Tuesday, October 9, 2007

“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing”

Edmond Burke

I know that there are many who will not agree with me, but today I have to award the Golden Pig Award to George W. Bush, and for good reason.

Last night, it was confirmed that he has been selling out America, BIG TIME!

Vicente Fox, the former President of Mexico, confirmed on CNN’s Larry King Live show, the existence of a plan that was conceived by him and George W. Bush, to create a new regional currency in the Americas. This was the first time that a leader of Mexico, Canada or the U.S. has openly confirmed such plans. Fox also stated that the current regional trade agreement that encompasses the whole Western Hemisphere is intended to evolve into other previously secret aspects of integration.

Fox went on to explain that he and Bush intended to proceed incrementally, establishing FTAA (Free Trade Agreement of the Americas) as an economic agreement first and waiting to create an Amero-type currency later a plan that he said was set into place with NAFTA.

People, it is about time that we stop lying to ourselves about what is happening to America. It is about time that we STOP allowing the wholesale sellout of America by our elected officials, NO MATTER WHAT PARTY THEY ARE FROM! A traitorous Republican is no better than a sleazy liberal Democrat.

If you don’t have the courage to stand up and fight to save our country, if you hide behind the excuse that “There is nothing we can do”, if you keep burying your head in the sand thinking that if you don’t see it, it won’t affect you, then you absolutely deserve what is coming. Check out the following three videos:

Abouna” Gregori