Wednesday, April 30, 2008



To those of you who may have watched Part One of Bill O’Rielly’s interview with Hillary Clinton on Fox News tonight, probably have heard her say that she plans to raise taxes to at least the level they were when her husband was president.

Of course, she claims it will only be on the rich. Isn’t that kind of like saying I’m going to cut your legs off just below the knees, but only your toes will be affected? We all know, or least we should know by now, that if taxes are raised on the rich, it will be passed on down to the middle class and the poor, through higher prices and possibly lower wages and/or a loss of even more jobs.

When O’Rielly talked about her “universal health care” program, and how it would bankrupt America (of course I think we are already bankrupt) and how it was a socialistic plan, she denied it saying; “No it isn’t socialistic,” O’Reilly told her that raising people’s taxes to pay for all of the social programs she wants, is nothing more than a redistribution of wealth, taking money away from those who work hard to earn to give it those who haven’t is a purely socialistic idea. Hillary’s response; “This country can only survive if we are all in it together.” So that means we can only survive as a nation if turn communist?

So this gives you a pretty good idea of what we are in for if she is elected president. She will not only pick up where her husband left off, but she will go beyond, can you say “Socialistic States of Amerika?”

Tomorrow O’Reilly will air Part Two of the interview. Wait until you hear what she plans to do about sanctuary cities that provide a safe haven to illegal immigrants. Can you say: Buttkus?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008



We don’t have to wait for an attack from any foreign sources to destroy us, we are doing the job ourselves, thank you.

The United States of America is one hell of a sick and degenerated country. You don’t believe it? Just take a look around you. Decency and morality is a very teeny tiny minority, while the majority of Americans today are sick and depraved.

Now, before I go any further, those of you who do not wish to read what I have to say in this posting, better leave now. Those who choose to continue reading, be warned I will pull no punches and mince no words!

The United States today is infected with three diseases that are taking a toll on this country. One of these is mental illness. Yes, America is mentally ill; we have become a nation of frigging morons. Time and again, we prove that the vast majority of Americans are permanently stuck on stupid or they are totally brain dead. Many walk around in a semi-comatose state not fully aware of what the hell is going on around them and not seeming to give a damn. I have seen so damn many people who suffer from low self-esteem, so many people who put on a false face of being so concerned about the welfare of every thing and every one around them, but deep down inside they cannot see beyond their own wants and needs. Every thing has to be about them; how popular they are, how good they look, how big their boobs are, how many toys they have, etc.

Another disease America is suffering from is a STD called over indulgence. Of the 280 emails I receive everyday, 190 of them are from various sources that seem to be overly concerned with my sex life and the size of my penis. Every single night I have to listen to sex starved women on TV, trying to get me to buy this, that or the other thing that will make ME stay hard longer so that I could satisfy THEM, because it seems that they just can’t get enough. But lets not leave out the fags because they apparently can’t get enough either. More and more television programs are slipping gay scenes into their shows, and if that isn’t enough, a state-funded organization in Maine hyped as being “a stellar program for social change” is now advertising a seminar that essentially provides information to impressionable young school-age boys on how to be homosexual, according to a pro-family organization opposing the plan.

This disgusting seminar titled: “Queer, Questioning, Quiet: Developing Gender Identity & Male Sexual Orientation,” is being promoted by the Boys to Men organization in Portland Main. The Boys to Men website advertisement about this conference says that it is “targeted primarily to middle and high school boys and their adult male mentors.” Isn’t wonderful, you send your sons to school as normal healthy boys and they come out frigging queers and flaming fags, and if they are lucky by the time they are in their late twenties to early thirties, the worst they will suffer from is the inability to control their bowels.

Oh, what’s that I hear? Gay and Lesbians are horribly offended by what I said? TOUGH SHIT! God Almighty is far more offended by your vile, filthy, disgusting and unnatural behavior than I could ever possibly offend you.

The third disease America is suffering from is a demise of their national and individual souls. The souls of America and her people are in their death throes and time is fast running out for them to be successfully resuscitated.

The crap that passes for religion today in America is enough to make the saints in heaven cringe in pain. The majority of “Christians” and even many Jews now-a-days are fed a diet of “feel good” theology. You’re not responsible for the evil you do, no repentance necessary because Jesus loves you just as you are and he died for you. God wants you to have the best that life has to offer, all you have to do is reach out and claim it. Our churches today, preach that we aren’t to judge any one for any thing. There is no right, there is no wrong, what ever the hell feels good to you, do it

Many of those in the Black community are spoon-fed diet of hate. Hate whitey, hate America. For every one step we take forward in race relations, Black ministers like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, etc., knock us back fifteen. The sad thing about this is that those in the black community, who follow these so-called ministers, do not realize that people like Wright, Sharpton, Jackson, don’t want racism to end in America because it would mean the end to their “meal tickets.” As long as they can keep their own people down and believing that whites are oppressing them, those who call themselves ministers will continue to live on the hog.

