Monday, April 30, 2007


Teachers insist: Being 'gay' good
'Educators' promoting homosexuality no matter what children learn at home

A nationally distributed training video produced by a "gay" advocacy group – which claims it's been shown on more than 100 public television stations – advises teachers to promote homosexuality as normal and healthy to children as young as kindergarten age, regardless of what values the child has been taught at home.

"We are asking kids to believe this [homosexuality] is right. Not as a matter of moral principle, but as a matter of, we're educating them and this is part of what we consider to be a healthy education," one unidentified teacher said during the videotaped meeting of educators preparing to teach – or as their critics charge, "brainwash" – their students.

That particular response was to a question from another teacher who wondered how to approach homosexual advocacy when a student comes from a background of biblical teaching, that is, that homosexuality is a sin.

"I don't know what to do about this but, as a school are we saying that kids have to support this? I guess that's what it sounds like to me that we're saying. If a child comes from a background that says homosexuality is not correct, are we telling that child that they're supposed to, this is what you are supposed to do?" asked the teacher.

The answer was a resounding yes.

The comments are just some of what is horrifying parents who now are seeing video clips of the "It's Elementary" video prepared for use in schools.

Brian Camenker, who heads the Mass Resistance organization has publicized the videos, and said people are flooding his office with calls, asking what they can do.

"They're physically sickened by watching that. People with kids are wondering, is this what's going to happen to them in schools in America?" Camenker said. "The reaction we've gotten has been overwhelming.

The videos are available for viewing on the Mass Resistance website.

The excerpts show actual footage of teachers indoctrinating children that homosexuality is "healthy education."

California lawmakers currently are considering a bill that would not only promote homosexuality, it would ban anything from public schools that could be perceived as "reflecting adversely" on the homosexual lifestyle choice.

Camenker said the videos originally were posted on Youtube, but were taken down suddenly to be replaced with some pro-homosexual promotions. "It's some really nasty stuff. The gays have put up things calling anybody who doesn't [endorse homosexuality] bigots," he said.

Camenker said the 78-minute video was produced and distributed by homosexual activists and is "meant to be a training video for homosexual activist teachers across the country."

Students are grilled by teachers about how they would feel if someone told them they couldn't have two moms. "What do you mean by open-minded?" a teacher asks what appears to be about a 1st-grader.

Another adult is quoted, "I don't think it's appropriate that values only be taught at home …"

The homosexual activist strategy is stated plainly in the film's promotion. "Waiting to teach children to accept differences of all kinds until middle school or high school is too late; statistics show that by sixth, seventh and eight grades, harmful stereotypes already have begun to take hold …"

Parents, Grandparents and Takers, if you love God, if you love your children/grandchildren and if you really, truly and honestly care about their immortal souls, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pull those children OUT of the public schools and if you cannot afford to send them to a private school, then for heaven’s sake, find a way to home school them. You cannot afford NOT to. If you leave them in the public school system, you will lose them to evil and immorality before they are 14 years of age. There is no other way to save our children. No matter what we as parents say or demand, the schools are going to do what they want. It is about time that you wake up and realize this fact!

“Abouna” Gregori

Sunday, April 29, 2007



U.N. rights expert to probe U.S. treatment of illegal immigrants

A United Nations human rights expert will head to the United States later this month to investigate a highly criticized Texas center for detained immigrant families and two border areas where U.S. officials have announced they would crack down on Mexicans illegally crossing the border, a U.N. official said Friday.

Jorge Bustamante, the Human Rights Council's independent expert on migrant rights, will "witness first hand the situation of migrants at the borders and in immigration detention facilities," said Yvon Edoumou, a spokesman for the U.N. human rights office in Geneva.

The U.S. government is facilitating the visit, which will take place from April 30 to May 18, Edoumou said.

Bustamante, a Mexican, will examine the U.S.-Mexican border in San Diego, California and Nogales, Arizona — two of seven places where U.S. immigration officials announced earlier this week that they would fill in illegal cross-border tunnels to keep smugglers from reopening them.

Bustamante will also discuss migrant issues with American government officials, campaign groups and immigrants during the mission that includes stops in Tucson, Ariz.; Austin, Texas; Fort Myers, Fla.; New York; and Washington D.C.

He also will visit the T. Don Hutto facility — a former prison in Taylor, Texas — that typically houses about 400 non-criminal immigrants awaiting deportation or other outcomes to their immigration cases.

