Saturday, June 30, 2007


“Just Hitting

Another Brick


How We Are Being Had By the Mainstream Media

Everyone in the United States should be educated to the fact that the Mainstream Media (MSM) is working hand-in-glove with those who are selling us out to the One World Government. If you think for one moment that the news you receive in your daily newspapers or on CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, etc., is fair and balanced, you are living in a dream world. Almost all of the newsmen and women are biased toward the liberal left.

Let me give you a very good example. Did you know that PBS, the much touted Public Broadcasting System, which is funded by your tax dollars, is slanted so far left that it is a wonder they don’t topple over? On April 10, 2007, Dennis Wagner of the Arizona Republic broke the story of how PBS censored the documentary Islam vs. Islamists from its America at a Crossroads series. Frank Gaffney, Alex Alexiev and veteran filmmaker, Martyn Burke, of ABG Films, Inc. presented in detail their nightmare experience trying to placate the censors at PBS and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting which funded the film with $675,000 of taxpayer money, but then chose to not show the film.

Why the censorship? PBS felt that he documentary, which exposed the reason why we do not hear an out cry from the “Moderate” Muslims against the radical Islamists, was “BIASED” against the radical members of Islam. Once again, political correctness is front and center, and we all know that the MSM is extremely politically correct.

This pc mentality has even led our government to do great harm to the security of our country by enabling Islamist organizations in the United States, like CAIR, MPAC, MAS, MSA, or INSA, and how government endorsement of Islamists publicly empowers them and allows them to shirk their responsibility of countering Islamism as an ideology. Now add to this the media’s inability to wage an honest debate of the “struggle for the soul of Islam”.

When so many of us ask, “Where are the moderated voices of Islam, why aren’t they speaking out?” The answer becomes crystal clear; they are being stifled by misguided political correctness and by the strong Islamist influence within the MSM and government. Thus, the PBS censorship of the documentary, Islam vs. Islamists” shows one of the best examples of the symbiotic relationship between government and media complicity with Islamist ideology.

This political correctness and bias toward the extreme left, not only affects what, if anything, we hear from moderate Muslims, but it gives a skewed picture of world events to the American public and of us to the world at large. When we listen to the MSM, we have the false impression that we are “informed”.

Here is an example of media bias from a story printed in the Washington Post, which shows what I mean. The article was titled: House Heats Up Over Bill to Give Illegal Immigrants In-State Tuition. This article shows how a use of descriptive words can change the meaning of a sentence and skew the whole article to shed a good light on the side the writer favors and a bad light on the side the writer is against. For example, the reporter wrote “Del. Patrick L. McDonough (R-Baltimore County) told his colleagues: ‘We are aiding and abetting people who are in this State illegally.’ His voice rose in anger.” The Republican speaker was portrayed as ANGRY. As the reporter continued, he wrote: “The comments infuriated many Democrats, who rose to speak for the bill. The most eloquent was Del. Melvin L. Stukes (D-Baltimore), who spoke with the fervor of a preacher.” Here you see the Democrat being portrayed as being ELOQUENT and having the FERVOR of a PREACHER. Can you tell which side the reporter favored?

This biased one-sided reporting even affects who we vote for in our elections, both on the local and national level. During the primaries, the media will promote one candidate from each party over the others who are running, by giving their preferred candidates more mention in the newspapers and more face time and air time on television. You can pretty well tell who the two candidates will be in the national Presidential election, just by the amount of press time they are given during the primaries.

The same thing happens once the primaries are over and the two candidates have been chosen. The candidate who gets the most press time and the most positive write ups (even if not deserved) will be the one to win the election.

Media bias also is used to promote one actor/entertainer over another. How many times have you heard talking heads and pundits make the statement “Every body is talking about. . .” and then they go on to mention some actor, singer, or obscure individual that the powers that be wish to make a star. Yet, you stop to use your head and think about it, hardly anyone is talking about that particular individual, but because the media has proclaimed that every body is talking about him/her or them, then we better hurry up and get on the band wagon or else we won’t be cool, with it, or hip.

Folks, we are being played like a fine violin by the media, and they are helping to herd us all right into the Orwellian “One World Government”, as they push us into accepting “Diversity” which is the total acceptance of all types of “Life-styles”, no matter how perverse and unnatural. They hype “Earth Day” and “Gay Pride” celebrations while at the same time portraying Christians as being narrow-minded, bigoted and often ignorant fools. They play-up Globalism and Free Trade, while at the same time, they play-down the lose of jobs here in America.

When they report on the invasion of “illegal” immigrants flooding into this country, they always portray them as being wonderful, hardworking, “law-abiding” individuals who are here just doing the jobs that Americans “won’t do”. But if anyone tries to tell the other side, how the illegals are placing a financial burden on our schools, hospitals and medical facilities, how they are damaging the ecosystem when they dump their garbage in the dessert, how they are lowering the standard of living by depressing wages and how the jobs they are taking which the employers claim the Americans won’t do, is because the employers do not want to pay a decent wage for, they we are called anti-immigration bigots.

Meanwhile, we have hundreds of rapists, child-molesters, drug smugglers, violent gang members and other criminals sneaking into our country and running rampant. We have illegals that are driving with no license or insurance, and driving drunk. They then end up killing innocent American citizens and nothing is done. If they are deported, they sneak back in, often in a matter of weeks. But does the MSM report that? Hell no! Instead they report on the plight of parents being separated from their children, who were born here to illegal immigrant parents, when the government wants to deport those illegal parents.

My advice to you is to wake up and look at how you are being manipulated by the Main Stream Media and start to demand unbiased reporting and if the media is not capable of unbiased reporting then lets put them out of business.

“Abouna” Gregori