Sunday, January 20, 2008



As I have made my long journey in life here in America, I have watched as this great nation has been steered and pushed ever closer toward a socialistic police state. In the beginning it was a slow and steady march which has, in the past ten years or so, seemingly turned into a headlong dash.

I kept wracking my brain to figure out why this is so, and the only answer I can come up with is that Liberals appear to be living in a false reality, a dream world that is as removed from the real world as the earth is from the furthest reaches of the universe. Liberals tend to view every thing through “rose colored” glasses, which makes them believe that the more control the government can place on the lives of people, the happier and more harmonious life will be.

Trying to figure out the thought processes (if liberals even do have a thought process) proves to be an impossible task. In everything they do and say, concerning public policy seems to defy logic. I don’t know if their misguided thinking is something inherited at conception, or due to either having been dropped on their heads one too many times as infants or self-induced through drug use. Of course, many of the liberals today, have become that way through the process of brainwashing that has taken place in our public school system and institutions of higher learning, as well as by having been fed a daily dose of liberal pap by the MSM. In any event, to the liberal way of thinking, fact, truth and history are of less importance then the defense and promotion of the Liberal philosophy which is deeply rooted in Socialism.

As Liberals rail against religion, especially against Christianity, Liberalism has itself become a religion. It has become a belief system that feeds off of emotion rather then any sort of rational thinking. Then, in order to validate their illogical beliefs, they set about to rewrite history so that the illogical becomes logical and their fiction becomes fact.

Liberals, who claim to be tolerant and accepting of all, cannot tolerate or stand those who believe in personal responsibility, those who believe in self-reliance and who have a belief in right and wrong, or who have a moral and ethical code on which they base their lives. Their biggest bane of all is private property ownership.

In the old days, prior to the 1960’s, Socialists (who are only one step away from Communists) preached that capitalists were the evil in the world because it fostered only two classes of people in the world, the rich at the top and the poor at the bottom. Socialism/Communism was based on a constant class struggle that pitted those who worked hard and earned their money against those who did not. Under Socialism, one is “allowed” to keep their businesses and property, but they are taxed up the wahzoo with the money you have earned being redistributed to those who have not. Under Communism, the government takes ownership of all property and businesses and you work for the government which in turn taxes the hell out of you and gives each person what they feel the person needs.

Since the 1960’s, as we have witnessed the disintegration of Communism in Europe, the Liberals became more and more desperate, so they expanded their class warfare to pit blacks and whites against each other and while they instilled into Black Americans the idea that they, the liberals cared about Black Americans, they slowly instilled into them a sense of entitlement, a welfare mentality through the various social services programs, affirmative action and all of the other Equal Opportunity Programs which the Liberals have enacted at a huge cost to the taxpayers. All of this has led to even more bitter feelings on the part of whites toward the blacks.

But over the years, as attitudes between the races began to change and the barriers to break down, and as more and more people were “moving on up” (the middle class and the number of millionaires was growing) this presented a problem for the liberals because neither Socialism or Communism can be sustained without a class struggle (long live the revolution). The problem faced by the Liberals was that the doctrines and the beliefs that they held in such high regard were being proved false by history and reality, but they refuse to let go of them. They believe more than ever that the only way to have a wonderful and utopian life is to institute a totalitarian police state, nanny cradle-to-grave style government with the government controlling our every move and, if possible, our every thought so that each person thinks, believes and acts exactly alike.

To reach this goal, the Liberals have had to invent a whole new class of victims and champion new causes to maintain their religion called “humanism”. Now with their hysterics over the evils of Capitalism and racism, they have added sexism, xenophobia (accusing those who are against illegal-immigration as being against all immigration), homophobia and an overly inflated concern for the environment and for the health of every body in the world. They have even managed to instill the “you owe me” welfare mentality into more and more groups of people.

Since the mid-1970’s, when the Liberals were able to successfully infiltrate all of our public schools, colleges universities, bible schools and seminaries, they have been busy instilling into the minds of our children and grand children the idea that America is the cause of all the ills of the world. They have even managed to make some people believe that anyone entering the U.S. illegally is entitled to “free” medical & dental care, free education, and all other social service “benefits”, all at the expense of the American taxpayer.

But, don’t fool yourselves. There has never been a Socialist/Communist state that has ever maintained itself by the will of the people. They have maintained power and control over their citizens solely through the strict imposition of intellectual and martial law. News media, schools, literature and the arts were always strictly controlled. Is it any wonder that the liberals, in their desire and wish to gain control over our lives, have managed to gain a disproportionate amount of control over our educational institutions, news and entertainment media and the arts? You only need to look at the various so-called “civil rights” groups, anti-war groups, environmentalist groups, the ACLU, Teacher’s Unions, the “Food Police”, the curricula of our public schools and institutions of higher learning (indoctrination) to fully realize that our most basic American freedoms and rights are at grave risk from the Liberal Left.

Every time you vote a liberal into office, you are signing away more and more of your rights and freedoms, because the more they “give” you, the more you are forced to give up in rights and freedoms. Just look around and you will see that under the guise of Homeland Security, even our local police are becoming more and more militaristic both in their equipment and their attitudes, and as we are now being pushed to accept a national ID card, which is being pushed, by liberals in the federal government, on to the States as part of their driver’s licenses, you will see them become even Gestapo-like as you are stopped and asked for “Your papers please!” The head of the Department of Homeland Security has already proclaimed that anyone refusing this ID will NOT be allowed to board a plane for anywhere unless they have the ID or a passport. The next step of course will be to prevent you from boarding a train or bus.

The really sad part of all this is that the liberals think they are doing something wonderful for all of mankind. Ah, the power of a disillusioned warped mind.

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