Thursday, November 15, 2007


Are You ready for another trip through insanity? Then come with me for a trip down

Did you know that the Las Vegas Police Department considers the Minute Men organization to be a “Subversive” group?

Take a look at this line from the Las Vegas Police Department’s 16 page job application and background check form:

#57. Have you, your spouse, any members of your family, or any members of your spouse’s family ever been associated with gangs or subversive groups (Minutemen, Aryan Brotherhood, etc.)

YES/NO – If yes, explain in a separate statement.

Did you get that? The Las Vegas P.D. has labeled the Minutemen -- the pro-law enforcement American patriots who are willing to do the job on our borders that the Federal government refused to do -- as a hate group on their employment application.


When the little tykes hear Santa Clause say: Ho, Ho, Ho, is the first thought, in their little minds, prostitution?

According to the Westaff recruitment firm which has offices in both the U.S. and Australia that phrase “Ho, Ho, Ho” could frighten children and it may also be derogatory to women, so they are telling their Christmas ‘Santa’ trainees to use the more “politically correct” “Ha, Ha, Ha”.

Click on Santa Claws to read the whole story.

How Much Do You Know About Israel?

Check out the video.

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