the country that we signed the free trade agreement with, to take advantage of cheap labor.

Result: More and more American citizens lose good paying jobs, while the lower paying service oriented jobs are given to illegal immigrants, and the standard of living for all Americans goes down.

D.) This one is rich. As the price of gasoline climbed to over $4.00 a gallon due to the rise in crude oil prices, those in the know and in charge, informed us that in order to bring gasoline prices down, we all needed to cut way back in our driving to reduce the demand for gasoline, so, like dutiful citizens, we complied. According to recent statistics on Fox News, Americans have driven several billion miles less over the past month, which has caused gasoline prices to start coming down.

Result: Our government now says that “Since people are filling up their gas tanks fewer times, we aren’t getting enough money in gas tax revenues to repair roads and infrastructure.” So what is their brilliant solution? Raise the gasoline tax which will bring the price of gasoline back up, putting us right back where we were, “high gas prices.” What is the matter; they can’t cut all of the useless ‘pork barrel’ spending instead and use that money toward road and infrastructure repair? Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot, that would require thinking to reach that conclusion.

E.) Now here is a scary one for you, especially in light of the fact that the liberals are pushing for “UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE”. This is from the State of Oregon. Oregon has a State subsidized health care system. They also are the only State that has legalized ‘doctor assisted suicide’. A man who is a citizen of Oregon has a deadly form of cancer, which requires ‘chemo-therapy’. The man’s doctor says the patient “may have a chance of living five-years” if he has the chemo.

After submitting an application for the State funded insurance help for the chemo, the man received a letter from the health insurance system, telling him: “Chemo-therapy” is far too expensive for us to pay for it considering that you ‘may only have a five-year life expectancy, so therefore, we cannot pay for it. However, we will be more than happy to cover the cost of your doctor-assisted suicide, if you wish.” This is not made up folks; it was on Fox News this morning.

The State of Washington is now contemplating enacting a similar system and both Oregon and Washington are trying to influence the State of California to do likewise, so as to “add legitimacy” to their systems of health care. Could this be what we will all face if “Universal Health Care” is enacted in America?

Besides, universal health care will mean a huge increase in taxes placed on all Americans to pay for it, and the Liberals have already promised that they will make it available to illegal immigrants as well.

Add to this all of “Gay-Rights”, abortion rights, and ‘hate-crime’ legislation, along with all of the ‘politically correct’, inclusiveness and toleration legislation, and you can see where this country is headed.

The liberal nut cases have managed to morally, ethically and financially bankrupt America, while at the same time, pushing us ever closer to a ‘one world police state nanny government’.

Dear Lord, please wake me up and tell me this is all just a bad dream!

Monday, July 28, 2008


Come for Myspace comment codes, funny myspace comments, myspace comment images


A life-long Conservative was on his ‘death-bed’ with his family gathered around. In a feeble voice, he asked his son to bring him a ‘voter registration card’. Knowing that his father was just a few short hours away from meeting his Maker, his son asked him why he wanted the card. His father said that he wanted to change is party affiliation to Democrat.

His son said, “But dad you have been a staunch Conservative all your life, why do you want to change now?” His father said, “Son, I know I am dying, so wouldn’t it be better that our country loses a Democrat instead of a Conservative?”



By now, you have all heard of the shooting that took place at a Tennessee Unitarian Universalist church, over the weekend, which left two people dead. Now, before any one starts to call me cold hearted or whatever epitaph they choose, let me make it clear that I DO NOT condone the shooting in anyway, shape or form, and my prayers go out to the families and friends of those who were slain, but let me also say that I am not surprised, and I believe that we will see many more of these.

I am also fully aware that here in America, we have freedom of religion, which I am absolutely in favor of, BUT, it is my deep belief that NO church has the RIGHT to call themselves “Christian”, when they have a total and absolute disregard for the teachings of Holy Scripture or that feels that they can treat the Bible as a smorgasbord by picking and choosing what they will accept to believe and still call themselves Christian.

According to reports today, on Fox News, Jim D. Adkisson, the accused shooter, purposefully targeted this particular “church” because of his professed hatred of the liberal agenda, homosexuals, etc.

