Thursday, October 25, 2007



A Closer Look at the One World

Order and

Bible Prophecy - Part III

The Devaluation of Life:

This once great nation has become warped, and it started with Roe v. Wade. The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men. It has sown violence and discord at the heart of the most intimate human relationships. It has aggravated the derogation of the father’s role in an increasingly fatherless society. Children, the greatest gift, are now looked upon as being competitors, an inconvenience and an intrusion into peoples lives.

We often hear that America, along with most of Europe is facing a crisis of an aging population with not enough younger people entering the work force, and that is why we and Europe need an influx of millions of legal and illegal immigrants to work. The truth is that legalized abortion has been the cause of the shortage of workers. We are killing off generation after generation before they even have a chance to be born.

In 1970 a Texas woman became pregnant and decided to fight the anti-abortion legislation of her state. Using the pseudonym Jane Roe, she took Henry Wade, the Dallas district attorney, to court. The case eventually went to the Supreme Court in January, 1973, and is now the renowned Roe vs. Wade case. Seven arrogant Supreme Court justices ruled that the Texas law banning abortion was unconstitutional. For the first time the U.S. Supreme Court created a new constitutional right for pregnant mothers with scarcely any reason or authority for its action and has led to the destruction of 35,000,000 precious babies.

This ruling implicitly permitted abortion on demand at every stage of pregnancy. Its judgment inhibited all regulation of abortion during the first three months of pregnancy, and during the second and third trimesters regulated it only in relation to the mother's physical or mental health.

Last year, Planned Parenthood and a host of independent "clinics," protected by federal alcohol and gambling racketeering laws, gave birth to fourteen healthy little children 8 -to- 9 months old. They also stabbed them in the back of the head and suctioned-out their brains. This barbaric practice is called “Partial Birth Abortion” and it done every day in the United States. "The only difference between the partial birth abortion and homicide is a mere three inches," said Rep. Charles T. Canady, R-Fla. "Most partial-birth abortions are performed on the healthy children of healthy mothers."

A bill passed by Congress allows a partial-birth abortion to be performed if necessary to save a women's life. But pro-abortion groups and President Clinton also demand an exception for "health" abortions - a huge loophole that would allow partial-birth abortions for "emotional well-being" or "depression."

The late Dr. James McMahon, who performed abortions on all of the women who Bill Clinton paraded before the public when he vetoed the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban testified that only 9% of the 2,000 partial-birth abortions he performed involved "maternal health" [the most common being "depression"]. Another 56% were for "fetal flaws," ranging from trivial to grave; the most common being Down Syndrome. Over one-third involved neither fetal nor maternal indications, however trivial - in other words, "elective".

Dr. Martin Haskell, who has performed over 1,000 partial-birth abortions, said that he performs them "routinely" for non-medical reasons, and that 80% are "purely elective." Medical experts testified before congressional committees that it is never necessary to kill a baby that has been almost entirely delivered to preserve the life or health of the mother.

"Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them." [Romans 1:32]

The number of legal abortions in the United States in 1969 was less than 20,000. This year more than one and a half million unborn babies will be aborted. That is 4,250 today, 177 this hour, and three since you began reading this. Those babies will never know their mothers or fathers; and whatever they could have been, whatever God had in store for them, and whatever joy they may have brought or known, will never come to pass, and they will never enter the workforce.

Since Roe, an activist judiciary propelled by interest groups using the courts to remake the social order has rendered opinions or laid the groundwork for an assault on the primacy of the family, a revision of the nature of economic and social liberty, and assault on the sanctity of life, and an abandonment of the rule of law itself. These activist judges have pushed their godless battle over infanticide, euthanasia, fetal experimentation, RU-486, and the so-called "right to die" and physician assisted suicide - all of which attack the sanctity and value of life.

Over the past twenty four years, abortion has ended the respect Americans once had for human life. Not only has this loss of respect had a profound impact on the euthanasia and health care debate, but I believe it has also had an impact on crime: if ending human life is acceptable before birth, why isn't it acceptable afterwards?

Abortion is not merely a bad choice or ethically unwise; it is a sin. Christians should actively expose and oppose it as a moral stain on our country. In a democracy where citizens have the right to vote on its laws and leaders, Christian citizens should by all means participate in the political process. God, help us not to be neglectful of our duty to speak out boldly on something so important!

NEXT WEEK: Nov. 1st: Part B - The Devaluation of Life:

“Abouna” Gregori