Saturday, May 31, 2008


The Republican Party is a totally useless organization:

The G.O.P. is any thing but a Grand Old Party. It is not worth the money that is poured into it on a daily basis and it should b e forced completely out of existence for all the good it is.

The Republican Party has, for several years now, turned its back on one of its biggest supporters, the Conservatives. Those who have been elected in good faith by the Conservatives have turned their backs on those who have put them into office, opting instead to turn to special interest groups and so-called bi-partisan deals, leaving Conservative voters out in the cold.

Conservatives have lost on every single issue that they have fought for over the years. We lost the school prayer issue, we lost on the abortion issue, we lost on the disgusting and morally repugnant gay rights issue, and we keep losing on the issue of drilling for oil here in our own country, now we are losing on the illegal immigration issue. Why? Because those that we have elected to Congress and even to the office of President, and those whom we have elected to represent us on the state and local level, have pissed away every opportunity they had to win some of these battles.

Those in positions of leadership have always felt that it was better to “reach across the aisle” to make bi-partisan deals with the other side and in the process they have sold out those who voted for them. On every single one of the big issues that we fought for, those we elected to fight for us gave in to the Liberals, a little here and a little there, and each time the Liberals turned around and demanded more and the Republicans were more than happy to give it to them, a little here, a little there until the Liberals won everything they wanted.

In the case of abortion, the Liberals said we only want it legalized in the case that the mother’s health or life would be in danger by giving birth. We Conservatives argued tooth and nail that the liberals wanted an unfettered right to abortion on demand and that by giving in to the Liberals would put us on a slippery slope. The Liberal Democrats said that we Conservatives were liars and fear mongers, and the Republicans gave in. Then the Liberals demanded to have the right to legal abortions in cases of rape and incest and they promised that it would only be in the first trimester of the pregnancy. We fought against that and what did the Republicans do? They said, “Well as long as it is only during the first trimester, ok.” Conservatives lost again. Not only did we lose again, but now women have the right to kill their unborn children on demand, for any reason and at any time during the pregnancy.

We Conservatives fought long and hard to stop sex education in our schools and once again the Republicans gave that one away to the Liberals a little here and a little there. The Liberals claimed that sex education in the schools was needed to cut down on teen pregnancies and STDs, which were far less back then than they are today. We were promised that any child who did not want to take the course, only had to bring a note from their parents or guardians, and they would be given another class. Also, parents who did not want their children to take the sex education course could opt out by bringing or sending a letter to the school principle. Republicans said, “That sounds reasonable, so ok.” Once again, Conservatives lost and now it has become mandatory for our children and grandchildren to take sex education courses whether we like it or not, and the schools want to start teaching sex education in lower and lower grade levels, and the direct result has been an ever increasing number of teen pregnancies and STDs.

Conservatives fought hard against giving special constitutional rights to gays and lesbians, because we knew years ago that what they really wanted was the right to legally marry. They kept denying that, so like “Johnny on the spot”, the republicans were right there to sell out the Conservatives once again, by caving to the Liberal gay rights lobbyists, drawing up special non discrimination laws for the gays, forcing employers to hire gays even if the employers’ religious beliefs are against it. The same for landlords who are against renting to gay and lesbian couples. They are forced to rent to gays and lesbians, like it or not. Then you Republicans gave in and passed laws allowing gays and lesbians the right to foster or adopt children. And the biggest slap in the face to the Conservatives by the Republican Party is that the Republicans once again pissed away an opportunity to protect traditional marriage. When they had the chance to pass a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriages (which is what the gays and lesbians wanted right from the start) the Republicans said: “That decision should be left up to the individual states to decide for themselves.” Oh, all of a sudden, Congress is so concerned about states’ rights, but Congress will trample on states’ rights when it suits the federal government. Those states that have voted not to allow legalizing same-sex marriages are being over ruled by the courts and are being forced to legalize those marriages, and other states are being forced either by their governors (as is the case of New York State) or the courts to recognize same-sex marriages that have been performed “legally” in other states or countries, and the Republican leadership sits back and does nothing.

The bi-partisan deals that the Republicans have made with the Liberal left is forcing decent, God-fearing Conservatives to accept and tolerate all types of immoral and unnatural activities and life-styles, like it or not. It doesn’t matter how many laws you pass to legalize immorality, it will never make it right. Bear in mind, no matter how much gravy you put on dog crap will never make it Swedish Meatballs, it will always be dog crap.

