Sunday, April 22, 2007


Hillary the Hypocrite Once More Has Diarrhea of the Mouth:

Hillary Tells Blacks: We Always 'Clean Up After People'

Sen. Shrillary Rotten Clinton told a group of black leaders Friday that the Bush administration’s treatment of blacks and the poor during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina was part and parcel of government failure. What government failure you stupid twit? The only failure was on the part of the democrat governor of Louisiana and the democrat mayor of new Orleans. Those two screwed up from the get go and it was Bush who had to go in and clean up their mess.

“The abuses that have gone on during the last six years, I don’t think we know the half of it,” Clinton said, her voice inflected with her phony Southern twang that she loves to use in front of black audiences. What is it with that phony accent that you love to use? You can’t even do that properly. Why do you do it any way, is to make the African/American community think that you are one of them, just like that horse’s ass of a husband of yours did by disrespecting women, using drugs and collecting a government check?

“When I walk into the Oval Office in 2009, I’m afraid I am going to lift up the rug and I am going to see so much stuff under there. You know, what it is about us always having to clean up after people? No you stupid moronic imbecile, you will lift the rug and see all of the filth that your husband left there when he was president (maybe some condoms, a couple of pairs of Lewinsky’s panties, a few cigar wrappers).

If you and your husband were so damned concerned about the black community or any other minority group, then how come you didn’t appoint them to important positions during Bubba’s administration? Oh, excuse me; you both did appoint a lot of gays and lesbians, so I suppose that counts. You and the rest of the democrats know darn well that George W. Bush did way more for the African/American community then you or your husband ever did, and he didn’t have to use any phony southern accent to do it.

The only thing you and your worthless husband were ever interested in was filling your own pockets, even if it meant selling out your own country’s security to do it. You didn’t give two hoots about the blacks or anyone else, unless it would benefit yourselves. We know just how patriotic you and Bill were. He was a draft dodging yellow-belly coward who felt it was beneath his dignity to serve in the military who even went so far as to protest against his own country in Moscow Russia during the Vietnam war, and both of you stated, more than once, publicly how you had no respect for the military.

I pray to God that you NEVER get elected president. You have done nothing as the Senator of my State, regardless of what your butt kissing; brain dead, educationally deprived fan club likes to say. And as far as you and Bill being the smartest people in the world and the most intelligent politicians, that is a joke, the only thing you and Bill are smart at is Bull S%#ting the people, just like the two of you did every Sunday, having your picture taken coming out of church with Bubba clutching that huge Bible, which I doubt was ever read by either of you, to make people think you were such wonderful God fearing Christians. Give me a break!

Any woman (and in your case, I use the word woman sparingly) who supports “Partial Birth” abortion, and then claims it is needed for the health of a woman, has no RIGHT to be elected president of an out-door S%#T House, let alone of the United States. Since you have so little respect for human life, so little respect for the people of this country and so little respect for yourself as a woman, then pray tell, why should we elect you president, so that you can complete the damage to this country that your husband began?

So do us favor and go away. Decent Americans are sick and tired of seeing you two and we sure as hell don’t want to hear that strident voice of yours with the phony accent for four years.

I’m going to sleep. Wake me when she is gone.

“Abouna” Gregori