Earlier this month a U.S. district judge said living conditions seemed "questionable" at the facility. Civil liberties and immigration advocates contend families at Hutto are subjected to psychologically abusive guards, inadequate medical care and inhumane conditions and that the facility is run like a prison (Well, you snuck into our country illegally, so what do you expect, to be put up at the Waldorf Astoria?). They sued federal officials in March on behalf of several children detained at the center. Bustamante's findings will be presented to the 47-nation rights council at its next session in June.

The United States is a sovereign nation with a constitution and sovereign laws regarding immigration into OUR country. The United Nations has no right to interfere in our internal laws. Just incase those of you at the U.N. don’t know or may have conveniently forgotten, you were formed as a PEACE KEEPING organization. Do what you were formed to do and keep out of our internal affairs, GOT IT?

Climate change hits Mars

Gosh the little “Green” Martian aliens are driving SUVs and flying around in private jets. Man, who knew?

According to Jonathan Leake, Mars is being hit by rapid climate change and it is happening so fast that the red planet could lose its southern ice cap.

NASA Scientists say that Mars has warmed by about 0.5C since the 1970s. This is similar to the warming experienced on Earth over approximately the same period. Since there is no known life on Mars it suggests rapid changes in planetary climates could be natural phenomena.

European Parliament to take 'homophobic' countries to court

In a debate in the European Parliament (EP) Wednesday, members of the European Parliament from France, the Netherlands and Italy, among others, vilified Poland as "hateful" and "repulsive" for refusing to allow promotion of homosexuality in schools.

A vote was held Thursday to approve an EP resolution chastising Poland for 'homophobia.' The resolution - adopted by 325 votes to 124, with 150 abstentions - calls for a fact-finding mission to be sent to Poland, for "worldwide de-criminalization of homosexuality" and for the commission to take member states to court if they breach their EU obligations.

At issue was a proposed law in Poland which would forbid "homosexual propaganda" in schools. Explaining the legislation earlier this year, Roman Giertych, Poland's minister of education: "One must limit homosexual propaganda so that children won't have an improper view of family"

Beginning the debate in the EP France's MEP Rour Martine called statements in defense of the traditional family by Polish parliamentarians, "diatribes" and noted that they "must stop", adding that they were "repulsive" and "hateful". "These are not Europe's values," she proclaimed. (Apparently, neither are freedom and Christian values, since Europe is going Dhimmi)

“Abouna” Gregori

Words From Charlton Heston

Speech by National Rifle Association First Vice President Charlton Heston Delivered at the Free Congress Foundation's 20th Anniversary Gala December 7, 1997.

Well, I guess that goes with the territory. But as I've stood in the
cross hairs of those who aim at Second Amendment freedom, I've
realized that guns are not the only issue, and I am not the only
target. It is much, much bigger than that— which is what I want to
talk to you about.

I have come to realize that a cultural war is raging across our land... storming our values, assaulting our freedoms, killing our self-confidence in who we are and what we believe, where we come from.

How many of you here own a gun? A show of hands?

Thank you. I wonder—how many of you in this room own guns but chose
not to raise your hand?

How many of you considered revealing your conviction about a constitutional right, but then thought better of it?

Then you are a victim of the cultural war. You are a casualty of the
cultural warfare being waged against traditional American freedom of
beliefs and ideas. Now maybe you don't care one way or the other
about owning a gun. But I could've asked for a show of hands on
Pentecostal Christians, or pro-lifers, or right-to-workers, or Promise Keepers, or school voucher-ers, and the result would be the same. What if the same question were asked at your PTA meeting? Would you raise your hand if Dan Rather were in the back of the room there with a film crew?

See? Good. Still, if you didn't, you have been assaulted and robbed
of the courage of your convictions. Your pride in who you are, and
what you believe, has been ridiculed, ransacked, plundered. It may be
a war without bullet or bloodshed, but with just as much liberty
lost: You and your country are less free.

And you are not inconsequential people! You in this room, whom many
would say are among the most powerful people on earth, you are shamed
into silence! Because you embrace a view at odds with the cultural
warlords. If that is the outcome of cultural war, and you are the
victims, I can only ask the gravely obvious question: What'll become
of the right itself? Or other rights not deemed acceptable by the
thought police? What other truth in your heart will you disavow with
your hand?

I remember when European Jews feared to admit their faith. The Nazis
forced them to wear six-pointed yellow stars sewn on their chests as
identity badges. It worked. So—what color star will they pin on our
coats? How will the self-styled elite tag us? There may not be a
Gestapo officer on every street corner yet, but the influence on our
culture is just as pervasive.

