Friday, September 14, 2007


A Saturday Morning Fairy Tale

By Munchkin

“Let’s Pretend”

Once upon a time in a pretend country far, far away, there was a horrendous attack on that country. This attack killed thousands of innocent people, which led to the leader of the country going to war with the country that attacked them. But then, the leader of the pretend country that was originally attacked decided that he wanted to take things one step further, by attacking another country that had nothing to do with the original attack. This he called a “War on Terror”.

Then the leader of the pretend land told his subjects that he needed to keep them all safe from any future sneak attacks, so he set up a Department of Pretend Home Land Security, while at the same time, this august leader left the pretend land’s borders wide open to millions of unchecked illegal immigrants, many of whom were criminals in their home country. Meanwhile, the Department of Pretend Home Land Security went about spying on the citizens of Pretend Land.

When the citizens demanded “Hey, what’s up?” Their mighty leader said “We need to have open borders for the free movement of goods and people across the border, and we have to listen in to your telephone conversations, keep track of what you do on your computers, practically strip search you at the air ports and other places, so that I can keep you all safe from terrorists who might sneak in to Pretend Land to do you harm, which is all part of the war on terrorism.”

“Now isn’t that strange, our leader spies on citizens while illegal aliens can continue to come and go freely as they please and this is to keep us safe?” said the citizens of Pretend Land.

But soon, the leader of Pretend Land became dissatisfied with following the laws and highest court rulings of Pretend Land and he began to make his own new rules and regulations saying: “As your leader, while we are in a war, I can ignore the old laws whenever I like. After all, look how we haven’t had another attack, I have kept you safe.”

What a strange and silly place Pretend Land is. Even people, who know better, go along with it all as if they have been hypnotized. It all gets stranger still.

The leader continues to be unhappy with Pretend Land’s Constitution and claims that being the leader of Pretend Land, entitles him to secretly make deals to end Pretend Land’s sovereignty by agreeing to merge Pretend Land with two other countries.

My, what a busy leader! He is keeping the minds of the citizens focused on the war against terrorism while he is busy with his friends who rule the countries to the North and South of Pretend Land, making a “NEW WORLD ORDER” subjugating the self-determination of the citizens of the three countries to an unelected and unwanted trilateral council.

The leader of Pretend Land even has a name for the illegal and unconstitutional acts he is committing against the people of Pretend Land. He calls it the Security and Prosperity Partnership, or as it is better known, the North American Union, a stealth alliance done behind the backs of and foisted on the on the citizens of Pretend land. It is time to stop PRETENDING!

See ya all next week, Lord willing and

the creek don’t rise.