Friday, April 27, 2007


Hey people before I do my Saturday postings,
my daddy asked me to post the following first, because it is very important.


Ban on 'mom' and 'dad' considered – again
California agenda would require K-12 'gay' indoctrination

The following are excerpts from the article on the WorldNetdaily web site.

A plan that has been launched in the California state Assembly – again – could be used to ban references to “mom” and “dad” in public schools state wide by prohibiting anything that would "reflect adversely" on the homosexual lifestyle choice.

"SB 777 forcibly thrusts young school children into dealing with sexual issues, requiring that homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality be taught in a favorable light," according to an alert issued by the Capital Resource Institute.

"Not only does SB 777 require that classroom instruction and materials promote and embrace controversial sexual practices, it also bans school-sponsored activities from 'reflecting adversely' on homosexuals, bisexuals and transsexuals," the group said.

"Mom" and "dad" and "husband" and "wife" would have to be edited from all texts.

Cheerleading and sports teams would have to be gender-neutral.

Prom kings and queens would be banned, or if featured, would have to be gender neutral so that the king could be female and the queen male.

Gender-neutral bathrooms could be required for those confused about their gender identity.

A male who believes he really is female would be allowed into the women's restroom, and a woman believing herself a male would be allowed into a men's room.

A male who believes he really is female would be allowed into the women's restroom, and a woman believing herself a male would be allowed into a men's room.

Even scientific information, such has statistics showing AIDS rates in the homosexual community, could be banned.

To read the entire article, please click on the following link:

This is totally disgusting and it most definitely is child abuse. I believe it is the moral, spiritual and intellectual abuse of children. Even though I am a priest, and I am "supposed" to be non-violent, there comes a point when enough is enough, so if this filth passes, I believe that it is time for decent G-d loving Christians to rise up in a revolution against the government that is allowing this filth to take place. I am not calling for the overthrow of the government per se, nor of the Constitution. What I am calling for is overthrowing all those holding office in Congress and taking back the Constitution and if it cannot be done through the ballot box then we have the right and duty to do it by force.

You are probably shocked having a priest call for a revolution, but what is happening in California, is extremely dangerous to America, because what happens there has a habit of spreading across the country and if we don't put a stop to it NOW, America will be finished. If we don't stop it, G-d will. The only other way to avoid a revolution and save the Union would be for decent Americans to vote to have California removed from the Union.

This filth has gone on long and far enough and it MUST be stopped and stopped NOW. If any of you have any better ideas on how to stop it, please let me know.

Very Rev. Archimandrite Gregori


It seems that even babies have more sense then the liberals!

She best not try to kiss the kid, he’ll give her a knuckle sandwich!

Now here is a kid that seems to be emotionally scared for life.

I thought so, this woman has been stuck on stupid far too long.

Either that or she over dosed on goofy pills!

Far too many people today cannot tell the difference between a Republican and Democrat, just by looking.

Study the picture to the left and you will see how easy it is!

There now, wasnt that easy?

I’ll see you all next week, Lord willing and the creek don’t rise.