Now, I am not really here to talk about the Second Amendment or the
NRA, but the gun issue clearly brings into focus the war that's going

Rank-and-file Americans wake up every morning, increasingly bewildered and confused at why their views make them lesser citizens. After enough breakfast-table TV promos hyping tattooed sex-slaves on the next Rikki Lake show, enough gun-glutted movies and tabloid talk shows, enough revisionist history books and prime-time ridicule of religion, enough of the TV anchor who cocks her pretty head, clucks her tongue and sighs about guns causing crime and finally the message gets through: Heaven help the God-fearing, law-abiding, Caucasian, middle class, Protestant, or—even worse—Evangelical Christian, Midwest, or Southern, or—even worse—rural, apparently straight, or—even worse—admittedly heterosexual, gun-owning or—even worse—NRA-card-carrying, average working stiff, or—even worse—male working stiff, because not only don't you count, you're a downright obstacle to social progress. Your tax dollars may be just as delightfully green as you hand them over, but your voice requires a lower decibel level, your opinion is less enlightened, your media access is insignificant, and frankly mister, you need to wake up, wise up and learn a little something about your new fact, why don't you just sit down and shut up?

That's why you don't raise your hand. That's how cultural war works.
And you are losing.

That's what happens when a generation of media, educators, entertainers and politicians, led by a willing president, decide the America they were born into isn't good enough any more. So they contrive to change it through the cultural warfare of class distinction. Ask the Romans if powerful nations have ever fallen as a result of cultural division. There are ruins around the world that were once the smug centers of small-minded, arrogant elitism. It appears that rather than evaporate in the flash of a split atom, we may succumb to a divided culture.

Although my years are long, I was not on hand to help pen the Bill of
Rights. And popular assumptions aside, the same goes for the Ten
Commandments. Yet as an American and as a man who believes in God's
almighty power, I treasure both.

The Constitution was handed down to guide us by a bunch of those wise
old dead white guys who invented this country. Now, some flinch when
I say that. Why? It's true...they were white guys. So were most of
the guys who died in
Lincoln's name opposing slavery in the 1860s. So
why should I be ashamed of white guys? Why is "Hispanic pride"
or "black pride" a good thing, while "white pride" conjures up shaved
heads and white hoods? Why was the Million Man March on
celebrated in the media as progress, while the Promise Keepers March
Washington was greeted with suspicion and ridicule? I'll tell you
why: Cultural warfare.

Now, Chuck Heston can get away with saying I'm proud of those wise
old dead white guys because Jesse Jackson and Louie Farrakhan know I
fought in their cultural war. I was one of the first white soldiers in the civil rights movement in 1961, long before it was fashionable in Hollywood—believe me—or in Washington for that matter. In 1963 I
marched on
Washington with Dr. Martin Luther King to uphold the Bill
of Rights. I'm very proud of that. As vice-president of the NRA I am
doing the same thing.

But you don't see many other Hollywood luminaries speaking out on
this one, do you? It's not because there aren't any. It's because
they can't afford the heat. They dare not speak up for fear of CNN or
the IRS or SAG or the ATF or NBC or even W-J-C. It saps the strength
of our country when the personal price is simply too high to stand up
for what you believe in. Today, speaking with the courage of your
conviction can be so costly, the price of principle so high, that
legislators won't lead so citizens can't follow, and so there is no
army to fight back. That's cultural warfare.

For instance: It's plain that our Constitution guarantees law-abiding
citizens the right to own a firearm. But if I stand up and say so,
why does the media assault me with such a slashing, sinister brand of
derision filled with hate?

Because Bill Clinton's cultural warriors want a penitent cleansing of
firearms, as if millions of lawful gun owners should genuflect in
shame and seek absolution by surrendering their guns. That's what is
now literally happening in
England and Australia, of course. Lines—
long lines—of submissive citizens, threatened with imprisonment, are
bitterly, reluctantly surrendering family heirlooms, guns that won
their freedom, to the blast furnace. If that fact doesn't unsettle
you, then you are already anesthetized, a ready victim of the
cultural war.

You know, I think, that I stand first in line in defense of free speech. But those who speak against the perverted and profane should be given as much due as those who profit by it. You also know I welcome cultural diversity. But those who choose to live on the fringe should not tear apart the seams that secure the fabric of our society.

Now I've earned a fine and rewarding living in the motion picture
industry, yet increasingly I find myself embarrassed by the dearth of
conscience that drives the world's most influential art form. And I'm
an example of what a lonely undertaking that can be.

Nobody opposed the obscene rapper Ice-T until I stood at Time-
Warner's stockholders meeting and was ridiculed by its president for
wanting to take the floor to read Ice-T's lyrics. Since I held several hundred shares of stock he had no choice, though the media
were barred. I read those lyrics to a stunned audience of average
American people—the stockholders— who were shocked at the lyrics that
advocating killing cops, sexually abusing women, and raping the
nieces of our Vice-President. True, the good guys won that time
though: Time-Warner fired Ice-T.