You have the unmitigated gall to tell us, “Well, we may have lost a battle, but we haven’t lost the war.” I have news for you morons, we HAVE LOST the war! We lost it years ago. The morals of the United States are so far down the crapper we can never restore them, and now you are all sitting on your collective asses as the national sovereignty of the United States is sold out. You do nothing to stop all of the millions of illegal immigrants from flooding in across our Southern borders. Then when they get here, we are told that they are hard working, law abiding citizens: NEWS FLASH!! They are not CITIZENS and they are not law abiding. They are criminals, they broke the law when they entered this country illegally!!

It is well past time for those of you Republicans in various offices to justify the continued support of Conservatives an, for that matter, your continued existence as a political party, when there isn’t a dimes worth of difference between you and the Democrats.

Friday, May 30, 2008



If the following are any indication, then we are in real deep doo doo. Believe it or not, the following answers and comments are from test papers and essays that were submitted to science and health teachers by elementary, junior high, high school, and college students here in America. When my Daddy saw these, he became furklempt and needed to lay down for an hour. The spellings are the original ones.

1.) H2O is hot water, and CO2 is cold water.

2.) To collect fumes of sulfur, hold a deacon over a flame in a test tube.

3.) When you smell an odorless gas, it is probably carbon monoxide.

4.) Water is composed of two gins, Oxygin and Hydrogin. Oxygin is pure gin. Hydrogin is water and gin.

5.) A super saturated solution is one that holds more than it can hold.

6.) Liter is a nest of young puppies.

7.) Magnet: something you find crawling all over a dead cat.

8.) Momentum: this is what you give to people who are going away.

9.) Vacuum: A large empty place where the pope lives.

10.) Artificial insemination is when the farmer does it to the cow instead of the bull.

11.) The pistol of a flower is its only protection against insects.

12.) A fossil is an extinct animal. The older it is the more extinct it is.

13.) To remove dust from the eye, pull the eye down over the nose.

14.) For a nosebleed: Put the nose much lower than the heart until the heart stops.

15.) For head colds: use an agonizer to spray the nose until it drops into your throat.

16.) Germinate: To become a naturalized German.

17.) The tides are a fight between the Earth and moon. All water tends towards the moon, because there is no water on the moon, and nature abhors a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins in this fight.

18.) Blood flows down one leg and up the other.

So much for no child left behind!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


America IS going to hell in a hand basket!!

I have said it before, I’ll say it again, and I’ll keep on saying it, America is going to hell in a hand basket!” Now here is the proof.

The citizens of California voted to ban same-sex marriages, then four blacked robed ass holes on the California Supreme Court over ruled the will of the people and declared that it was unconstitutional to ban homosexuals from marrying each other. The new marriage licenses, to be issued in California, starting June 16th, will strip the words “Bride” and Groom” from the state marriage licenses for more gender-neutral language --- something like “Applicant A” and Applicant B”.

And since California does not have residency requirements, gays and lesbians, from every state in the union, can flock to California to get married, then return to their home states and be recognized.

Governor Patterson of New York State, my home state, just announced today that he has ordered all state departments and insurance agencies in the state to start recognizing same-sex marriages that took place in other states that allow it and those that took place legally in foreign countries, even though New York State does not allow same-sex marriages to take place in this state. In effect, Governor Patterson is shoving same-sex marriages down our throats whether we like it or not, and the same damn thing will happen all over America.

You can all thank your elected U.S. Congress men and women for refusing to come up with a Constitutional Amendment that would have protected the sanctity of marriage by passing a law that would have limited marriage to one man and one woman, which has been the norm all through the history of human kind.

Then there was a small town in Texas where the people voted to pass a law to ban illegal immigrants from renting homes or apartments in their town, and any landlord who rented to illegals would face heavy fines. What was the result? The Federal court in Texas said that the town’s law violated the U.S. Constitution because only the Federal government has the right to set and enforce immigration laws.

So what are we the people supposed to do when all of our elected officials, local, state and federal, along with the judges on our courts, completely ignore or override the will of the people, or just plain refuse to do the job for which they were elected?

Do you still think that your vote counts for anything? Do you really think it will make a difference who gets in office? Do you think we will be better off to have McCain as president instead of Hillary or Obama, when there isn’t a dimes worth of difference between any of them? McCain says that he will appoint conservative judges to our federal courts, but with his track record, how can we take the chance and trust him to keep his word when he doesn’t even seem to know what a Conservative is, and he has already lied about the borders and amnesty? He intends to grant amnesty to all of the illegals, he does not want to seal our borders, he wants to sign more and more “Free Trade” Agreements that will continue to cost us more and more American jobs, and he doesn’t plan on doing anything to protect traditional marriages.

