Monday, January 21, 2008


Some of you have taken the time and effort to read the Articles I wrote and posted every Thursday, titled ‘AWAKE YOU WHO SLEEP’ which dealt with the on going efforts from the past through the present to establish a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT to enslave every man women and child in the world.

These diabolical plans are now being pushed forward with ever greater effort, and the closer we get to the final shove, you will notice less and less difference between the two political parties as they morf into one. Those of you who eyes to see and ears to hear, will fully begin to realize that you have lost so many of your rights and freedoms that you had taken for granted, and the saddest realization will be that it is now too late to do anything about it. You have buried your heads in the sand once too often.

The only question now is: “What are you prepared to do to save your soul, are you prepared to face the horrors and persecutions that are soon to follow?” The stage has been set for our merger with Mexico according to the terms which have already been agreed upon in the NAFTA Treaty between Mexico, Canada and the United States. So, take a deep breath because the worst is still to come.

I will be posting the “Zeitgeist the Movie” in five parts every Tuesday, starting with Part One today. These videos give a more concise interpretation of the ‘AWAKE’ articles I had posted.

I have warned over and over again, what was coming. I have tried to the best of my ability to be the “WATCHMAN ON THE WALL”, but no wanted to listen, so let these videos be a warning. The next move is up to you, what you choose to do to save your immortal soul and that of your loved ones is entirely up to you. There are only two choices, you can head to the hills and survive off the land as best you can or you can succumb to the system and receive your chip, and if you are a Christian, you know what that will mean. Need I say more?

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