Saturday, September 22, 2007


Sorry I’m late putting up this post, but I just got back from a “Do Your Dooty” rally. I felt I just had to do my part. Below, is a picture of one of the participants doing his “dooty”

Now, for a sad topic:

America Died Today

It is time that we all wake up to the fact that we no longer live in the United States of America. Oh, we still call it that, but this country bears absolutely no resemblance to the United States which our founding fathers fought for, established and passed on to us.

We are living in a time when the Federal Government has, time and again reached beyond its Constitutional bounds and usurped powers that have never belonged to it. May I remind each of you who read this that we are (or at least according to the Supreme Law of the Land, the Constitution of the United States) we were supposed to be a Constitutional Republic, NOT, as many of our corrupt politicians and the MSN would have you believe, a Democracy. The founding fathers never intended this to be a Democracy and they even warned that we should never let this become a Democracy. According to Barry Goldwater, a true American and conservative wrote the following:

“Freedom depends on effective restraints against the accumulation of power in a single authority,” He called for “the federal government to withdraw promptly and totally from every jurisdiction which the Constitution reserves to the states.”

Mr. Goldwater was absolutely correct to call for the federal government to withdraw from areas that it had no right and no business getting involved in. Some of these areas are; education, federal gun control laws, as well as many other areas. Now they are trying to enact a National Health Insurance. One of the most insidious moves that the federal government made was to insert itself into our local police departments, to the point that all of our local police; town, city, county sheriffs, and our state police have become almost 100% militarized, armed with all the same weapons as our armed forces. We no longer have our friendly neighbor hood cops, who you trusted to go to whenever there was a problem. Today, you are just as likely to be roughed up and assaulted by the police as you are by criminals. More than once I have seen the police treat the citizens with disdain when a cop is approached by a citizen for directions or other information. Our police today are too quick to resort to using deadly force, even if it is not called for.

America stopped functioning as a Constitutional Republic and started to function like a dysfunctional Democracy the day that congress illegally enacted the Federal Reserve Banking System along with the Federal Income Tax, both of which happened on December 23, 1913. But the ground work was already laid long before, when the federal government did away with our Common Law and in its place, they foisted Admiralty/Marine Law upon the people. No longer are we considered an individual citizen with constitutional rights when brought before a court, instead, we are considered as corporations with limited rights.

Since 1913, each succeeding presidential administration has brought the federal government ever deeper into our private lives, nibbling away ever more at our freedoms and rights and until recently, it was done so insidiously slow that the majority of people had no idea what was happening. But since 9/11/01, this nibbling has become an out and out chomp. And what is truly shocking is the fact that it isn’t just Congress (the Legislative Branch) and the President (the Executive Branch), but also the United States Supreme Court (the Judicial Branch) that has trampled on our rights and freedoms. Through their insane cockamamie interpretations of the Constitution, the Supreme Court Judges have so twisted and perverted the original intent and meaning of the Constitution and making a mockery of our legal system. Today, we do not have a legal system that seeks TRUTH or JUSTICE, instead, our legal system is nothing more than a game between two opposing lawyers, defense attorney on one side and the prosecuting attorney on the other, each side trying to out smart the other with their “legalese” Bull S%#T, while the defendant is nothing more than a pawn. You don’t believe it? The Constitution guarantees us the right to a trial before a jury of our PEERS. Peers, means a jury of our equals (social and economic status), but what do we have today? Lawyers paying huge sums to hire “jury consultants” to help pick prospective members of the jury, each side getting to pick those who they think will be most sympathetic to their side.