Just because he says he wants to keep our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan until the job is done, what the hell good does it do to defend democracy over there, when we losing our country and freedoms back here?

I am telling you straight out, America is doomed and there are only three alternatives; we can all just sit back and let it happen, let America become an immoral nation that accepts same-sex marriages and other immoral and illegal behavior, a nation without borders, and if we do, the decline won’t stop there, you will see every kind of immoral and un-Godly activity become acceptable.

The second option would be to have the people rise up and revolt, not against the government, but against those running the government, and if it means taking up arms against those in Washington, D.C. who refuse to listen to us, then so be it.

The third alternative would be to have one, two or more states cede from the Union and set up a new independent constitutional nation based on the original Constitution that was put forth by the founding fathers. Those are the only options folks, there is nothing else. We either sit back and do nothing and watch our country disintegrate or we revolt and do what we can to save this country. The ball is in our court. What will we do with it?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


AN OLD NEWNESSby Thomas Sowell

Finally, a whispered voice of common sense in the tumultuous storm of Liberal lunacy.

Thomas Sowell is an African-American and a highly regarded essayist. He wrote the following piece on Tuesday, April 29, 2008.

Many years ago, a great hitter named Paul Waner was nearing the end of his long career. He entered a ball game with 2,999 hits . . . one hit away from the landmark total of 3,000, which so many hitters want to reach, but which relatively few actually do.

Waner hit a ball that the fielder did not handle cleanly but the official scorer called it a hit, making it Waner’s 3,000th. Paul Waner then sent word to the official scorer that he did not want that questionable hit to be the one that put him over the top.

The official scorer reversed himself and called it an error. Later, Paul Waner got a clean hit for number 3,000.

What reminded me of this is the great fervor that many seem to feel over the prospect of the first black president of the United States.

No doubt it is only a matter of time before there is a black president, just as it was only a matter of time before Paul Warner got his 3,000th hit. The issue is whether we want to reach that landmark so badly that we are willing to overlook how questionably that landmark is reached.

Paul Warner had too much pride to accept a scratch hit. Choosing a President of the United States is a lot more momentous than a baseball record. We the voters need to have far more concern about who we put in that office that holds the destiny of the nation and of generations yet unborn.

There is no reason why someone as arrogant, foolishly clever and ultimately dangerous as Barack Obama should become president . . . especially not at a time when the threat of international terrorists with nuclear weapons looms over 300 million Americans.

Many people seem to regard elections as occasions for venting emotions, like cheering for your favorite team or choosing a Homecoming Queen.

The three leading candidates for their party’s nomination are being discussed in terms of their demographics – race, sex and age – as if that is what the job is about.

One of the painful aspects of studying great catastrophes of the past is discovering how many times people were preoccupied with trivialities when they were teetering on the edge of doom. The demographics of the presidency are far less important than the momentous weight of responsibility that the office carries.

Just the power to nominate federal judges to trial courts and appellate courts across the country, including the Supreme Court, can have enormous impact for decades to come. There is no point feeling outraged by things done by federal judges, if you vote on the basis of emotion for those who appoint them.

Barack Obama has already indicated that he wants judges who make social policy instead of just applying the law. He has already tried to stop young violent criminals from being tried as adults.

Although Senator Obama has presented himself as the candidate of new things – using the mantra of ‘change’ endlessly – the cold fact is that virtually he says about domestic policy is straight out of the 1960s and virtually everything he says about foreign policy is straight out of the 1930s.

Protecting criminals, attacking business, increasing government spending, promoting a sense of envy and grievance, raising taxes on people who are productive and subsidizing those who are not – all of this is a rerun of the 1960s.

We paid a terrible price for such 1960s notions in the years that followed, in the form of soaring crime rates, double-digit inflation and double-digit unemployment. During the 1960s, ghettos across the country were ravaged by riots from which many have not fully recovered to this day.

The violence and destruction were concentrated not where there was the greatest poverty or injustice but where there were the most liberal politicians, promoting grievances and hamstringing the police.

Internationally, the approach that Senator Obama proposes – including the media magic of meetings between heads of state – was tried during the 1930s. That approach, in the name of peace, is what led to the most catastrophic war in human history.

Everything seems new to those too young to remember the old and too ignorant of history to have heard about it.

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute and author of Basic Economics: A Citizen’s Guide to the Economy.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008



Gavin Newsom, the mayor of San Francisco gleefully proclaimed that the nationwide spread of homosexual marriages “is inevitable.”

