Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Something to Think About


A man wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made absolutely no sense to go to church every Sunday.

“I have gone for thirty years now,” he wrote, “and in all that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can’t remember a single one of them. So I think I am wasting my time… and the pastors are wasting theirs by giving those sermons at all.”

Well, this started a real controversy in the “Letters to the Editor” section, much to the delight of the editor. The debates went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher:

“I have been married for thirty years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But for the life of me, I cannot recall what the menu was for a single one of those meals. But I do know this: they all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to go to work, and if my wife had not given me those meals, I would probably be dead today.”

No further comments were made on the sermon posting.


Well, it appears that the Hildebeast has been declared the winner of the Hew Hampshire primary (pardon me while I up chuck).

Can someone please explain to me why it is that people are so damned eager to have their taxes raised, to have their rights as parents diminished, their country turned into a socialistic nightmare state?

These dregs of humanity that are so eager to run for office are so damned transparent it isn’t funny. It must be that too many people in this country are deaf, dumb and blind or just plain stupid.

You have Hillary who constantly claims all sorts of experience, just because she was first biatch for eight years. The only experience she has is in Bull $%#ting people. A brilliant woman and politician? Not by a long shot, and neither is her husband. Keep in mind the saying: “If you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your BS.”

Hillary came right out and said that she wants to take things away from us for the good of America. She came right out and said that she wants to take profits away from oil companies and large corporations. Is this the kind of America you really want to live in?

Pretty boy Edwards likes to rail on about how we live in two Americas, one rich and one poor and how he “feels” for the poor guys. Hog wash; this ambulance chasing schmuck lives in a multi-million dollar home that he had built across from some homes where poor folks live and he don’t want to have anything to do with them.

You have Barrack Obama who can’t wait to get elected so that he can immediately pull our troops out of Iraq and he is even more far left liberal then Hillary. He claims to be Christian, but the church he attends preaches racism and hatred against whites and black separatism.

On the other side, there is McCain who wants us to treat terrorist prisoners with love and kindness and who wants to grant amnesty to every illegal immigrant who has snuck into our country.

There is Ruddy who talks constantly about how he was mayor of NYC during the 9/11 attack and how he is a secure border/homeland security guy, yet he is for open borders and he supports sanctuary cities, same-sex marriages and stricter gun control laws, as well as a woman’s right to abortion. This is a Republican?

And what about Huckabee, with all of his high number of pardons and clemencies, his bitching about Gitmo and pandering to the left?

Think about people. Is this the best we can do and is it really better to vote for the lesser of two evils just to keep the worst evil out? Wouldn’t it be better if we all got some gonads, stand up and shout loud and clear “WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH AND WE AREN’T GOING TO TAKE IT ANY MORE?” Then go out and find someone who really cares about America and upholding our Constitution. Come on people, this is our country and our government. It doesn’t belong to the politicians.

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