Friday, July 18, 2008


Come for Myspace comment codes, funny myspace comments, myspace comment images

Life is often chock full of Kodak moments. Some are down right funny and sometimes they can be “wet your pants scary”, but either way, they take our minds off of dumb stuff that assails us on a daily basis. Like I often tell my Daddy, you just got stop and sniff a tree once in awhile and take a look around you, and hope and pray you remembered to bring your camera.

Here are some examples of what I mean:

Every so often, we need to remind the police just who is paying their salary and who they work for.

Sometimes ya just got to lay down with the old broad under the shade of the apple tree for a short nap while you let the world turn without for a while.

As they say, “Birds of a feather will flock together.”

As is often said, “The devil makes work for idle hands.”

Pilot to tower, “Are you sure the mechanic double checked everything?”

Gee whiz, I don’t think that this is the way a ‘triple axle’ is supposed to turn out!

Bye-Bye until next week