It was Newsom who started this battle, four years ago, by launching a one-mayor revolt by pushing ahead with same-sex marriages in San Francisco, even though he knew darn well that what he was doing was in violation of California law. Last week, the California Supreme Court over-ruled the will of the majority of California citizens, who had voted to ban same-sex marriages. The court ruled that the ban is unconstitutional, thus granting Newsome and the gay lobby a victory. Now Newsom is boldly proclaiming that homosexual marriages will sweep across the rest of the nation. “It’s going to happen whether you like it or not,” Newsom says. He went on to say “As California goes, so goes the rest of the nation. It’s inevitable. This door is wide open now. It’s going to happen, whether you like it or not. This is the future and it is now. Courts across the nation are waking up.”

You can all thank your individual State senators for this. When Clinton was president and Congress voted for the Defense of Marriage Act, they had the opportunity to vote for a Constitutional Amendment that would have banned “same-sex” marriages, but none of them from either party had the courage to do it. They used the excuse that it should be left up to the individual states (States Rights) to decide if they want to ban gay marriages, yet Congress will think nothing of violating States Rights if it benefits them and the federal government.

If either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama are elected President, they plan on over-turning the “Defense of Marriage Act” to allow for same-sex marriages in Washington, D.C. John McCain told Sean Hannity on Fox News, that he is against same-sex marriage, but that he dose not want to push for a Constitutional Amendment to protect marriage as a union between one man and one woman, unless the courts overrule the wishes of the people of his home state of Arizona, in other words, screw the rest of the country.

If you feel as I do, that we must protect traditional marriage in this country, then I am urging each of you to please go to and sign an emergency petition asking California Governor Schwarzenegger to support the Liberty Counsel’s official motion to suspend the courts ruling for the time being. The people of California are set to vote this November on a ballot initiative that would overturn the court’s ruling.

Then I urge each of you to send a letter or a fax or call your Senator and DEMAND that they vote for a Constitutional Amendment that will ban same-sex marriages in the United States.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Saturday, May 24, 2008



Click on the picture below to view a special tribute to those who have served and are presently serving in our Armed Forces.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Since I still feel a little under the weather and my poor little brain isn’t working at 100%, I have decided to my post simple this week, so it will be a posting of

The airlines keep adding more and more security measures and they keep coming up with more and more ways to raise the cost of flying, so now more and more people cannot afford to fly any where and many others won’t fly because they are frustrated with all of the new rules and regulations, etc.

Then, all of a sudden you have the price of gasoline going up higher by the day so that many more people can barely afford to drive to work and go shopping, which means that more people are finding themselves confined to their immediate neighborhoods.


Here is another one for you. Have you noticed that the big fire and mudslides in California seemed to have come right after the California Supreme Court overruled the votes of between 68 – 90% of the citizens of California who voted last year to ban same-sex marriages, and right after the so-called Republican Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, publicly gave his approval for same-sex marriages, or is it just coincidence? HMMMMMM.

Now, while you each discuss these among yourselves, I’m going to have my Daddy make me a nice bowl of warm chicken soup, I hear it is good for the soul.

Until next week, stay safe, stay happy


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Freaky Deaky Friday - #13


This question is mainly for all of the Conservatives who say that we should hold our noses and vote for McCain because he is the lesser of two evils, rather than sit this election out. Many say that in this election, McCain is the best we can hope for and even though he isn’t really a Conservative, he would at least be better then Hillary or Barack, but is that really true?

At what point did we stop demanding top quality in our elected officials? Rather than quality, many will vote for candidate A just to keep candidate B from wining, not so much because candidate A is any better or smarter. Don’t you think America is suffering from a crisis when we cannot tell the difference between candidates of one party from the other, or that the choices we have are all people we would never have put in office in the first place?

I believe that the problem is two pronged, one being the mediocre quality of the people who run for office and are lacking in any real intelligence and having any real concern for the well being of the citizens of this country and this mediocrity of political candidates didn’t just start this year, it actually started with Jimmy Carter and then really took off with Bill Clinton. The second prong of the problem can be laid at the feet of the Conservatives, who seem to lack the backbone to stand up and demand better. When an elected official, such as G.W. Bush, lets down in a big way, those who elected him in good faith, what is the reaction of the Conservatives? The majority of them continued to support him 100%, even while he was selling out our national sovereignty. In the case of McCain, the Conservatives attitude is, “Oh well, he is the best we can do, so we’ll just hold our noses and vote for him.”

