Wednesday, February 13, 2008


This Election Year Could Very Well Be a Time of Mourning for America

This election year finds us in a bigger political, security and spiritual mess then we have ever witnessed in the history of this country, and of the three “front runners” not one of them, form either party, is beneficial to the future of America or the American people.

Sure, John McCain will be better as far as the “war on terror”, up to a point. I say this because he would finish (as much as possible) the job in Iraq and Afghanistan, but what good does it do to continue the war on terror, if you leave the front and back doors to our country wide open? Let’s face it, McCain, from all appearances seems to be an open border advocate. He still insists on granting amnesty to the 12 million or more illegal immigrants that are already here and he seems to favor allowing many more to come in, as well as supporting the North American Union. Therefore, can someone tell me what purpose it would serve to perhaps win the war on terror just to have our elected officials sell out our National Sovereignty and continue to allow the exportation of all our good paying jobs, while allowing more and more immigrants (legal and illegal) to flood in to take all of the low paying jobs that are left?

On the other side of the coin, we have a choice between Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama. Good Lord, what a choice! Hillary who just came out again last night in Texas and told her followers, how she plans to take profits away from corporations and for those of us who refuse her “National Health” care, she plans to have their wages garnisheed, thus taking away our free choice. She will see to it that America becomes one huge Welfare State, with nanny care from cradle to grave. And do you remember what Hillary’s husband did to our military and C.I.A.? He damn near destroyed them. All very communistic if you ask me.

But by far, the most frightening candidate of all is Obama. Here you have a man who claims to be Christian, but was fathered by a Kenyan Muslim, educated in a Muslim school in Indonesia, then saying that gives him the understanding that would help him in negotiating with Muslim leaders, and he has stated many times that he plans to meet with our enemies, such as Castro, Hugo Chavez, and even the little twerp from Iran who vows to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. He claims to be a Christian, but belongs to a church whose pastor, the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., gives out awards to the likes of Louis Farrakhan a Muslim and out spoken hater of Whites and Jews.

Obama talks glibly using vague terms such as “Hope” and “Change”, but without setting forth any clear policies as to how he plans to bring about this change and at what cost. If you want to get some idea of what an Obama presidency would be like, just take a look at who his friends are: He has none other than Greg Craig, who was Fidel Castro’s attorney during the Elian Gonzales episode as his senior policy advisor. Now, take a look at the pictures that were taken at two of his campaign offices located in Houston, Texas. Do you see whose picture is on the wall in both of these offices? Doesn’t that scare you? It should.

With all of this nightmarish garbage facing us, how can anyone have any thing but feelings of trepidation for the future of America?

Achmed the Camel driver says; “Click on the image below to receive your Valentines Day Card.

Let’s look at the positive side of life:

“How long a minute is depends on what side of the bathroom door you happen to be on.”