We have a Unitarian Universalist church about five miles from where I live, and I can assure you that even though they often claim to be Christian, and they have Christian hymnals, copies of the New Testament, and their “ministers” wear Christian style stoles, they are far from being a Christian Church. They perform ‘same-sex’ marriages, they support a woman’s right to murder their unborn children, they support the practice of ‘euthanasia’ (doctor assisted suicide) and they very often co-mingle various religious practices, such as witchcraft (Wicca), nature worship, Buddhism, etc. They even have condom dispensers in their restrooms. This so-called church has a lot in common with the type of One World Religion that the UN would like to set up.

As I said, I do not condone this shooting for whatever reason, but as I have stated in a previous blog posting, with the constant pushing for the forced acceptance of homosexuality and other forms of immorality, we will be seeing a lot more of this type of violence, as people are getting fed up with watching our once beautiful country being destroyed by liberals and their filthy and immoral agenda, and as they force their agenda onto every one, and if it continues, there may also be an escalation of the violence, as decent people snap and fight back in the only way they know how, because we certainly are not winning through the ballot box.

It is not something I want to see happen, but when liberals and their various demon possessed organizations (such as ACLU, Planned Parenthood and Gay rights organizations, just to name a few) manage to get all sorts of laws passed to keep Conservatives from ever winning a single battle, and we are unable to win at the polls, then it is just a question of either submitting or fighting back in whatever way one can.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Just to take a much needed break from all of the bad stuff in the world today, Munchkin and I have decided to dedicate today’s posting to my special blogger friend, “the local malcontent”, who recently got engaged, and to his fiancé Ms. Leti. You can view his blog site at:

They have set a tentative wedding date of December 27, 2008.

As my special ‘engagement gift’ to them I have posted the following videos.

May the blessings of our Lord and Saviour be upon them always and grant them many years.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Munchkin says:

Due to the climate of political correctness now pervading America, people from Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia are no longer to be referred to as Hillbillies.

You must now refer to them as APPALACHIAN – AMERICANS!

And furthermore,

Learn how to speak about women in a more politically correct way:

1. “She is not a ‘BABE’ or a ‘CHICK’ – she is a ‘BREASTED AMERICAN’.”

2. “She is not a ‘SCREAMER’ or a ‘MOANER’ – she is vocally ‘APPRECIATIVE’.”

3. “She is not ‘EASY’ – she is ‘HORIZONTALLY ACCESSIBLE’.”



6. “She is not an ‘AIRHEAD’ – she is ‘REALITY IMPAIRED’.”

7. “She does not get ‘DRUNK’ or ‘TIPSY’ – she gets ‘CHEMICALLY INCONVENICE’.”

8. “She does not have ‘BREAST IMPLANTS’ – she is ‘MEDICALLY ENHANCED’.”

9. “She does not ‘NAG’ – she is ‘VERBALLY REPETITIVE’.”

10. “She is not a ‘TWO-BIT HOOKER’ – she is a ‘LOW COST PROVIDER’.”


1. “He does not have a ‘BEER GUT’ – he has developed a ‘LIQUID GRAIN STORAGE FACILITY’.”

2. “He is not a ‘BAD DANCER’ – he is ‘OVERLY CAUCASIAN’.”

3. “He is not ‘BALDING’ – he is in ‘FOLLICLE REGRESSION’.”

4. “He does not act like a ‘TOTAL ASS’ – he has developed a case of ‘RECTAL-CRANIAL INVERSION’.”

5. “It is not his “CRACK” you see sticking out of the back of his pants – it is ‘REAR CLEAVAGE’.”

Friday, July 25, 2008



“I don’t suffer from insanity. I am enjoying every minute of it.”

Because of the following, “Munchkin’s Saturday Corner” will appear on Sunday instead.


That’s right, if Senate Bill S.2433 is passed, every single American will have to pay $2,500.00. The plan sponsored by Barrack Obama has an estimated cost of a whopping $845 billion dollars over the coming few years. It is an effort to raise the standard of living around the globe (sure, while lowering the standard of living here in America).

A version of this bill has already been passed in the House and is now awaiting a date for debate in the Senate. This proposal DEMANDS that the president develop and “implement” a policy to cut extreme global poverty by half through aid, trade, and debt relief by the year 2015.