The lack of excellence in those running for office has led to complete disillusionment with our political system and our government which seems to thrive on mediocrity. This continued mediocrity in our government and the Conservatives continued acceptance of mediocre candidates can only lead to an ever more mediocre society and the downfall of America. We have been voting mediocre people into our various government offices and in return they have thrust mediocrity upon us.

With the dumbing down of students in our public school system, we have produced mediocre college students which led to mediocre college professors who produced mediocre college graduates who became the mediocre leaders of this country which has led to the farce of a political campaign we have today. But there is an answer to all of this. It is called courage and common sense. It is the courage and common sense to stand up and demand better. Demanding that our political candidates and leaders show a real and genuine concern for the people who elect them, demand that they live up to their oath of office and start defending and living up to the Constitution of the United States. If the liberals can fill the streets and march in mass and be vocal about their demands and what they want, then why can’t the Conservatives do the same thing? Why do the Conservatives always have to be the ones who are forced to negotiate a way every thing they want? Aren’t we supposed to be better than the mediocre air heads on the left?

So, to paraphrase Neil Cavuto from the Fox News Channel, the Conservatives need to get a backbone and stand up for what they want. “A backbone is that thing just above your ass that you sit on.”

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


And the Madness Continues:

Can you imagine wanting to nominate a dishonest morally bankrupt liar to the United States Supreme Court? “Far fetched,” you say with a snort. Well, there is a very good possibility of such thing happening.

It is more than likely that who ever is the next president will face at least one Supreme Court vacancy and if Obama wins the Democrat nomination, there are many on the left who are strongly suggesting that he promise Hillary Clinton, now, that if he wins in November, she will be his number one choice to fill the vacancy.

If he goes along with that, and if the Democrats control the Senate during his administration, that nightmare could very well become reality. Even under the current Senate alignment, Senate confirmation would all but be assured, because those Democrat Senators would want to support their new president, while those Republican Senators who like Hillary would vote for her. Those senators from either party who don’t like her may also vote to confirm her, just to get her sorry ass out of the Senate.

It is possible that should Hillary be defeated at the Democrat Convention, she could rise again from the ashes, like a phoenix, to be elected president, but it couldn’t happen for at least another four years, therefore an Obama promise to nominate Hillary to the Supreme Court would help to secure Democrat Party unity which would be much needed in November, and at the same time it would preserve Clinton’s image as dedicated public servant.

Obama would garner praise, mostly from the Democrats at the thought of Hillary brow beating Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito, into going along with her when the court is closely divided.

This is one nightmare we don’t need.


Men Just Can’t Win:

Hey guys, did you realize that no matter how hard you try, you just can’t win?

If you work too hard, your wife will claim that you aren’t spending enough time with her or giving her enough attention. If you don’t work hard enough, she will complain that you are a good-for-nothing lazy bum.

If your wife has a boring, repetitive job with low pay, she calls it exploitation. If you have a boring, repetitive job with low pay, she tells you to get off your lazy butt and find something better.

If you get a promotion ahead of her, she claims it is favoritism. If she gets a promotion ahead of you, she says it is equal opportunity.

When you are at work, if you mention how nice a female co-worker looks, she claims sexual harassment. If you don’t say anything about her looks, she calls it male indifference.

If you cry, she says you are a wimp. If you don’t cry, she accuses you of being insensitive.

If you make a decision without first consulting your wife, she says you are a chauvinist. If she makes a decision without first consulting you, she is a liberated woman.

If you ask your wife to do something that she doesn’t enjoy, then you are domineering. If she asks you, it’s a favor.

If you try to keep yourself in shape, the wife says you are vain. If you don’t then she says you are slob.

If you buy her flowers, she says you are after something. If you don’t, the she claims you are thoughtless.

If you are proud of your achievements, then she says you are an egotist. If your not, then she claims you are not ambitious.

You might as well just give up.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Today’s Big News:

The news that has dominated the airwaves today, about Sen. Ted Kennedy suffering from a malignant brain tumor leaves me with mixed feelings. As a priest and a Christian, I pray that Sen. Kennedy recovers from this terrible disease, and my prayers are also with his family.

On the other hand, I am disgusted by the rhetoric that has been coming out all day on Fox News about what a close knit club the Senate is and how close all the Senators are with each other no matter what their political party affiliation, and how they can reach across the aisle and broker deals with each other. According to various senators who spoke today, about Kennedy, all stated how Senator Kennedy was a leader at reaching across the aisle and brokering deals with the Republicans to get things done. It was also mentioned many times today how Sen. Kennedy had worked hard with Sen. John McCain to graft the Kennedy-McCain Comprehensive Immigration Bill (which calls for amnesty for the illegals) on behalf of President Bush.

