Monday, May 7, 2007


“Just Hitting Another

Brick Wall”

Hezbollah Admits that Rockets fired into Israel was directed by Iran:

Direct Iranian approval is required for all of Hezbollah’s policies concerning Israel, including the firing of rockets into Israeli population centers.

This is the admission of a senior Hezbollah official, Sheikh Naim Qassem, the deputy chief of Hezbollah, made in an Arabic interview which was translated by the Information and Terrorism Center at Israel’s Center for Special Studies.

According to the Center, “the ruling jurisprudent,” or “al-wali al- faqih” in Arabic, is the title of the Supreme Iranian Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

In the interview, given last month to the Al-Kawthar, Iranian Arabic-language TV channel, Qassem says Khamenei’s authority is crucial for all of Hezbollah’s operations, since the ruling jurisprudent is the “one who allows and the one who prohibits.” He also said that Kamenei also approves all acts of suicide terror. “Even for acts of suicide for the sake of Allah – no one may kill himself without a jurisprudent permission from Kamenei

“Abouna” Gregori