Such A Sick SocietyWhy Do We Constantly Excuse
Bad and Immoral Behavior?
After watching the rather disgusting display put on by Rosie O'Donnell at the Matrix Awards honoring New York’s prominent women in the media, held Monday afternoon at Manhattan’s Waldorf-Astoria, it amazed me how so many people, especially women, seem to constantly excuse Rosie and others in entertainment by saying "Oh after all, she/he is a comedian", or "Come on, after all, look at how much they do for children".
Can anyone tell me why it is ok for someone to be foul-mouthed, live an immoral life-style, bad mouth our country, etc, just because they happen to be a comedian, actor/actress, singer, or because they do so much for children's causes? Why should that make a difference?
During her time as a co-host on The View, Rosie O’Donnell made it a habit of bashing Christians, especially Catholics; she insulted the Asian/American community. She was the was the one who started the feud with Donald Trump with her disrespectful remarks about him, and almost on a daily basis she disparaged not only the President and vice-President, but the United States as well, and the audience clapped and cheered her lying tirades and nobody on or connected with the show, had the common sense or the guts to put her in her place. They just made excuses for her and praised her for her wonderful work and contributions to children’s causes, and the wonderful things she does in support of gay and lesbian causes (this is wonderful?).
The public acts the same way with Michael Jackson. Their attitude seems to be; “So what if he molests a few little boys, he dose so much for children and he is a wonderful singer”. As a society, we excuse the disgusting and disturbing antics of Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton, the mad anti-American ravings of Sean Penn, George Clooney, Alec Baldwin, Michael Moore and many others because they are either so good looking or are supposed to be such wonderful actors or actresses (To me, they are mediocre at best).
I have even heard Bishops claim that if homosexuals are living in a loving and committed relationship and are non-violent, nobody has a right to judge them. Since when?
In all my years of reading and studying the Bible, I don't recall ever seeing where Jesus ever said that if you do good things, then it doesn't matter what kind of disgusting, immoral and depraved life you live.
If I had or headed any kind of organization that dealt with children and relied on donations or needed a spokes person, I would reject any and all offers from these so-called celebrities, as I would consider it "tainted" money.
If you support these types of people, you are nothing more than an enabler of their sinful and immoral behavior, which makes you just as guilty.
Our society has become way too crass, to disrespectful and way too immoral and if we don’t start changing it now, we will have nothing left to save. Let’s hope and pray that Rosie leaving “The View”, and the Imus controversy bringing to the fore a debate on the offensive lyrics in Rap music, is a step in the right direction.
“Abouna” Gregori