No, we don’t have to worry about the Taliban, Hezzbola, Al Qiada or any other group destroying us. All they have to do is sit back and watch us destroy ourselves. Then when we have crawled as far into the gutter that we can go, they will just waltz on in, kick our sorry asses and take over the country.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Very interesting, we are supposed to be a Christian nation, but then Europe was predominantly Christian also. Imagine moving to an Arab country and trying to run for Office and requesting that Christianity be installed there in the form of separate holidays and special areas set aside for them to conduct their religious services as well as special privileges just because they are Christians.

Well, the following should get you mad as hell.

Michael Reisig is the editor of the Polk County Pulse located in Mena, Arkansas as well as the author of several books. Reisig wrote the following article for the Polk County Post on February 20, 2008:

President Obama – by Michael Reisig

Well, having observed the progress of the Democrat and Republican primaries, I would have to say at this point, America is probably close to electing Barack Hussein Obama as its next president. I understand the need for change – but for all my observation of Obama I have yet to hear any decisive, detailed plans – it all seems to be continual rhetoric on the concept of change.

It’s all a puzzlement to me, and more than anything, I think this phenomena is representative of the new Survivor/Oprah Winfrey/ American Idol consciousness (where the bizarre is applauded as reality and image is more important than substance) and it is undoubtedly brought about by the overwhelming dissatisfaction Americans have for a government that has cheated and lied and stolen from them for at least the last two generations. But for minorities, and in particular blacks, this election represents a moment of long awaited validation. There is no question that the election of an African-American president will empower the blacks of this country. Don’t misunderstand me – this is not racist statement, this is just a fact, and in many respects this could be a good thing. But there is no denying the sense of audacious rebellion that constantly simmers in much of the black community, particularly with the youth of the large metropolitan areas.

I have some concern that the election of a black president will take us back to a consciousness that promotes the power of race over intelligence, reason, and the value of law, and that this may divide black and whites more than uniting them. I hope that I am wrong.

Obama speaks a lot about a uniting of Black and White America, but the church he has attended for years would contradict that. Although you won’t hear much of this on national television, one has but to go to Obama’s church of choice, Trinity United Church of Christ (you can go to the website to check for yourself) to find, and I quote, ‘An unabashedly black congregation with a non-negotiable commitment to Africa. An African people true to our native land, the mother continent, the cradle of civilization.’ No where in the website is America even mentioned. Can you imagine if one of the other white candidates for president were a member of a church that declared itself “unabashedly white?” What would the media have done to them already?

I was also startled by a number of the points in Trinity United Church’s 10-Point Vision:

* A congregation with a non-negotiable Commitment to Africa;

* A congregation committed to cultural education (African);

* A congregation committed to the Historical Education of African people in Diaspora;

* A congregation committed to Liberation;

* A congregation committed to restoration (could this mean restitution?).

In addition, Trinity’s senior pastor, Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., is considered by many to be a black racist, who, without question, preaches radical Afro-centric theology. It appears, by affiliation, that we have a man who wants to be president of America while much of his loyalty is invested in black Africa. But there is also a deeper and perhaps darker consequence in terms of America and its multi-national population when we consider Mr. Obama as our new leader.

Investigations have shown that Obama’s father and stepfather were devout Islamists. Both faithfully practiced their religion. Obama’s stepfather, who had a much greater impact on Obama’s upbringing, was a radical Wahabbi Muslim. Obama’s mother married Lolo Soetoro, a Wahabbi extremist, who lived in Indonesia. When Obama’s mother moved to Indonesia – before she married her second Muslim husband – she enrolled her son in the St. Francis Assisi Catholic School. He was enrolled as a Muslim because he was a Muslim.

Obama’s campaign website has been hailed as a testament to the candidate’s transformative politics. But at least part of the senator’s on-line outreach, “Muslim Americans for Obama in 08” proposes installing Muslim prayer areas in public places and giving Muslims time off for prayer, and has denounced Obama’s colleagues in the U.S. Senate who happen to be Jewish. Further troubling are the issues and solutions on this site:

1. A law that would prohibit harassment of Muslim women wearing the Hijab at the airport, DMV and other public arenas.

2. Institute a law that would allow Muslim employees to take an hour off from work for their Friday Jummah Prayer.

3. Make the two Eid’s (Muslim festivals), recognized national holidays on calendars with days off from work.

4. Optional hallel meals offered in all federal buildings, public schools and colleges.

5. Provide prayer areas suitable for Salah and Jummah, in public and private facilities, (i.e., Malls, Airports, Universities and government buildings).

