Thursday, October 4, 2007


Hillary Clinton or


Either Hillary Clinton is the most talented story teller in the United States or she is the one of the BIGGEST LIARS (Bill Clinton being the other) this country has ever seen, I happen to believe the latter.

This woman can put Pinocchio to shame when it comes to the length of her nose. I mean, Hillary has never been very shy about making up stories. If you remember, right after 9/11, Hillary appeared on national TV claiming that when the two planes slammed into the World Trade Center, her daughter Chelsea was about to go jogging in Battery Park, right near the towers, where she heard and saw the whole attack unfold (turned out the story was untrue, surprise, surprise).

Hillary’s arrogance was so deep that she didn’t even bother to get stories straight with Chelsea, who wrote an article for “TALK” in which she described what she had been doing on that particular day. Chelsea claims that she was way over on the other side of town in a friend’s apartment, where she watched the events unfold on TV.

There are no limits to the hypocrisy of Hillary either. When she was asked about the ad claiming that Gen. David Petraeus had betrayed the country, Hillary, on “MEET THE PRESS” shamelessly called for an end to such attacks, saying: “I don’t condone anything like that, and I have voted against those who would impugn the patriotism and the service of the people who wear the uniform of our country.”

But, three days earlier, she voted against a Senate resolution to condemn the ad, and she seems to have forgotten that when her socialistic partner and husband and she were in the White House, they both very plainly stated that they had no use or respect for the military.

It appears that the better she does in the polls, and her candidacy in the general elections are assured, her prevarications, which are totally ignored by the MSM, are becoming more frequent. For instance, on “Fox News Sunday” (Sept. 23rd) Hillary claimed that she fought hard for armored vehicles, “because we knew they needed additional protection in Iraq and they weren’t getting it”.

Now for the truth. Last may she voted against the emergency supplemental bill to provide $1.6 billion for body armor, including advanced combat helmets; $2.4 billion to help protect against improvised explosive devices; and $3 billion for mine-resistant, ambush protected vehicles.

Just like her ever changing positions on just about every issue, her contrived performances suggests that she thinks she can give almost any response to a question and get away with it, or perhaps not even give an answer. Last Sunday, on Fox News Sunday, when asked a question by Chris Wallace, she engaged in a prolonged cackle. In particular, when asked by Bob Schieffer if her health care plan was a step toward socialized medicine, she began to cackle uncontrollably. No answer to the question, just cackle.

At a Senate hearing on Sept. 11, Hillary told Gen. Petraeus that “the reports you provide to us really require the willing suspension of disbelief”. (In other words, she called him a liar).

By making that accusation, Hillary clearly stated what OUR reaction should be to her serial lies. If any other job candidate had such a record, only a fool would hire such an applicant. If the majority of Americans vote for Hillary in 2008, that will speak as much about us as a society as it dose about her.

“Abouna” Gregori