Wednesday, July 16, 2008




As many of you know, a few days ago I posted an article about efforts in the United Nations to criminalize Christianity world wide. I also posted an article about a homosexual sodomite who is in the process of suing two Bible Publishers for a total of $70,000,000.00, claiming that they deliberately misinterpreted the Bible to make homosexuality a sin.

Now, it is evident that there is a much bigger push going on here in the United States to ban the Bible and in essence, outlaw Christianity. A major U.S. city has officially condemned the Catholic Church, but those of you who belong to various traditional Protestant and Baptist churches, better not think it won’t happen to you. This is how it started in Nazi Germany. Adolph Hitler and his henchmen started blaming the Jews for all of their ills. This condemnation of the Jews started out a little here and a little there, slowly spreading into a holocaust that claimed the lives of 6,000,000 Jews in the “death camps”. In the beginning, the Jewish people remained silent, dismissing Hitler’s words as of being no big deal, until it was too late. I pray that Christians of all denominations will not make the same mistake. Do not let political correctness and a false Christianity cow you into silence. We MUST stand up and speak-out against this travesty, and if need be, take action to defend our right to worship and believe, and just possibly to defend our very lives.

This is not a joke folks, I am totally serious. The following is what I am talking about:

A San Francisco city and county board passed a resolution that officially labeled the Catholic Church’s teachings on homosexuality as being “insulting to all San Franciscans,” “hateful,” “defamatory,” “insensitive” and “ignorant”. This resolution (#168-08) was unanimously passed two years ago by the City and County of San Francisco Board of Supervisors. They also accused the Vatican of being a “foreign country” meddling with and attempting to “negatively influence San Francisco’s existing and established customs.”

The resolution also made an insulting and disrespectful remark concerning the former Archbishop of San Francisco, Cardinal Levada, saying: “Cardinal Levada is a decidedly unqualified representative of his former home city, and of the people of San Francisco and the values they hold dear.” Since when is sodomy and homosexuality a value to be held dear?

This vile resolution is being challenged in court today on grounds that it violates the U.S. Constitution’s prohibition of government hostility toward religion. When this anti-Catholic filth had been previously challenged in U.S. District Court, District Judge Marilyn Hall Patel ruled in favor of the city, stating in essence, “the church started it.”

Patel’s ruling says that the Church ‘provoked the debate’ by publicly expressing its moral teaching, and that by passing the resolution the City responded ‘responsibly’ to all of the ‘terrible’ things the Church was saying. This ruling itself displays a deep hostility toward the Catholic Church on the part of the judge.

It is my belief that the homosexual activists who hold positions of authority in San Francisco have over stepped their bounds and have abused their authority as government officials to attack the Catholic Church.

The openly homosexual California Assemblyman Mark Leno, had this to say about Christians: "they're loud, they're obnoxious, they're disgusting, and they should get out of San Francisco." Well sir, what do you think you perverts are? As un-Christian as it may sound, my fervent prayer is for San Francisco to be turned to rubble by a massive earthquake and then reduced to ashes by an all consuming fire.

Believe it or not, courts in both Colorado and Michigan are currently debating the question of whether the Bible itself can be declared “hate speech” for it’s condemnation of homosexuality, and Canada has formed human rights commissions which have ruled that citizens of Canada CANNOT express opposition to homosexuality without fear of government reprisal. So, as you can plainly see, the majority of citizens around the world are being stomped on by a small minority of the world’s population (gays only make up 10% of the world population).

We constantly hear the fags complain how Christians are intolerant and hateful, but I ask you, who are the real intolerant and hateful ones? If these attacks on Christians keeps up, I am afraid that there WILL be a backlash against the gays and lesbians that will lead to gay bashing like this world has never seen, and they will have only themselves to blame. As the Bible says, homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God, but the various churches and our courts have bent over backwards to placate the queers which, I believe, has brought condemnation on our nation. It was bad enough when our highest court legalized the whole sale murder of millions of innocent unborn children, but now we have city after city, state after state giving their legal approval to a sick, disgusting, vulgar, and totally unnatural life-style. Why do you think California is slowly being reduced to ashes, while many other parts of the country are being destroyed through more and more violent tornadoes, hurricanes and floods? Why do you think the economy of this nation is going down the crapper? Scoff and deny all you want, but it will not change the fact that this country is facing a warning and if we allow the continued forced acceptance of homosexual filth to permeate our society, and as long as we continue to allow the wholesale destruction of our future citizens, things WILL continue to get worse until we either turn back to those moral values, the laws of Almighty God, upon which this nation was founded, or until we are completely destroyed.

But it gets even worse:

It is bad enough when we have the Islamists and the sodomite fags attacking Christianity and attempting to have Christianity declared illegal, but it is worse yet when we have Church leaders themselves attacking the very religion and church that they are leaders of. Case in point;

The Archbishop of Canterbury (head of the Church of England), Rowan Williams, has declared Christian doctrine is offensive to Muslims. This mental midget and moral reprobate also criticized Christianity’s history of violence and use of harsh punishments (and just what does he think Islam is doing?).

Williams made his shocking remarks in a highly conciliatory letter to Islamic leaders, calling for an alliance between the two religions “for the common good.” Can you say “Judas?”

His religiously treasonous statements come on the heels of his pronouncement earlier this year that a place should be found for Islamic Sharia Law in the British legal system.

Williams stated that the Christian belief in the Trinity-that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit- is difficult, and offensive to Muslims and that this Trinitarian doctrine conflicts with the Muslim view that there is just one all-powerful God, Allah. So this idiot feels that we should change thousands of years of Christian belief and doctrine to placate Muslims? Hey Williams, you moron, Christianity and the Holy Scriptures have been in existence far longer then Islam. Their beliefs are offensive to TRUE Christians, so why don’t they change their doctrines?

Just how much longer are TRUE Christians going to remain silent, how much longer are they going to sit on their hands and do nothing? If the TRUE Christians do not have the moral and spiritual backbone to stand up and fight back, even if it means having to throw your priests and ministers, who insist on preaching false and feel good gospels, out on their collective asses, do you honestly think Jesus Christ will accept you? Christianity CANNOT co-exist side-by-side with evil.