Friday, June 15, 2007


There are going to be a lot of people who will be angry with me over what I’m going to post, but that is too bad, someone has to shake you up and it might as well be me.

There are those who love to push the “theory of evolution”. They claim that there was a big cosmic fire cracker that went boom! From that, we got all of the planets, stars, moons, comets, asteroids, etc., all of which just happened to fall so perfectly into place to form the wonderful universe of galaxies and solar systems.

Then one day, through evolution or whatever, the earth got pelted by comets, which when they melted, left enough water to form oceans, lakes, ponds, streams and rivers. All of this water laying around all over the place, managed to leech chemicals out of the rocks, which aided by the sun and the heat of the earth managed to brew a scummy mess which produced “life”.

From those teeny weenie microbes, came one fantastic creature after another until some strange hairless ape appeared called MAN that started out like

THIS and evolved intoTHIS.

Well , in my learned opinion, and I do have one, all I can say is “BULL HOCKLEY!!”

You humans are so full of yourselves it just isn’t funny any more. You aren’t evolving, you are devolving, or should I say “degenerating” and it is about time you realized it.

Many years ago, people at least pretended to have ‘class’, but not today. And many of those who are considered to be among the elite are so lacking in class and common sense it is pathetic. This lack of class, common decency, and social politeness has even invaded the business world and the classrooms of our public elementary and high schools as well as all of your colleges and universities.

My daddy always talks about a time when children were taught respect. Respect for themselves, their elders and for those in authority. You never heard a kid call an adult by their first name EVER. They always called adults Mr., Mrs. or Miss so-and-so. And NEVER would a child dare to call their parents by their first names.

There was a time when society believed in the biblical teachings of “spare the rod and spoil the child” and “train up a child in the path they should go and they will not depart from it”, but then along came Dr. Benjamin Spock, who apparently had more wisdom then God, who said that you must never spank a child, because if we do so, it will stifle their creative abilities. Thus, in the 1960’s, while you were liberating women from their bras and gays from the closet, you liberated your children from all forms of corporal punishment, opting instead to give the little darlings a “timeout” in the safety and privacy of their bedrooms where they could watch TV, listen to stereos and, today, log onto the inter net where they could plot their revenge against their parents, teachers and the rest of society.

What has been the result? Take a look around you. Their creative abilities have blossomed into graffiti all over our buildings, buses, subways and under passes. They have shown their artistic abilities in filthy and violent lyrics in their rap music. We have classrooms that are in chaos as our sweet little angelic darlings are free to “express” themselves as they wish, and worse yet, many students have gone “postal” on each other, turning the schools into war zones, or they decide to beat the living hell out of each other, wearing ‘brass knuckles’ and using aluminum baseball bats, all the while their friends film the beatings using cell phone cameras, then posting their violent film work all over the internet, and they openly show their defiance toward their parents, teachers and those in authority.

Years ago, what took place in the bedroom, stayed in the bedroom. What you did and with whom you did it was a private matter between you and that other person. Not any more. Today, even parents will openly discuss their sex lives with their children and kids as well as adults will bed hop with all of the morals of an alley cat in heat, and then post it all over the public airways and internet. No shame, no pride and no honor.

Every day and night on TV, you are bombarded with ads on how to make it longer and harder, how get it up when it won’t and who to call when it won’t go down. Almost every TV show now has to have a token Homo because ever since you unlocked their closet doors and let them out, they have made it their life’s point to get in your face. Years ago, gays did everything they could to keep people from finding out the unnatural and disgusting desires and practices they were engaging in. Today it is a source of pride and something to be esteemed and celebrated as you spread all sorts of diseases and pollute the minds of your children teaching them to be accepting of this and all other immoral behaviors.

Your children, today, think there is nothing morally wrong or unnatural about two men or two women living together in a sexual relationship, nor do they see anything wrong with heterosexual couples shacking up without the benefit of marriage. And how can you forget that wonderful President Clinton who taught the world that oral sex is “NOT SEX”.

Parents can no longer protect their children from despicable sexual displays, and many don’t even want to. Look how many parents bring their young children to those disgusting “Gay Pride” parades, and even pick them up to get a “better look”. Every TV show, every commercial has to have a half naked tart squirming like a snake.

You humans were given a great gift when God created you in His image, but what have you done with that gift? You were created with a conscience, an inner voice that warns you when you are about to sin, but you have allowed your conscience to become comatose. You have become so desensitized to sin and immorality that most of you cannot tell right from wrong. You all walk around suffering from the “Alfred E. Newman Syndrome”, (that is walking around with a stupid poop eating grin on your faces while repeating the phrase: “WHAT! ME WORRY?) as you slide headlong into a societal morass of degradation and corruption.

Believe it or not, but the largest part of your downward spiral took place in a single generation. Just from the time that my daddy was a boy in the 1950’s today, there has been a huge drop in educational standards. More kids today, in the 5th grade, know how to have sex, (both homo and heterosexual) then they know how to speak or write properly. In the early 1900’s, I child leaving school after the 8th grade, had as much knowledge as kids who graduated from 12th grade in the 1950’s and 60’s. Not so today. The vast majority of kids entering colleges today have to take remedial reading, writing and math, because they weren’t taught properly in grade school.

Each generation has been getting not only dumber, but also more violent and depraved. Oh sure, you can pat yourselves on the back over your many advances in medicine and science, but has this improved your society? The Bible speaks of the coming end times when knowledge shall be increased and people shall run to and fro. Just think, a little over one hundred years ago, people were still riding horses or being pulled in horse drawn wagons and coaches and lighting their homes with kerosene lamps and telephones were just being invented. Today you speed around in cars, buses, trucks, airplanes, etc, powered by internal combustible engines. We can talk to each other over wireless cell phones and on the internet. But, what has all of this gained you? As a society and a species, you are still devolving into vicious and feral sub-species wallowing in deception. Your elected leaders are a joke. It is like the blind leading the blind, and they are taking you right over the edge. Jesus Christ warned you; “take heed that you not be deceived”, but you couldn’t even get that right. Look at yourselves! You are a truly deceived generation, you believe that you are evolving into gods yourselves when in actuality; you and your corrupt and immoral society is degenerating into an immoral Godless abyss. Remember what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? There is nothing new under the sun, what once was shall be again.

See ya all next week, Lord willing and

the creek don’t rise.