Friday, October 19, 2007


The Die is Cast:

What happened in Maine yesterday (Wednesday, Oct. 17th) is just one more bit of proof that the State, through the public school system, is slowly taking away all parental rights, one school district at a time.

Parents, you had better shake the cobwebs out of your heads and wake up to what is going on. The whole and ONLY purpose of the public School system is to EDUCATE our children and grandchildren, it is not to indoctrinate them with Liberal ideology, it is not to insert themselves into their students’ private family and sexual lives, or any other aspect of their personal lives.

Wednesday evening, the Portland School Committee voted 5 to 2 for the King Middle School to provide birth control pills and patches to girls in grades 6 through 8, and without their parents’ permission or knowledge. This whole thing was set up in a very underhanded way. The King Middle School set up a health center in the school, and in order for the students to have use of this center, for various health problems that may arise during the school day, the parents have to opt in by signing a permission form. But, once the parents have given their permission, they no longer have a “right” to have any information as to what transpires between their child and the health care providers (keep in mind that these are 11 and 12 year olds, and it is our tax money being used to pay for it), so if your 11 year old daughter goes to the nurse and tells her she is having sex and wants the pill or patch, you, the MOTHER and/or FATHER have NO RIGHT to know.

Parents, you better not send your children to school with Tylenol or Excedrin, because that is a violation the schools’ no tolerance policy for drugs, which means that your child can be arrested and expelled for “drug possession”. Don’t dare send your child to school with cupcakes to celebrate their birthday because cupcakes are fattening, but the school has every right to provide your child with condoms, contraceptive pills and patches and even abortions and you have no right to know about it.

Today, the schools are dictating to us and our children, what games they can and cannot play and what foods they can and cannot eat. Many schools today have gone so far as to even do away with recess, then they have the gall to send reports home to the parents of the students, complaining how fat the students are, and then if the parents don’t take steps at home to get their children to lose weight, the schools report the parents for “abuse”.

The socialistic/communistic liberals will lie through their collective teeth to force their socialistic agenda on America and they know that their best way to achieve their agenda is through our children, whether it is directly through the children by brainwashing them in the schools or by using our children as pawns in their dirty little games. If you don’t think so, just take a look at the SCHIP (a children’s’ health care program) controversy. The Liberals, with the backing of Hillary Clinton, are attempting a back door attempt to expand the number of children covered under this government health care program, by allowing children of middle class families, who can well afford health care insurance for their children, to be covered by the government program. This is just one more attempt to usher in their socialized medicine program and gain more control over OUR children.

I have tried over and over again to wake you people up and to educate you as to what is going on. Please, please, for your own sakes and for the sakes of your families and your country, please read the Constitution of the United States. There is absolutely NOTHING in the Constitution that gives the federal government the right or the power to involve itself in the health care, education, local law enforcement, fire and rescue organizations, gun control, etc. Each of these are State’s Rights and are to be left up to the individual states to handle. The federal government is overstepping its bounds and they are illegally involving themselves into our personal lives and taking more and more control of our children. Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro have already declared, in their own countries, that the children in Cuba and Venezuela belong to the State and not to the parent’s. How much longer do you think it will be before our own government come out and says the same thing to us?

More and more each day, the government is forcing God out of our lives. Today, our children are being brought up to believe that the government is god and they shall have no other god before them. They are being taught that as their god, the government giveth and the government taketh away.

Parents, don’t you think that it is about time that you show some backbone and stand up to take back and defend your children and your country? Don’t you believe that it is time that you stand up for God?

“Abouna” Gregori