Is it any wonder that we conservatives always end up holding the shitty end of the stick? We go to the polls to elect members of Congress to represent us and to fight to pass legislation that will benefit the country in a positive way, but once they get into office they sit around and make deals with the other side, deals that benefit the other side at the expense of the Conservatives, much the same as all of the Free Trade agreements that our country signs with foreign countries that always end up benefiting corporations, stockholders and foreign workers, all at the expense of the American workers. As I have stated before, in a blog posting a while back, I cannot remember a single time, in all the years that I have been around, that the Conservatives have won a single thing of any great importance, and that goes for the times that the Republicans have controlled Congress as well. Why is this? Because, it appears that the Republican members of Congress have brokered away every chance they had to the Liberals. The reason I can think of for doing this was for passage of pork benefits for their home states to get themselves re-elected and perhaps money in their pockets.

In the words of some of the members of Congress, when talking about Sen. Kennedy, politics is just a game and Sen. Kennedy really enjoyed playing it. That is much the same as our legal system today. The law is less about truth and justice and more about a game being played between the defense and the prosecutor and it is the defendant who pays the ultimate price. Politics here in the United States has degenerated into a game that is played between the Democrats and the Republicans. It is a game that perhaps should be called “Let’s Make a Deal” and in this game, the only real losers are the American people.

The politicians don’t care about you or me, because no matter what happens they win. If they should be voted out of office, so what. They will get a retirement package, when they are old enough to retire, that will be equal to the salary they made while in office, and they will write books, go on speaking tours or enter a private law practice. Some will be hired by private firms that they may have helped while they were in office or they may even become “news contributors” for Fox News, CNN, ABC, NBC, etc. If they are re-elected, they have more chances to make their little deals while building up the amount of retirement money they will get.

While way too many of us can not afford to take a real vacation, even though we work our butts off, the members of Congress get to travel all over the world on the taxpayers dime, calling it “fact finding” missions, often taking their spouses, some even take their children. If they become sick, as in the case of Sen. Kennedy, they all have access to the absolute best medical, and no matter what people like Hillary or Barack might say, concerning their plans for “Universal Health Care”, it will NOT come anywhere near equaling the health care that the members of Congress or the President gets at our expense. And, you can bet that their health care is not rationed either.

But at least we console ourselves with the fact that in the end, we will all be equal in the grave. Oh sure, people like Ted Kennedy may have a bigger and fancier tomb then you or I, but they will still be just another individual before God.


Did you that pro “Open Border” and amnesty Senators are blackmailing the American people into accepting amnesty for more than 3 million illegal immigrants and their families? Yes, you have read me right; we are being blackmailed by the very people we have elected to represent us.

The very idea that our lawmakers would use our military and their need for boots, ammunition, gas and protective clothing as a way to get you and I to sign off on their latest amnesty push is downright immoral and sickening, and such treachery should be met with lighting fast condemnation from every single American citizen.

This is the kind of crap that we are up against by the self-serving, treasonous lawmakers who are more than willing to put our troops and the security of our country jeopardy for their personal gain. The Pentagon is eager for the money to help the troops. The Senates Supplemental Bill that contains amnesty for illegal immigrants working on farms could be voted on as early as this Thursday or Friday. It is for this reason, that I am urging each of you to call or fax your Senators and tell them to either remove the amnesty portion from the Bill or to vote against the Bill as it stands.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Munchkin update. Miss Munchkin is doing slightly better today, at least she ate two bowls of food, but she isn’t completely out of the woods yet.

Today’s Post

Today I am posting the first part of Alan Keys’ speech against illegal immigration, this is a five part series. The last part will be posted on Tuesday, June 17th. Dr. Keys has his head in the right place, and if he were on the ballot, I sure as heck would vote for him, but alas, it is not to be.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Before I go into my rant on the garbage that runs our country, I want to say that some of you may have noticed that I have not posted since Friday. The reason is Munchkin has suddenly taken sick again and I have been busy trying to get her to eat. So far, she hasn’t taken more than a mouthful of food since Saturday after noon. Please keep your fingers crossed and pray that she will pull through once again.

I will NOT VOTE this year!

That’s correct, you read it right, I have finally decided that I WILL NOT vote in November simply because it does not matter who gets elected and if any of you cannot see that then you are either blind or totally brain dead. Let me try to educate you one last time, if I may.

