Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Today, I am introducing a NEW award. It is the “WRATH OF GOD” Award.

I am presenting it to all individuals involved in the stories in this posting:

Click on the title to read the story

“Cross-Dressing” Day canceled:

The War on Christmas continues!

No Red and Green Lights

A special task force in one Colorado City is recommending the banning of red and green lights during the Christmas Holiday because they are “TOO RELIGIOUS”!

A spokesman for the committee, Seth Anthony, said that even though the language in the recommendation does not specifically mention Christmas trees by name, they would NOT fall within ACCEPTABLE decorations.

Anthony further stated: “What will be allowed are white lights and ‘secular symbols’ not associated with ‘any particular holiday’ such as icicles, unadorned greenery and snowflakes.”

The only apparent exception to the completely secular rule will be the FORT COLLINS MUSEUM, where a “multicultural display” of symbols and objects would be collected to represent Christmas, Diwali, Kwanzaa and Hanukkah among others. Isn’t it amazing that in a nation founded on Judeo/Christian principles, now wants to relegate traditional Christmas displays and decorations to a MUSEUM!

Seth Anthony says: “Some symbols, even though the Supreme Court has declared that in many contexts they are secular symbols, we feel that they often still send a message to some members of the community that they and their traditions are not valued and not wanted.” Hey Seth, just what the hell message do you think you are sending to Christians?

“No Virginia, there is no Santa Clause, he, along with the Baby Jesus, has been put to death by the order of ‘Political Correctness’ and all of the elves have been arrested and exiled to China to make dangerous and contaminated toys.”

Ok, are you ready for this? Even the “Food Police” over in England are getting into the War on Christmas!

Santa’s New Look

The Food Police in England don’t want a fat Jolly Ol’ St. Nick in their malls and stores, because he sets a bad example for kids. They want a leaner and trimmer Santa.

Some dizzy, emaciated ding bat blond by the name of Mimi Roth, was pushing for the same thing, on the Cavuto show on the Fox News channel, to be adopted here in the United States. Hey,FOOD NAZIS”, leave Santa alone and keep the hell out of our food cupboards and our refrigerators!

Now I hope that you enjoy the following, which was sent to me by my good friend Pam at Midnight Musings. This is what Christmas is all about.