Monday, October 15, 2007


Here is some real Monday madness:

Apparently our Christian President and his Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, don’t know squat about the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, concerning Jerusalem and God’s promise to the Jews.

Jerusalem is NOT Bush’s to give away, nor does Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert have any legal right to divide the city of Jerusalem between Israel and the Palestinians. Israel and the city of Jerusalem belong to God and He entrusted it to the Jews.

Today, it was reported that Condoleezza Rice, in the Middle East to prepare for the Israeli-Palestinian summit to be held next month, told the Palestinian officials yesterday that she will pressure Israel against initiating any Jewish construction in eastern sections of Jerusalem, because those areas are to become part of a Palestinian State. Rice also told the Palestinian negotiating team that she will publicly blame Israel for the failure of next month’s U.S.-sponsored summit that is slated to be held in Maryland if the Jewish State didn’t agree to evacuate eastern Jerusalem neighborhoods.

This information comes on the heels of media reports last week that Ehud Olmert is seriously thinking of handing over sections of Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Olmert is even willing to forfeit the Temple Mount, placing it under pan-Arab control.

Can anybody tell me what the heck Olmert is thinking, and do the Israeli’s agree to all of this?

And as far as Bush and Ms. Rice go, they are truly bringing down the wrath of God upon the United States by forcing the Israeli government to give up their God – given land. Wake up Bush and read your Bible.

“Abouna” Gregori