Thursday, June 21, 2007


Madness from the World Around Me

Jimmy Carter has diarrhea of the mouth again

Former President Jimmy Carter had another one of his “Brain Farts”. Now he is calling the United States “criminal” because we back the more moderate Palestinian Fatah instead of the radical Hamas.

Carter is quoted by the AP in Dublin saying to Ireland’s 8th Annul Forum on Human Rights “The administration’s refusal to accept the 2006 election victory of Hamas was criminal.’

Carter seems to forget that Hamas just ousted the Fatah government out of Gaza. He also forgets that Hamas’ plan, right from the start was to topple the Fatah government. And, if the Fatah Prime minister doesn’t trust Hamas, then how does “Mr. Peanut” think that the U.S. can trust them.

Mr. Carter, please, for your own sake, either check into a nice quite nursing home or go have a frontal lobotomy.

Voter Nullification:

Did you know that hundreds, if not thousand of voters in the United States are having their votes nullified after the elections are over and the person they elected has already taken office?

What I am talking about is elected officials who run as a Republican, Democrat or Independent, and are elected into office by the members of their respective parties. Then some time after they have been sworn in and have taken office, they suddenly switch party affiliation. Another way that voters have their votes nullified is when a candidate will run for office as a Republican, then once they have been elected and have taken office, every thing they do, every thing they vote for and every thing they support is in favor of the Democrats.

This is Not RIGHT and certainly should not be legal. If Republicans go to the polls and vote for a Republican to represent them, then they have every right to expect and demand that the candidate, who ran on the Republican ticket and wins, will and should represent them as a Republican and push for the Republican agenda. In other words, when I go to the polls and vote for a Republican candidate, and that candidate wins, I have every right to expect them to represent MY views. If I wanted Democratic laws and programs, I would have voted for a Democrat in the first place.

A perfect example of what I am talking about is Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire mayor of New York City. Bloomberg was a staunch life-long democrat, but he switched parties, becoming a republican for the purpose of running for the Office of Mayor. He was voted in by the members of the Republican Party. Yesterday, Bloomberg announced that he has left the Republican Party and is now an Independent. Even though he is denying it, many believe that he did this for the purpose of running for the Office of President on the Independent ticket.

Prior to Bloomberg, Rudy Giuliani was the Mayor of New York. Rudy also ran as a Republican and was elected by Republican voters, but from the time he was elected and took office, everything he did and supported was in favor of the Democrats. The former Governor of New York, George Pataki did the exact same thing. He ran on the Republican ticket, was elected by Republican voters but supported all of the Democratic programs and agenda.

How about the Republican voters who elected Sen. John McCain into office? He calls himself a Republican, but his voting record is anything but. McCain spends more time voting with Sen. T. Kennedy, Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. John Kerry.

What do you think this does to your votes? If this kind of stuff isn’t voter nullification, then I don’t know what is. If elected officials are allowed to constantly run on one party’s ticket, but then vote with and support the opposite party, or if they are allowed to switch horses in the middle of the stream (switch parties after they are elected and sworn in) then our votes do not count. Our votes are being NULLIFIED, and this makes our elections a sham.

It is about time that we stand up and put an end to this dishonesty on the part of our political candidates. This is NOT right nor is it fair to the voters of this country. When we go to the polls, we have the RIGHT to have our votes count.

More Ignorant political correctness from our public schools:

A rule against physical contact at a Fairfax County middle school is so strict that students can be sent to the principal’s for hugging, holding hands or even high-fiving.

Unlike some schools in the Washington area, which ban fighting or inappropriate touching, Kilmer Middle School bans all touching – and that has some parents pushing for a change.

When will this madness end?

“Abouna” Gregori