Even though the Global Poverty Act sounds warm and fuzzy on its face, if it is implemented, it could result in the imposition of a global tax on the United States and we would become subservient to the dictates of the U.N., concerning the levels of our foreign aid spending. Implementation of this bill will not only sap our national sovereignty concerning how much we must spend on foreign aid, but it would further weaken not only our national sovereignty, but also our Constitutional rights, as it will force the United States to adopt ALL of the United Nations Millennium Goals, which includes a plethora of treaties and protocols being pushed by the U.N., and one of these is a global ban on all small arms, meaning an end to our Second Amendment Right. Check out the following video.

Can anyone please explain to me, why our elected Representatives and Senators are passing bills when they have no idea of what the hell is in them or what they entail? Some of these morons are selling us out and committing treason willfully and knowingly and the rest are doing it through utter ignorance.

Is there any doubt that Obama is running for President of the World?


Thursday, July 24, 2008




A Bill and Jody met a Hilton Head and fell madly in love. They were discussing how they would continue their relationship after their respective vacations were over. Bill said; “It’s only fair to warn you, Jody, I am a golf nut. I live, eat, sleep and breathe golf.”

“Well, since you are being honest, so will I.” Jody said. “I’m a hooker.”

“I see.” Bill said, frowning. Then he smiled and said; “Perhaps it is because you are not keeping your wrists straight when you hit the ball.”





Have you noticed that as Barrack Obamessiah was farting around Berlin, doing his utmost to imitate Presidents Kennedy and Reagan, that in his “sermon on the mount”, even though he made one reference to the fact that he was “a proud citizen of the United States”, he kept pushing how we are all “citizens of the world”, and in many ways he was dising the U.S. by making jabs at the use of torture. I couldn’t figure out if he is running for president of the U.S. or Leader of the world.

Also, he failed to pay a visit to our sick and injured troops in the military hospital at nearby Rammstein and Landstuhl, preferring the roar of his adoring German public instead. He claims that it would have been inappropriate and illegal to use campaign funds to visit our brave men and women who were injured fighting for our country.

Excuuuuuse me, but if it would have been illegal and inappropriate to use campaign funds to visit our injured troops in the military hospital in Germany, then how come it isn’t illegal or inappropriate to use campaign funds to campaign in Germany, and it seems to have been legal to visit the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Hmmmmmm!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008



Driving Infraction:

A policeman couldn’t believe his eyes as he saw a woman drive past him, while busily knitting. He quickly pulled along side her moving vehicle, wound down his window and shouted “Pull over!”

The woman replied, “No, they’re socks!”

Something new to make you go hmmmmm…

First it was the disappearance of the flag lapel pin, and then it was the refusal to place his hand over his heart during the pledge or singing of the National Anthem. Now we have the disappearance of the American flag from his official campaign plane.

After a month of being made-over, Barrack Obama’s official campaign 757 emerged with the painted American flag removed from its tail section, replaced with Obama’s “O” trademark symbol in red, white and blue.

Most official U.S. government aircraft, including Air Force One, bear the U.S. flag on their tails.

The plane also has Obamasan’s anthem: “Change we can believe in”, along with his website address.

Am I the only one, or do you also get the feeling that this president “wanna be” is ashamed of being an American? Hmmmmm…



As Congress takes up the issue of “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy concerning gays in the military, the Washington Post/ABC News is attempting shape public opinion in favor of allowing homosexuals to openly serve in the military. According to their survey, 75% of Americans believe that homosexuals who are open about their sexual orientation should be allowed to serve in the military, a figure that is up from 62% in 2001.

The president for the Center for Military Readiness, Elaine Donnelly, states that there are several flaws in the poll. She says, “One of the biggest flaws assumes the validity of Bill Clinton’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, which is not the 1993 law passed by Congress that strictly forbids homosexuals from military service.” Ms. Donnelly says the poll should have been worded: “Should the military require as a matter of policy forced co-habitation between homosexuals and heterosexuals in all military units?” “If they had asked the question that way, I believe they would have gotten a different answer.” Donnelly also said that the poll should only have been given to members of the military – not to the civilian population as a whole.

My opinion on this is, if the homosexuals are so adamant about serving in the military, then put them in a unit of their own and place them on the front lines. Perhaps they can be called the Pansy Brigade or the Lavender Chargers.



Document forensic expert claims: “OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE IS A HORRIBLE FORGERY.”

Could it be possible that technically, Barrack Obama is not eligible to hold the office of President of the United States?