6. Organize a Muslim American group to assist in recommendations for U.S. foreign policy affecting majority Muslim countries.

I have to wonder how many encampments of Islamic extremists hidden in the hills of Afghanistan and back rooms of Baghdad and Tehran listen to the news of America’s primary elections with unadulterated glee, considering first, that we may have a president who has virtually no experience in managing a government or attending to military/international affairs, and secondly; the chance (as remote as it is) of a quasi-Muslim president of the United States. Just think of the possibilities.

(much of this has and is happening all over Europe and look what is happening in Denmark, Holland, Spain, etc., they are losing their national identity to Islam. Is that what we want here?)

Its time that we as Christians stand up and let our voices be heard. Lets stop being the silent majority.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Will she win the election? Will they have a second chance to defile the White House? Will his fly suffer from a wardrobe malfunction? . . .

This is the last of the Six Part series on the Sordid History of the Clintons. Sit back and feel the chills run up and down your spine.

LOOK! There in the dark corner of the room, something moved.

Is it the curtain blowing in the breeze? Is it a figment of your over-worked imagination? No, It’s….


Saturday, April 26, 2008


Since today is the day that Orthodox Catholics celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, I have decided to forgo my usual postings of rants and raves against the political machinery and instead do a posting on:

. . .and where they may lead

Click on the picture below to see where this Dirt Road

Takes you.

Friday, April 25, 2008



Page Two:

Lessons we learn from Pets

Have a high opinion of yourself

Stay well informed

Know how to pick your friends

Sleep at least 8 hours a day

Pamper yourself, and take care of your body

Learn to relax and above all, be content


Thursday, April 24, 2008


Something more to think about:

Los Angeles on the way to becoming a ‘THIRD WORLD CITY

Los Angeles is well on it’s way to becoming a “Third World City”, and if our elected officials don’t get their act together soon, the United States will become a “Third World Country”, and a whole lot sooner then most people may think.

Immigrants, legal and illegal make up half of L.A.’s workforce, and one-third of the immigrants have not graduated from high school and 60% cannot speak English fluently, according to the Migration Policy Institute.

Thus, the immigrants are not equipped to fill the fasted-growing occupations in the State of California, such as computer software engineering and nursing, and guess what, as the so-called baby boomers reach retirement age, this exact same pattern will spread like wildfire across the rest of the United States.

According to the US Census Bureau, in a report last year, predicted that by 2050, (assuming our country lasts that long) minorities will make up half of all residents across America. The largest increase in the numbers of minority residents has been in Los Angeles and Riverside in California, Dallas and Houston Texas, and New York.

Page Two:

Our Good Neighbors to the South, caught stealing White House BlackBerries

A Mexican Embassy attaché was caught on camera “five fingering” several White House BlackBerries during the recent meeting in New Orleans between Canada, the United States and Mexico.

Rafael Quintero Curiel, the lead press advance person for the Mexican Delegation took between six or seven of the handheld devices from a table, where everyone entering the room was required to leave their cell phones, BlackBerries and other such devices, outside a special room in the hotel where the Mexican delegation was meeting with President Bush earlier this week.

Secret Service officials viewed videotape taken by surveillance cameras which showed Quintero Curiel making off with the BlackBerries. Curiel managed to make it all the way to the airport before Secret Service officers caught up with him. At first, he denied taking the BlackBerries, but after the agents showed him the video, Curiel claimed it was all an accident, then claimed diplomatic immunity and left the US with the Mexican delegation.

Mexican Embassy spokesman Ricardo Alday, claims that Curiel was asked to tender his resignation once he arrived back in Mexico City, and will be responsible for explaining his actions to American authorities.

Well, strong fences make good neighbors, don’t you think?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


A Little Tidbit I Heard on Fox News This Evening:

Just one more thing to make you say “Hmmmm”:

It seems that John McCain (that very conservative guy running for president on the Republican ticket) apparently got is knickers in a twist over a political campaign ad produced by the Republican party of North Carolina.

The ad brings up Barack Obama’s (one of McCain’s opponents in the presidential race) pastor, Jeremiah Wright, and McCain says that the ad is hitting below the belt. McCain has asked the North Carolina GOP not to run the ad.

The ad shows Obama and Wright together and features a clip of Wright cursing America.

McCain told voters that the North Carolina ad is not the message he wants for his campaign. The North Carolina Republicans said they will not pull the ad, arguing that it is about a statewide race and not the national election.

