Wednesday, January 16, 2008



Well, I guess I’ll have to dig out my “high-water waders”, because the B.S. is really getting deep. I was just listening to the Kool-aid drinking, brain dead liberal morons who were doing the “Real Politics” polling for the Democrats following their latest debate.

The “Hildabeast” had just called President G.W. Bush “Pathetic” for having asked the Saudis’ to place more oil on the market. She said that he didn’t do anything to solve our dependence on foreign oil the whole time he was in office and now he is over there begging. All of the butt kissers who have their lips permanently attached to Hillary’s Butt, were praising her to high heavens for her remarks, and they were all complaining about how they work harder now and are poorer then they were before Bush was elected. They practically sang in unison about how Bush was hurting the poor and that the Democrats are the only ones who will look out for the poor, and how they will raise the taxes on the rich.

When in God’s Holy name will these jackasses understand reality?

First of all, it has been the Democrats that have blocked every single effort on the part of Republicans to drill in Alaska or the Gulf of Mexico for oil. It has been the Democrats who have blocked every Republican effort to come up with alternative energy sources, such as building more nuclear power plants or wind-mills, etc.

Second, Even if the Democrats did pass legislation to raise taxes on the rich, (which most of them are), they know damn well that it will still be the little guys on the bottom who will really be paying for those tax increases, because the rich who own businesses will just raise the cost of their goods and services to make up for it and/or there will be plenty of “loop-holes” built into the legislation for them to avoid paying the tax altogether. It has always been that way every time the Democrats have been in control, yet the morons who drool over Hillary and the rest of the leftist liberals just cannot seem to grasp that.

Just yesterday, it was announced on the news that the Democrats want to raise the federal tax on gasoline. My God, don’t they and their idiot followers know what the hell that will do to all the prices of goods, including food? Don’t they realize that it will be the little guy who will feel it more?

Hillary herself came right out and said that she plans to “take things away from people for the good of the country”. She also said that she plans to take the profits away from the oil companies. Oh yes, she has “so many opportunities for this country”. Can any one doubt that this women and the rest of the libs are extremely dangerous for this country?

It just goes to show the “WELFARE MENTALITY” that seems to be taking over mainstream America. As long as the retarded folks, who think with other parts of their anatomies instead of their heads, think that the government is the answer to all their prayers and needs, they don’t care about anything else. They don’t even stop to consider how it will all be paid for. Well I got news for you twits, “There is no such thing as a free lunch! I don’t think you will like the price that you and your future spawn will have to pay for your utter stupidity”.

Ever notice how both Hillary and her sexually perverted husband are both very fond of telling us how they “Feel our pain”? They damn well should, they are the ones who are causing our pain.

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