First off, please understand, I am not some sort of ignorant imbecile, nor am I a conspiracy theorist. I have NEVER, at anytime in my life, just accept everything that was spoon fed to me in school or by the media. I have always had an analytical mind and questioned everything, so let me enlighten you on a few things. To start with, you are being and have been lied to big time about our government, and by the very people you have been electing year after year, to represent you. And by the people who run for elected office. Perhaps you don’t care or maybe you just think it is no big deal, but I DO CARE and to me it is A BIG DEAL.

So what are you being lied to about? Well, for one thing, contrary to popular belief, we are no longer a Constitutional Republic, and for that matter, we no longer even have a Constitution. Oh yes, there is a Constitution and it is on display in Washington, D.C., but folks, it has not really been in effect for many years now.

I know many of you are thinking that I’m full of S%#T, or that I just don’t know what I am talking about, but stop and think this through for yourselves and see if you don’t come to the same rational conclusion.

Now, supposedly, the Constitution of the United States is the Supreme Law of the Land, so how come the President of the United States, the members of Congress (both the House and the Senate) and the members of the Supreme Court, as well as the judges of all our federal courts have been allowed to not only violate the Constitution at will, but also their oath of office in which they swear to uphold and protect the Constitution, at will and with no repercussions?

Our Constitution enumerates all of the powers for each of the three branches of government, and any powers NOT enumerated belong to the individual States. Under this enumeration for the Legislative Branch (House and Senate) it clearly states that Congress shall have the power to declare war. Yet, every war we have fought starting with the Korean War, has been illegal according to the Constitution. How is that? You ask in stunned confusion. It is because Congress NEVER actually declared war on North Korea, North Viet Nam, or on Iraq when we went to war with those countries. In the case of North Korea and Iraq, the President received a “mandate” from the United Nations, making an end run around Congress, and Congress went along with it. In the case of North Viet Nam, the President sent our troops over, a few thousand at a time, calling them “Military Advisors”, and this action eventually dragged us into a full scale undeclared war.

Again, according to the Constitution of the United States, Congress shall have the power to regulate Commerce (TRADE) with foreign Nations…. . No where in the Constitution did We the People give any branch of government the RIGHT, POWER or DUTY to cede any of their constitutional powers to any other branch or to any private non-governmental body, person or organization. So under what constitutional authority did Congress grant “fast-track” trade agreement powers to the Executive branch? By the same token, under what Constitutional authority did Congress act when they ceded their power to “coin and print money and set the value there of” to a privately owned banking cartel? Just in case you don’t know, the Federal Reserve Banking System is neither federal nor do they have anything in reserve. It is a PRIVATE BANKING CARTEL that prints money out of thin air.

The Second Amendment to the Constitution states very plainly: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” That being said, under what constitutional authority has the federal government enacted federal gun control laws? The only place that the federal government has any authority in this matter is on federal not property. Oh sure, the federal government made themselves a nice little law that says if the State (federal government) has a vital interest in something, they can make laws and regulations to control it. How very convenient, they can use that little tidbit to limit, control or curtail any one of our rights and freedoms. They have already used it to involve themselves, unconstitutionally, into many areas that they had no right to do so, such as our public education, our local police, fire and ambulance departments, and now they have made demands on the States as to what will be on State Driver’s Licenses. Every single day, the President, those running for the presidency, our members of Congress and those who wish to run for Congress, sit around and dream up more and more ways to nibble away at our freedoms and rights and to control our every movement, and the Supreme Court backs them up and we sit back and allow it to continue.

The Constitution states that the United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; …. . No where in the Constitution is the word Democracy used. The United States was founded as a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy. Under what constitutional authority did our government start to function as a Democracy? If the government of the United States is mandated by constitutional law to protect the states from INVASION, then under what constitutional authority do our elected leaders refuse to listen to the WILL of the PEOPLE and refuse to enforce immigration laws and protect our borders? Under what constitutional authority do our elected officials tell us that they cannot put our troops on our borders to defend them, telling us that they are not trained to protect our borders, but they can send them to a foreign nation to protect their borders?

Under what constitutional authority did four federal judges in California act, when they over ruled the express wishes of 97% of the residents of California who voted last year to ban “same-sex” marriages? For that matter, can you please explain where in the Constitution of the United States, under the Right to Privacy, that the Federal Supreme Court Judges determined that a woman has the right to murder her unborn child?

Again, according to the Constitution, under the powers enumerated for the Judicial Branch (Supreme Court) they have the power to judge the constitutionality of a law and to interpret the Constitution. They have been overstepping their bounds for years by legislating from the bench, which they have no right or power to do.