The death blows to America were also delivered when President Carter “screwed” not only us, but the people of Iran and the Middle East by allowing the fall of the Shah of Iran and permitting the return to Iran of the Islamic radical the Ayatollah Khomeini, which led to the storming and capture of the American embassy and the kidnapping of several American citizens. Carter showed the world what an impotent spineless slug he was. Later, this was followed by the sleaziest, most corrupt and immoral leaders this country has ever allowed to stink up the White House, William Jefferson Clinton. Never mind the fact that he and his wife were involved in all sorts of shady and corrupt deals, never mind the fact that the FBI had huge files on both Bill and Hillary of how they lived on a communist commune in Italy and espoused very radical socialist/communistic ideas, never mind the fact Bill Clinton was a draft-dodging, pot-smoking, womanizing creep (he has many credible accusations claiming rape and sexual assault against him) who, along with his wife, openly declared that they had “No use or respect for the military”. And, never mind the fact that during the Vietnam War, he went to Moscow and took part in a demonstration against the United States, the people elected this scumbag to the Office of President, who proved to be equally spineless and impotent in the face of attacks on American property (the USS Cole and our two embassies in Africa, etc.) because he was too busy getting his pipes cleaned under his desk in the Oval Office and collecting huge sums of money from various communist Chinese sources, and even selling a “super computer”, once used by our Pentagon, to the Chinese government (this computer still contained top secret information in the hard drive).

The demise of the United States as we once knew it came without mercy at hands of the very people whom we have been electing to represent us and to lead this country. It would not be honest or fair to blame just one political party, because both parties are and have been equally guilty. The United States was put into an induced coma brought on by a government that knowingly, with malice of forethought, abandoned most if not all of the protections once guaranteed by the Constitution. George W. Bush’s administration has been using fear of terrorism as a political sledgehammer, stripping some American citizens of the right to counsel, the right to privacy and he has even threatened freedom of expression by suggesting that those who do not agree with him are traitors. He is brazenly violating his Oath of Office by working behind the backs of the members of Congress and the people of the United States, to sell out the national sovereignty of the United States to set up a North American Union, which will in essence will make Mexico, Canada and the U.S. one, much on the order of the European Union. But the real coup d'gras came at the hands of the United States Supreme Court, when it ruled in a split 5-4 decision that a city or state has the right to steal an American citizen’s property without due course and turn it over to private developers.

Without any rhyme or reason, the Supreme Court ruled that the city of New London, CT, can seize the property of private homeowners and give it to private developers who want to build condos and office buildings. With that decision, the Supreme Court managed to destroy the American way of life, the American dream of home ownership and the concept that one’s property is their own and protected from those who want it for their own greedy purposes. Up until this point, we could count on the Supreme Court to stop the ever-increasing encroachment by the government into our private lives. The courts used to be our only path to stop the Legislative and/or the Executive branches of government’s assaults on the Constitution and our freedoms.

Not any more. When the court sided with rich land speculators and fat-cats that already control all the other branches of local, state and federal governments through their checkbooks and political action committees, the last faint hope for America was dashed.

Also, we the citizens also own some of the blame because we failed to do due diligence when it came to electing various candidates for public office. We failed to be honestly informed as to a candidate’s motives and intents for seeking public office, or worse yet, we remained apathetic to what was going on. Too many people today are suffering from Ostrichitis. They stick their heads in the sand and figure if they pretend not to see the problems, then the problems don’t exist and will not affect them, how wrong they are.

There was a time when we considered America to be the “home of the brave” and the “land of the free”, but that was yesterday and yesterday is gone. We stopped being the home of the brave on September 11, 2001, when a band of Islamist terrorist thugs hijacked and crashed airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Seizing upon the politics of the moment, our government used fear to turn this nation into a police state. When the five justices of the United States Supreme Court voted in favor of the “land grabbers” they destroyed the land of the free. If people cannot own property without fearing that the government can take it and turn it over to the land grabbers who have our elected officials in their pockets, then we are NO LONGER FREE.

Do you remember the song, by Kris Kristofferson, “Me and Bobby McGee”? There is a line in the song that says: “Freedoms just another word for nothing else to lose.” Well folks, we have nothing else to lose. The government and our courts have taken it all, lock, stock and barrel.

If she cannot be resurrected, America will be sorely missed.

Did you know that dogs have nightmares just like humans?

Below is one of mine!

From Left to right: John Edwards, Hillary Clinton,
Rudy Giuliani, Ahmadinejad; Nancy Pelosi, Obama,
unknown woman and John Murtha.

“Have a great weekend and I’ll see you all next Saturday, Lord willing and the creek don’t rise.”