Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I’m Back! Did Ya Miss ME?

I will need a day or two to catch up with the world.


After having gone through three days of fever over 102 degrees and suffering from dehydration, I may have fried a few brain cells (of course there are those who say they can’t tell the difference) so right now, everything seems to be a little surreal. It was kinda like being on an acid “trip”, only without the acid.

Here is what I do remember so far:

A. As we continue to lose more jobs across the U.S. due to the “Free Trade” Agreements (especially NAFTA), McCain insists that the U.S. negotiated those agreements in “good faith”, therefore, he will continue to honor them and he plans on signing more, because we owe it to our ‘good friends’ to our North and South.

Hillary, who was a huge supporter of NAFTA, which was signed by her husband when he was President, now claims that she wants to re-negotiate that treaty, but of course, she is well known for saying what the people want to hear just to get elected, so if she is elected will she follow through?

Now for that wonderful Irish lad, Obama. There was some mention on the news that one of his top people went to have a bit-O-the chat with a Canadian delegate to the U.S. to assure the Canadian people that all this talk they be hearin’ in regard to scraping or re-negotiating NAFTA on Obama’s part is just political talk to get elected, he don’t plan to really do anything about NAFTA after he is elected.

There you have it, our government feels that the U.S. “owes” more to Canada and Mexico then it does to its own citizens.

B. About two weeks ago (maybe three) Hillary proposed garnisheeing the wages of those who refuse her “Universal Health Insurance” plan. She even made the statement a second time before a large group in Texas. Well guess what? This woman (and I use the term loosely) is proving that she speaks with a forked tongue by claiming that she NEVER made such a statement.

Ya know what I think? I think things looked so much better while I was burning up with a fever.