Under what constitutional authority was President Bush operating when he went behind the backs of congress and the American people and made secret deals with the leaders of Mexico and Canada to sell out our national sovereignty and our constitutional government to put plans in motion for a North American Union? And once Congress found out, under what Constitutional authority did they remain silent and let those deals stand?

All of these abuses and violations have happened over and over again and WE the PEOPLE have sat back in silence and allowed it to continue. We are now at a point in history where we have a constitution that is a worthless and meaning less piece of paper. We elect people to represent us who run roughshod over us and do as they damn well please. Ours is a government that is totally out of control. They tell us that they cannot legislate morality, but they have no trouble at all with legislating immorality.

We refer to our Representatives, Senators and Judges as the Honorable so and so. Well I am her to tell you that there is nothing honorable about them. They are liars, thieves, alcoholics, lechers and adulterers. They are sexual perverts who go whoring after underage aids and pages (both boys and girls). Bill Clinton diddled a White House aid under his Oval Office desk, with a friggin cigar for God sake. His wife Hillary was involved up to her damn eyeballs in all of the illegal and treasonous scandals that he was involved in, and people want to elect her president? Give me a friggin break. It doesn’t matter if they are lawyers, judges, senators, representatives or the President of the United States, they are all a sorry bunch of s.o.b. hypocrites who will prosecute, persecute and execute the little guy for doing exactly what they themselves do every day of the week. Just take a look at Barney (the fag) Frank, the Representative from Massachusetts. Now there is fine piece of work for you. This schmuck was arrested, convicted and jailed for running a homosexual call-boy ring out of his mother’s basement. He gets out of jail and gets elected to the House of Representatives, and while in office, this pervert screwed underage boys in his Boston apartment. The reprobate is still in office.

Honorable? Not under any stretch of the imagination. The only thing they are is putrid turds plopped from the cancerous rectum of a spawn out of hell. They have destroyed America by totally ignoring the will of the people who elected them. How can anyone believe that the United States still operates under the Constitution when the majority is completely ignored and our elected officials bow to the whims and demands of special interest groups that are in the minority?

And you can forget that crap that WE the People have power in the ballot box. That fairy tale went out the window years ago, because no matter who you elect, one they have are sworn in, they break everyone of their campaign promises and do what benefits them and their bank accounts.

All their crap about raising the tax on the rich and give the middle class and the poor a break, we all know who is really going to pay for those increased taxes on the rich.

I would rather have bamboo slivers shoved under my finger and toe nails, then vote for any of the garbage running for office. They all believe that it is all about them and the direction they want to take this country, not where the majority wants it taken. Look at what a lying sack of crap McCain is. In order to get himself elected as the Republican candidate, he fed everyone the B.S. that he was a Conservative, and he appeared on the Hannity and Colmes Show on Fox and he promised Sean Hannity that he would listen to the Conservatives when it comes to immigration and not push for amnesty for illegals. Now that he is the Republican Nominee, he turned around yesterday and once again declared his intentions of granting amnesty to all illegals and he will work toward more and more “free trade” agreements that will cost us even more jobs, while allowing more and more foreign workers to come here and take whatever jobs are left. Neither he nor either of the Democrat front runners wants to secure the borders; they want them left WIDE OPEN. Wake up folks, the federal government’s idea of Homeland Security is to leave the borders wide open while they control us.

As for Hillary, she is a consummate liar, totally dishonest and untrustworthy, yet everyone touts how intelligent and qualified she is to be president and all the great experience she has. Why do people think that, because the liberal biased media and the liberal Democratic Party say so? Well, I suppose if being a lying sack of shit and being dishonest are qualifications to be the President, then I guess she is qualified. This “Honorable Senator”, had been hired to work on the legal team that was responsible for bringing impeachment charges against President Richard M. Nixon. They had to fire her ass because she tried to file a falsified and illegal report. She should have been arrested for that and disbarred. And we all know of all the other illegal activities she is involved in and the plethora of lies she has told.

Barack “Yes we can” Obama. All he ever talks about is change and leading us in a new direction, but he gives no details, yet the masses are eager to follow him. He brags about how he has gotten so many young people interested in this years election and how they have all signed up to vote, but they don’t have the slightest idea what the hell they are voting for. “Barack is going to bring change and take America in a new direction,” the young people say, but if you ask them what that direction is or what the change is, all they can say is “Duh!”

So if you all want to vote, go for it and have a happy life. As for me I will not lower myself to vote for the lesser of two evils. Evil is evil and I want nothing to do with it. If any of you happen to finally develop a spine and gonads and wish to rise up against the filth in Washington, D.C., then let me know and I will be more than happy to lead the way.