The birth certificate in question was published by the Daily KOS, a far left liberal website, on June 12th in response to some unconfirmed reports that Obama was not born in the United States. Two possible countries of birth were suggested to be either Canada or Kenya. If that in fact is the case, and considering the fact that his mother was not present in the U.S. long enough as an adult to pass American citizenship on to him automatically, would mean that he is not a natural born citizen which would make him Constitutionally ineligible to be president.

Please click on the following link for the full story

Now This:


Dr. Packer, a well known Christian theologian and a Board of Governors Professor of Theology at Regent College in Vancouver, is one theologian who has no fear of standing up and speaking out in defense of Holy Scripture and the Christian faith.

Click on the following link to read what he has to say concerning homosexuality;

Monday, July 21, 2008



I wish that you will each click on the following link and read the tragic story of 15 year-old Lawrence King of Oxnard, California, (yes, the little boy to the left was 15 years-old) a student at E.O. Green Junior High School, who was shot to death in a classroom on February 12th, by a fellow student, 14 year-old Brandon McInerney, because of his flamboyant behavior.

This is a rather long article, but I feel that it must be read, not only because it is a tragedy, but also because there is a much deeper lesson here that should be learned, not so much for those of you who regularly read my blog, but by those of you who are liberals and drop by to “lurk” so to speak. The things that this boy was doing, how he was dressing, etc., were never dealt with properly, not by his teachers, not by the school administrators, not by any of the counselors who saw him, and most certainly not by child welfare services. This young boy needed some real drastic help, but what he got instead was liberal affirmation of his abhorrent behavior.

After reading the article, please back click to return to this blog to read my commentary on the article.

Please click here for the article:


You all know my view on homosexuality by now. As an Orthodox Catholic priest, I believe God’s Word, when He says; “If a man lies with a man as with a woman, it is an abomination in the eyes of God,” and all of the other references in Holy Scripture that says homosexuality is a sin, but I do not condone the cold blooded murder of anyone.

Larry was a truly troubled boy who came from a very troubled background, and I believe that if the school officials and other authorities had given him the psychiatric help he needed, instead of operating under “politically correct” rules and mandates, perhaps Larry would be alive today.

I’m sorry, but homosexuality is a disorder and even if one does not believe in God or a religion, commonsense tells you that homosexuality is not natural. The very concept of two males or two females boinking each other is too disgusting and vile to even contemplate. Being gay is not something to be proud of, nor is it something to be upheld as a wonderful alternative life style. Despite all of the political correct pressure being put on society, forcing us to accept homosexuality and to be tolerant of it, I am afraid that even though a vast number of heterosexuals will say that homosexuality should be accept and that they see nothing wrong with “same-sex” marriages or that they support same-sex unions, I can assure you that deep down in side, that is NOT how they really feel. They are just as disgusted by it as I am, but they refuse to say so out of fear of being branded a bigot or homophobe, and the possibility of facing hate-crimes charges.

If even young children feel revolted by having a same-sex playmate coming “on” to them, despite the fact that they are being taught in school that they must accept homosexuals, should tell you something. No amount of liberal politically correct laws enacted, can force anyone into accepting and tolerating that which goes against nature and morality.

Pass all the laws you want, but I guarantee that you will see many, many more deaths like Larry King’s, because deep down inside, people are disgusted and revolted by all of the “in your face” flamboyant homosexual behavior. Why do you think Matthew Shepherd was so brutally murdered? It wasn’t so much because he was gay; as it was that he was out in a bar and trying to hit on guys in the bar. Any normal heterosexual male who is hit on by a gay male, especially in a public place and in front of his friends, would find the action to be so repugnant and embarrassing to the point that they react violently, and this goes for teens and pre-teens. It may not be right, but it is a fact.

I honestly believe that it is time for society to start re-thinking how we should react toward homosexuals. When it comes to pedophiles, society treats them like criminals, tossing them into prison and forcing psychiatric help on them and going so far as to harass them in society, even though many of them “were born that way”, yet when it comes to homosexuals, they say “We were born that way”, so society is then forced to pass laws giving them all sorts of special “rights”. This has got to stop or I can guarantee that society will start to see more and more murders of homosexuals, both kids and adults.

The blood of young Larry King is not only on the hands of fourteen year-old Brandon McInerney, but also on the hands of all those who remained silent in the face of liberal political correct madness.

Remember, the Bible does say; “The wages of sin is death.”