Thursday, July 10, 2008



We have viewed Barrack Obama as an empty head in an empty suit. All that the majority of the American people knew about Obama is that he talked a good game and that he was for “CHANGE.” To the brain dead liberals, this was enough for them to elect him to be the Democrat nominee for the highest office in the land. But now, slowly, the real Obama is beginning to emerge from the dark-side into the light of day.

We are beginning to see the true Obama and no thanks to the MSM. We are getting it straight from “the horse’s mouth”, so-to-speak. We can get a glimpse of the real Obama through his own words in his books, and stuff he says in his speeches just by checking out YOU TUBE, and his latest “foot-in-mouth” gaff is really the ‘cat’s meow’. Forget the fact that the rest of the world is learning to speak English, Obama wants our children to learn Spanish! Our citizens have already been dumbed down by our screwed up education system with all of the liberal ‘warm fuzzy’ feel good programs, now Obama wants us to forget about our culture and be prepared to be assimilated into the Hispanic culture which is headed toward a community near you because the liberals are more than happy to turn a blind eye to the millions of illegal immigrants who keep pouring across our border. Rather then take steps to rectify the situation by enforcing the immigration laws which already exist on the books (heaven forbid, if we did that, we would be branded as racists), the liberals would rather that we just simply learn the language of those who will conquer us just by their sheer numbers. Check this out:

Tell me that wasn’t just one hell of an asinine speech. Yes sireee, Obama has one foot in his mouth and his head up his ass. As far as I am concerned, Obama is proving that he is NOT ready to be president of the U.S., and the U.S. is not ready for him. Our kids do not need to be told that they must learn Spanish, hell, most of them today, are unable to speak, read or write proper English, and unless they learn to do so, they cannot become contributing citizens of our American society.

When one stops to consider that English has become the “universal” language of international business, one can see why those in other nations learn English. Only in America, a nation that was founded on English would a left-wing nut case like Barrack Obama tell Americans that their children should learn Spanish.

Oh, I know why, Obama is just looking out for our well-being. You see, after we have lost all of our jobs in restaurants, fast-food places like Subway, Burger King, McDonald’s; and after all of our other service oriented jobs have all been taken over by illegal immigrants, we will be able to place orders and have our needs met by speaking to the new help in their language. God bless you Barrack and thanks for looking out for us.



Throwing out any pretense of being neutral in the culture war, McDonald’s has taken up the rhetoric of gay activists, suggesting that those who oppose same-sex marriage (SSM) are motivated by hate.

The American Family Association has asked for a boycott of McDonald’s restaurants because of the company’s promotion of the gay agenda. The AFA asked McDonald’s to remain neutral in the culture war. McDonald’s refused.

In response to the boycott, McDonald’s spokesman Bill Whitman suggested to the Washington Post that those who oppose SSM are motivated by hate, saying “. . . hatred has no place in our culture.” McDonald’s has decided to adopt the “hate” theme used by the gay activist groups for years. (Being intolerant of anything has no place in our culture, but apparently all sorts of immorality does).

Whitman went on to say, “We stand by and support our people to live and work in a society free of discrimination and harassment.” (I wonder if Mr. Whitman and McDonald’s would be just as accommodating of pedophiles and those who practice other unnatural and immoral acts.) Whitman has intentionally avoided addressing the reason for the boycott. This boycott is not about hiring gays or how gay employees are treated. It is about McDonald’s CHOOSING TO PUT THE FULL WEIGHT OF THEIR CORPORATION BEHIND PROMOTING THE GAY AGENDA.

McDonald’s donated $20,000 to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce in exchange for membership and a seat on the group’s board of directors. The NGLCC lobbies Congress in support of same-sex marriage. (Is it any wonder that Congress refuses to pass a Constitutional Amendment that would make SSM illegal in the United States?)


Sign the online Boycott McDonald's petition.

Forward this information to family and friends and ask them to sign the petition.

Print and distribute the Boycott McDonald’s petition.

Call your local McDonald’s. Speak with the Manager. Tell him/her in a polite manner that you will be boycotting McDonald’s until they stop promoting the pro-homosexual agenda. To find the phone number of your nearest McDonald’s, click here.

Thank you for caring enough to get involved. If you feel our efforts are worthy of support, would you consider making a small tax-deductible contribution to help us continue?



Donald E. Wildmon,
Founder and Chairman
American Family Association