Responding to all of this, Obama said the Republican National Committee and McCain have both called the North Carolina ad inappropriate, and the presumptive GOP nominee should have the authority to get the ad pulled.

Now here is the “Hmmm” causing tidbit. Obama said, on camera, on the Fox News Channel, and I quote: “I take them at their word and I assume that if my soul brother John McCain thinks that it is an inappropriate ad then he can get them to pull it down since he is their nominee and standard bearer.”

“Soul Brother?” Hmmmmm!

I lifted this meme from Leticia at Leticia’s World:

Have you ever:

1. Gone on a blind date? Yes, many years ago.

2. Skipped school? Hasn’t every one?

3. Watched someone die? More times then I care to remember.

4. Been to Canada? Several times.

5. Been to Mexico? No.

6. Been to Florida? Yes, I lived in St. Augustine and Lake Worth.

7. Been on a plane? Yes.

8. Been lost? Never.

9. Been on the opposite side of the country? Yes, California, Texas.

10. Been to the capital of your country? Yes.

11. Swam in the ocean or waded? Yes, both.

12. Cried yourself to sleep? Not since I was a little kid.

13. Played cops and robber? Yes

14. Recently colored with crayons? No, I gave it up for Lent.

15. Sang Karaoke? No, I don’t believe in needless torture.

16. Paid for a meal with coins only? Yes, a couple of times.

17. Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? All the time.

18. Made prank phone calls? Yes, 100’s when I was a kid.

19. Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Oh yea.

20. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes. Lots of fun there.

21. Danced in the rain? Yes, dang near got pneumonia.

22. Written a letter to Santa Claus? Yes, but my mother never mailed it.

23. Been kissed under the mistletoe? Do the grandkids count?

24. Watched the sunrise with someone you care about? Yes, with my sons when they were little.

25. Blown bubbles? Yes.

26. Gone ice-skating? Yes, but I didn’t like it.

27. Been skinny dipping outdoors? Yes, a few times.

28. Been out of North America? Yes; Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Lebanon, Israel.

29. Been in detention? Yes, a few times in high school for falling asleep in class.

30. Regretted something you blogged? NEVER.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Something to think about:

#1: Am I the only one to notice something strange with the gas prices? Yes, the cost of gas is going up like crazy, but how come diesel is so much higher than gasoline?

Back in the 50’s and right up until a couple of years ago, diesel (kerosene) was always way cheaper than gasoline, even one gasoline was .28 cents a gallon. Now all of a sudden, diesel is now almost $2.00 a gallon more than gasoline.

According to the so-called experts, it is because it costs more to refine diesel then it does gasoline. I’m sorry, but that doesn’t make any sense because if it costs more to refine diesel then why was it cheaper than gas for so many years?

#2: Lately, we are hearing that there are massive food shortages in several different countries around the globe. Well, no Duh! Most farmers, not only here, but in many other western countries are selling the majority of their corn and wheat to be used for the manufacture of bio-fuels, which means less food for both human consumption and feed for live stock. This in turn raises the cost of food, every thing from meat to bread. Then to make matters worse, the high cost diesel fuel is then passed on to the stores by the truckers. The stores then jack up the price of food twice, once for the higher cost of the food because there is less of it, then again to recoup the extra cost they have to pay to the trucking and shipping companies due to the higher diesel costs. So, these two price increases are passed on to us, the consumers. So who do we pass our extra costs on to?

We have to pay more for our gasoline to get to work or elsewhere, we have to pay more for food because there is less of it and so that the stores can recoup the extra money they have to pay for having the stuff shipped to them, so that the truckers can recoup the extra money it costs them for fuel. How to we recoup our losses?

Our wages are either remaining the same or going down; we are losing more and more jobs, while all of our costs are climbing higher by the day. We are just supposed to shut up and take it on the chin. Meanwhile, both of the Democrat front runners want to raise our taxes, which means even higher cost of food and everything as those on top pass down the costs of their increased taxes on us, and more and more illegals come waltzing in at our expense.

The elites get richer, the middle class disappears and the rest of us get poorer. Can any body say REVOLUTION or do you all like getting screwed?

Say a prayer, cling to your guns and MARCH ON WASHINGTON, D.C.


The following is from Paula Maillet at Homeward Bound

Garfield on the Oil Crisis:

A lot of folks can’t understand how we came to have an oil shortage here in our country. Well, there’s a very simple answer. Nobody bothered to check the oil.

We just didn’t know that we were getting low, and the reason for that is purely geographical. You see, our oil is located in Alaska, California, Coastal Florida, Costal Louisiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Texas, but all of our DIPSTICKS are located in Washington, D.C.!

Any questions?? No? I didn’t think so!



Be on the lookout for the following: