Saturday, September 15, 2007


The Decline of American Society:

It has been said that “those who refuse to learn from the mistakes of the past are condemned to repeat them.”

Since the 1960’s, the United States has been engaged in a war that has been raging right here in our own country. I am speaking about the culture war. The liberal left has been waging an all out attack on every thing we have held dear such as: the traditional family, traditional marriage, morality, personal responsibility, self-respect, etc.

Many Americans are angered when they read about or hear on television news shows, the rise in teen pregnancies, teen violence, the rise in crime rates, lowering educational standards, illegal drug use, the rise in illegal immigration, the rapid growth in political corruption, the push, even by churches, for the legalization of same-sex marriages, schools pushing the homosexual agenda, and so on and so forth.

Back in the early 1990’s, the ACLU told the members of the California State Assembly’s Education Committee that they were opposed to a bill that was under consideration, which called for traditional values to be taught in school curricula. The ACLU says that they found this bill to be offensive because it mandated that students be taught that monogamous, heterosexual relations solely within marriage is a traditional family value (which it was until the 70’s and 80’s, when the “Hippies” began to advocate “free love” [promiscuity] and the homosexuals began to venture out of the “closet”).

Along with the above named attacks, came a direct attack on Christianity, forget the fact that the United States was founded on Judeo/Christian principles and values. First, prayer was banned from the public schools, which led to the banning of Christian religious symbols or displays from the public venue. Then as “political correctness” took hold, it became taboo for people to wish one another a “Merry Christmas”, now it is a generic “Happy Holiday”, if even that, and as all sacred and religious meanings are erased from Christmas and Easter, these sacred holidays become more and more commercialized by stores to sell their wares. Today, Easter has been replaced by Earth Day; Christmas is now a Winter Break. Even Secular holidays have been transformed; Washington’s Birthday is now President’s Day, and Columbus Day is now often considered a day to reflect on the cultural imperialism and genocidal racism of the “dead white males” who raped this continent while exterminating its noblest inhabitants.

Shortly after prayer and the Bible were expelled from school; it wasn’t long before the schools did away with the dress code and corporal punishment of disobedient and unruly students. This of course led to the ‘inmates taking over the asylum’ so to speak. Walk into most any public school in the United States (especially inner city schools) and you will hear and see the total disrespect on the part of the students toward the teachers, administrative staff and toward each other. The banning of corporal punishment in the schools led to, thanks to non-elected NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) connected to the United Nations, making it illegal for parents to spank their children. It wasn’t long before children began to disrespect their parents, which led to parents losing parental control over their own children. Today, the schools and the government have more say so over our children then we the parents have.

Then America witnessed the advent of “No fault” divorce, which was the coup de gras for the end of traditional marriage in America. From then on, it has been down hill all the way and the end of the United States as people of my generation knew it. Families fell apart; illegitimate births were no longer frowned upon and bed-hoping promiscuity seems have become a national pastime.

The culture war is being fought between those who consider themselves to be the cultural elite socialist/communist liberals and the rest of American society. These so-called cultural elite can be found among the Hollywood morons, academic and intellectuals who have ‘hijacked’ our colleges and universities even trickling down to our high and elementary schools. They are found in the literary world and in the mainstream media, among our politicians and elected officials, and in many cases they have even taken over many of our religious institutions. The strange thing is that they tend to be way more powerful then their numbers would indicate simply because they are idolized as being trend setters and opinion makers.

On the other side, are those who hold to a commitment to a definable and transcendent higher authority, whom we call God or the Creator, from whom we have received all of our rights and freedoms. Those in this group hold to an unchangeable TRUTH, of values, goodness and a moral purpose in life. They believe in a strong family centered society which places family first, then their neighborhood, their city, state and country. They believe in a strong work ethic and personal responsibility.

The morally bankrupt cultural elitists look with distain upon the traditional American values such as the work ethic, frugality, sexual restraint and morality, self-control, self-respect, respect for others, personal responsibility, and honesty, all the values that have made America great. This “elite” group is known for their out-and-out rejection of all American ideals, including what has been known as the “American Dream”. If middle class America and the Republican party are for something, no matter what it is, it is a given that the elites will instinctively oppose it. They vote as a block, in lock-step for liberal candidates who support such issues as abortion, gay rights, legalization of drugs, etc. Their group motto appears to be “Blame America First”.

To the politically correct, socialist/communist cultural elite, there is no such thing as unchangeable timeless TRUTH. To them, truth is an ever changing revelation depending on the particular whims of the people at any given time. What I find interesting though is the fact that these “progressive” social elitists will very often hold on to the religious heritage of the conservatives, but they reinterpret its meanings and teachings to fit their ideologies. For instance, to gay rights progressives, they teach that Christ came not to free us from sin, but to free gays from the constraints of society. Even though most of the elitists have disregarded religion altogether, those who claim to be Christian (such as the Clintons) have adopted what is called a liberation theology which “liberates” the individual from any and all obligations other than to “love each other”, which in “liberal speak” means to allow others to do whatever they feel is good or expedient in their lives, without passing any sort of judgment.

So many on the left today, including the politicians and our elected officials have publicly stated that the churches (priests, ministers, pastors, rabbis) have no right to speak out against homosexuality or against political candidates who support immoral behavior of any kind, and sadly, many religious leaders go along with this. Many have been so brainwashed by the politically correct attitude that one should not speak out against sin or sinners, because it will offend those who are committing the sins. They tend to forget that apathy toward sin is to NOT love God and is incompatible with the true Christian faith.

Today, it seems to be a rarity for the majority of our elected officials to even have true patriotic feelings for their own country. Our children are being taught in our public schools that it is wrong to be family centered or to have strong feelings of “nationalism”; instead they should think and act globally, putting the needs of the world over the needs of their families and their own country. The purpose of this teaching is to herd us right into a one world government, which is the sole purpose, the sole aim of the cultural elite.

This can be seen in the fact that our national borders are left wide open allowing illegals to flood into our country at will, many of them placing the citizens of this country in danger. While this is happening, our politicians tell us that we need the illegals because they are good for our economy, but so many of our jobs have moved over seas to third world countries, and what few jobs we have left are being taken by legal and illegal immigrants who are willing to work for far lower wages. Most of the illegals entering our country have committed crimes such as drug smuggling, rape, and murder, child molestation, driving without a license and often driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, not to mention identity theft. Many of these have been arrested and deported more than once, just to sneak back in over and over again. Then they hold public demonstrations demanding all sorts of rights and dictating to us, what our immigration policies and laws should be. Then we are told that the illegals are “entitled” to free education, free medical and dental care, the right to low income housing and food stamps, all of which are being paid for by the legal tax paying citizens of the United States.

While this goes on, our elected senators, representatives and other government officials’ turn a blind eye to what is going on, refusing to pass and enact any meaningful immigration laws so that they can receive huge campaign donations from the various labor and pro immigration groups. While the millions of illegals flood in every year, taking over our neighborhoods, placing a heavy financial burden on our schools, hospitals and other infrastructures, our own President is busy working behind the scenes, working out secret deals with the leaders of Canada and Mexico to set up a North American Union that will in essence do away with the national sovereignty of all three countries. And as the United States slips into the cesspool of immorality, the liberal elitists continue to engage in ever more hedonistic debauchery of one sexual escapade after another, exposing their bodies in every public venue they can find, engaging in every kind of immoral excess, giving moral support to our enemies, all the while dictating to the rest of us as to how we should live. They dictate to us what kind of cars we should drive, how often we should drive, what we can and cannot eat and how much, and what games our children are allowed to play, all this while they themselves jet all over the world, drive huge gas guzzling SUV’s and attend one lavish dinner party after another.

Today, we are told that an individual’s sexual preference and sexual conduct, as long as it is consensual, is irrelevant to that person’s moral character. Those of us who are against the codification of amorality to raise homosexual liaisons to the same moral and legal level as traditional marriage are nothing more than homophobic hate mongers, even though our beliefs are based in the teachings of both the Old and New Testaments and in Natural Law. Even Thomas Jefferson, the paragon of enlightenment, in his writings stated: homosexuality should be punished as severely as rape.

It was the belief, some thirty years ago, by the majority of Americans, that homosexuals had the same constitutional rights as all other citizens. They had the right to live and work where they pleased and to be left alone in their private lives. What Changed? What has made homosexuality such a big issue today is the non-negotiable demand on the part of the gay rights groups that their unnatural “lifestyle” be sanctioned by law, that they be given the right to legally marry, adopt children and serve as troop leaders in the Boy Scouts.

Much of this is a mirror image of what took place in ancient Rome. And, like Rome, the United States won’t be conquered by outside enemies (at least not initially) because we will decay from the inside. While America burns, the liberal leftist elite will party the night away. This cultural war goes much further then one may think. It is about who we are and what we believe as a people, as a nation. Are we to remain “One Nation under God” or has the United States already begun to split irrevocably apart? Unless the decent, God-fearing people rise up and fight, with more than just words, against the evil that is destroying America, our demise is guaranteed and the United States will become just one more great nation to end up on the dung heap of human history.

“Abouna” Gregori