Thursday, May 10, 2007


An Open Letter of Warning to All Priests, Ministers and Pastors Who Insist on Selling – Out America and Leading People to Sin:

Woe be to you wolves in sheep’s clothing! Woe to you who insist on leading God’s people on the path of perdition!

You priests, ministers and pastors, who call yourselves “men of God”, but who teach your sheep to violate the laws of their land by urging them to hide and give sanctuary to those who break and disrespect our nations laws and sovereignty, and telling them that it is God’s will or it is what Jesus wants us to do, you are fools and liars! Jesus NEVER taught his followers to break the law.

It is false teachers like you who are helping to “SELL OUT” our country. It is fools like you who are helping to push us right into the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT which Holy Scripture warns about.

You claim to be men of Christ, but you are liars and deceivers. You are men and followers of the ANTICHRIST. You do not preach the Word of God; instead you are preaching a different gospel.

For years, you so-called priests, ministers and pastors have perverted, twisted and re-interpreted God’s Word to suit your own deranged and ungodly purposes and to tickle the ears of your followers who don’t want to hear that they are sinners.

Instead of preaching repentance, you preach acceptance. Acceptance of all types of immoral, unnatural and sinful behavior, then you compound your sin and evil by asking God and the Holy Spirit to Bless the very behavior that God Himself has declared to be an abomination. That is BLASPHEMY plain and simple.

What you have been doing over the years has made you guilty of aiding and abetting in the destruction of the moral fiber of this nation. You are guilty of aiding and abetting in the destruction of the traditional family, aiding and abetting in the loss of respect for life and, aiding and abetting in the loss of self-respect and respect for others. Now, in your urging of “sanctuary” for law breakers, you are guilty of aiding and abetting in TREASON, because you are urging people to sell out their own countries sovereignty and national security.

If you care at all for your own immortal souls and the souls of your followers, I strongly urge you to REPENT NOW, before it is too late. Turn away from your sinful and perverse teachings and start teaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. The time is fast approaching when it will be TOO LATE, and when that day comes, you will not only have to answer for your own sins, but you WILL be held responsible for the souls of all those whom you led astray.

Now This:

Does God Exist? The Eternal Debate:

I don’t know how many of you watched the debate over the existence of God, held between two Christian Evangelists, former child star Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort on one side and two avowed atheists, Brian Sapient and his partner Kelly, who head an atheist Organization called the Rational Response Squad, which aired on the ABC “NIGHTLINE” program last night, hosted by Martin Bashir, but I believe that both Cameron and Comfort did a fairly good job in their side of the debate for proving that there is a God. However, I do also believe that they could have done better.

It seems that more and more people today are turning to atheism and accepting the theory of evolution that somehow came as a result of a big cosmic explosion. Some of these people use the argument of all the suffering in the world from diseases, war, hunger, etc, stating that if there was a God, why would He allow such things to go on?

To that question, let me say that God created a perfect universe and mankind was created with a “Free Will”. God did not create us to be automatons or robots that obeyed upon command. No, God wanted us to choose freely of our own volition, to accept Him and to obey His laws. He did lay out plainly what would happen if we chose to disobey and go our own way.

When Adam and Eve chose to disobey God and to follow Satan, they brought sin into the world, which not only corrupted their own nature, but it also corrupted all of creation. This corruption of all creation is what allowed suffering and death to come into the world. Since we are all descended from Adam and Eve, we are all born with the tendency toward sin and disobedience and it is for this reason that even “good people” suffer from “bad things”.

To be honest, none of us is perfect or without sin. In one way or another, we all sin. Holy Scripture tells us that the wages of sin is death, which is both physical death and spiritual death for those who remain unrepentant. Along with death, suffering through disease, war famine and natural disasters entered into Creation. Only when Jesus returns to reclaim the world as King of kings and Lord of lords, will He restore all of Creation to its original state of perfection. A state of perfect existence that is free from disease, free from war and free from all forms of suffering.

To those who believe in the Theory of Evolution, it is just that, a THEORY and a flawed one at that. If evolution was a fact and to be believed, it would be an on going process which would mean that there would have to be living examples of evolution in progress. As Kirk Cameron stated, "Where are the living examples of one species of animals or humans evolving into a different species?" There are none, not even in the fossil record. As a matter of fact, if you find a fossil of a snail that is millions of years old, it looks exactly like a living snail today, a fossil of a fish that lived millions of years ago, looks very much like fish that exist today. Why? Because snails are snails and fish are fish and always have been and always will be.

Oh sure, many different species have gone extinct (they died off), they didn't just suddenly or slowly morph or evolve into something else. There just is not any good proof for the theory of evolution. It is much easier, and makes more sense to believe in a Creator then to believe that there was a Big Cosmic Explosion that caused everything to fall so perfectly into place and in just the right proportions as to cause life to come into existence and then, over time we evolved from primordial slime into an intelligent being capable of exploring not only our own world but the heavens also. If the Big Bang were true, then does that not mean that after all of the bombs and explosions that man has set off, that at least one of those explosions producing a perfect work of art or some new form of life? How come all we get is a mess of destruction?

As far as I am concerned, there is no debate, God exists! You may not believe in God, but God believes in you. If He didn't, you wouldn't be here. God does NOT require your belief in Him for Him to exist, but you require God's belief in you for you to exist. Enough said.

“Abouna” Gregori