Monday, September 24, 2007


News from the Crapper:

“Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the John”

Keeping an eye on Ahmadinejad (“I’m mad in the John”)

I don’t know about you, but I wish I had taken a “bong Hit” before I listened to the dribble coming from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at Columbia University today. I may have understood some of what he was babbling about. This idiot doesn’t seem to know how to answer a simple question. All he did was answer questions with a question. Perhaps it would have been better if Bill O’Rielly had been the one to ask the questions, he would have forced Mahmoud to give a straight answer.

The only thing I learned is that there are no gays in Iran (snicker, snicker), women are highly esteemed in Iran and that Iranian women are among the most free in the world (ROFL), and that Mahmoud believes the B.S. that the Palestinians had a homeland that was stolen by those nasty Jews.

Concerning the Holocaust, Ahmadinejad said that “if the Holocaust is a reality, why don’t we let more research be done on it? . . . Where did the Holocaust happen to begin with? It happened in Europe, and given that, why is that the Palestinian people to be displaced? Why should they give up their land? After 70 some odd years of investigation and study of the Holocaust, after all of the documented evidence and eye witness accounts, why does this fool think we need to do more research? It is a known and proven fact that there never was a Palestinian homeland and it is about time that the Islamists wake their sorry butts up to that fact.

Next time, I will remember to flush twice, it is a long way to Iran.

Hillary Watch

Well, at least if Hillary wins the presidency in 2008, we won’t be short on the Clinton “strong arm” techniques. Her campaign people are getting in some much needed practice.

Her campaign made CQ magazine they couldn’t refuse. The Hillary presidential campaign demanded that CQ kill an article that is unflattering to Hillary or they would lose access to former President Bill Clinton.

Sources familiar with the situation, said that despite internal protests, the editor of CQ, Jim Nelson, met the Clinton campaign’s demands, which had been delivered by Bill Clinton’s spokesman, Jay Carson. Without providing any details, Nelson confirmed that a piece on Sen. Clinton – written by Atlantic Monthly staff writer Josh Green – was spiked.

At least it is nice to know that the new boss will be the same as the old boss.

Let’s see what is new in New York under Gov. “Spitsasser”

OK, New York State Gov. Elliot Spitzer has just pushed New York State deeper down the proverbial S%#T hole and made it an even more dangerous place to live.

Last Friday, this moron signed an Executive Order, which will take effect on January 1, 2008, allowing ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to receive driver’s licenses. Spitzer claims that he has done this bring those poor people out of the shadows.

Nice going you Dumb Ass! What do you do for an encore?
