Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Conclusion to Zeitgeist the Movie Followed by a Must Read Response to Our Governments Recognition of the New Independent State of Kosovo

The following was written in response to President Bush’s vocal support for the Muslim State of Kosovo declaring independence, and promising the Kosovar government financial aid. What in God’s name is our government thinking?

God Help the Serbs

More Evidence of our U.S. Government's Turning away from true Democracy & Upholding true Christianity

By: Theodoros Georgiou Karakostas

As an American citizen of Greek Ancestry and the Eastern Orthodox faith, I wish to express my profound anger at the support that is being given by the U. S. Department of State and its representative institutions toward the alleged independence of the Muslims of Kosovo. First and foremost, the institutions of the State Department and US media have never recognized or acknowledged the Genocide of Orthodox Christian Serbs that transpired during the Second World War by the pro-Nazi Croats and Muslims of Bosnia and Kosovo. The demonization of the Serbs during the 1990's has made democratic debate and discussion on the Balkans completely worthless.

As Youssef Bodansky, terrorism expert and advisor to Congress, as well as the biographer of Osama Bin Laden has pointed out, the Muslims of Kosovo have played host to Al Quada. It is outrageous that the Muslims of Kosovo are being rewarded for their pro-Al Quada activities. Furthermore, I wish to strongly protest and to express my outrage over the hundreds of destroyed Serbian Orthodox Churches and Monasteries that have taken place not only under the auspices of NATO and the United Nations since 1999, but for those destroyed during the 1960's and 1970's when Serbs in Kosovo were being ethnically cleansed as a result of Communist sponsored pogroms that supported the Muslims.

The recognition of an Islamic Kosovo State is an affront to the Eastern Orthodox world. The Department of State has taken great pains to satisfy Islamic sensibilities time and again such as during the run up to the first Gulf War when American troops were stationed in Saudi Arabia. The Department's sensitivity for Eastern Orthodox Christians is virtually nonexistent as can be seen by the murders of Orthodox Monks in Kosovo (ie. the decapitation of Father Chariton Lukic in 1999) and the destruction of Serbian Churches and Monasteries.

I have viewed a documentary film entitled "Days Made of Fear" which shows the frightening images of Serbian civilians and religious leaders struggling to survive in Kosovo. This footage has never been shown on American television and demonstrates the extent to which anti-Serb and anti-Orthodox bigotry pervades foreign policy in the Balkans. I wish to emphasize that the Serbs who suffer in Kosovo are ordinary people with no links to the former regime of Milosovic. Also, the denunciations of Milosovic and that former regime of Communist-totalitarian origins was always denounced and opposed by the Serbian Orthodox Church.

The recognition of Islamic Kosovo is inherently racist against the Serbian population. For nine years, NATO, the United Nations, and the European Union have permitted the unceasing murders, physical attacks, and desecrations of Serbian religious sites without taking any measures to punish the Muslim perpetrators or to force the aggressors to stop the persecution of Serbs. The recognition of Muslim Kosovo by the Department of State bestows legitimacy on the racist attacks and discrimination of Serbs. As an individual with a deep knowledge of Byzantine, Ottoman, and modern Balkan history I can only perceive that the physical destruction of the Serbian community in Kosovo has been a goal of the Western alliance since no measures have been taken to protect the Serbs.

Memories of the August 1995 Genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Serbs of Krajina by the pro-Nazi Army of Croatia come to mind as of this writing. Over 200,000 Serb men, women, and children whose ancestors were slaughtered at what historian Vladimir Dedijer calls "the Yugoslav Auschwitz" were ethnically cleansed with the full approval of Washington and the NATO alliance. As a Greek Orthodox, I wish to make clear that I utterly disapprove of, and condemn our U. S. government's policies against the Serbs.