The gay and lesbian movement is another good example. Many
homosexuals are hugely talented artists and executives... also dear
friends. I don't despise their lifestyle, though I don't share it. As
long as gay and lesbian Americans are as productive, law-abiding and
private as the rest of us, I think
America owes them absolute
tolerance (This is one area I disagree with Charlton on. Decent Christians do not have to tolerate immorality). It's the right thing to do.

But on the other hand, I find my blood pressure rising when Clinton's
cultural shock troops participate in homosexual-rights fund-raisers
but boycott gun-rights fund-raisers. .. and then claim it's time to
place homosexual men in tents with Boy Scouts, and suggest that sperm
donor babies born into lesbian relationships are somehow better
served and more loved.

Such demands have nothing to do with equality. They're about the
currency of cultural war—money and votes—and the
Clinton camp will
let anyone in the tent if there's a donkey on his hat, or a check in
the mail or some yen in the fortune cookie.

Mainstream America is depending on you—counting on you—to draw your
sword and fight for them. These people have precious little time or
resources to battle misguided Cinderella attitudes, the fringe propaganda of the homosexual coalition, the feminists who preach that it's a divine duty for women to hate men, blacks who raise a militant fist with one hand while they seek preference with the other, and all the New-Age apologists for juvenile crime, who see roving gangs as a means of youthful expression, sex as a means of adolescent merchandising, violence as a form of entertainment for impressionable minds, and gun bans as a means to lord-knows-what. We've reached that point in time when our national social policy originates on Oprah. I say it's time to pull the plug.

Americans should not have to go to war every morning for their
values. They already go to war for their families. They fight to hold
down a job, raise responsible kids, make their payments, keep gas in
the car, put food on the table and clothes on their backs, and still
save a little for their final days in dignity. They prefer the
America they built - where you could pray without feeling naive, love without being kinky, sing without profanity, be white without feeling guilty, own a gun without shame, and raise your hand without apology. They are the critical masses who find themselves under siege and are long for you to get some guts, stand on principle and lead them to victory in this cultural war.

Now all this sounds a little Mosaic, the punch-line of my sermon is
as elementary as the Golden Rule. In a cultural war, triumph belongs
to those who arm themselves with pride in who they are and then do
the right thing. Not the most expedient thing, not the politically
correct thing, not what'll sell, but the right thing.

And you know what? Everybody already knows what the right thing is.
You, and I, President Clinton, even Ice-T, we all know. It's easy.
You say wait a minute, you take a long look in the mirror, then into
the eyes of your kids, your grandchildren, and you'll know what's

Don't run for cover when the cultural cannons roar. Remember who you
are and what you believe, and then raise your hand, stand up, and speak out. Don't be shamed or startled into lockstep conformity by seemingly powerful people. The maintenance of a free nation is a long, slow, steady process. And it is in your hands.

Yes, we can have rules and still have rebels—that's democracy. But as
leaders you must—we must—do as
Lincoln would do, confronted with the
stench of cultural war: Do what's right. As Mr. Lincoln said, "With firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us finish the work we are in... and then we shall save our country."

Defeat the criminals and their apologists, oust the biased and bigoted, endure the undisciplined and unprincipled, but disavow the self-appointed social engineers whose relentless arrogance fuels this vicious war against so much we hold so dear. Do not yield, do not divide, do not call a truce. Be fair, but fight back.

It's the same blueprint our founding fathers left to guide us. Our enemies see it as the senile prattle of an archaic society. I still honor it as the United States Constitution, and that timeless document we call the Bill of Rights.

Freedom is our fortune and honor is our saving grace.

Thank you.

“Abouna” Gregori

Friday, April 27, 2007


Hey people before I do my Saturday postings,
my daddy asked me to post the following first, because it is very important.


Ban on 'mom' and 'dad' considered – again
California agenda would require K-12 'gay' indoctrination

The following are excerpts from the article on the WorldNetdaily web site.

A plan that has been launched in the California state Assembly – again – could be used to ban references to “mom” and “dad” in public schools state wide by prohibiting anything that would "reflect adversely" on the homosexual lifestyle choice.

"SB 777 forcibly thrusts young school children into dealing with sexual issues, requiring that homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality be taught in a favorable light," according to an alert issued by the Capital Resource Institute.

"Not only does SB 777 require that classroom instruction and materials promote and embrace controversial sexual practices, it also bans school-sponsored activities from 'reflecting adversely' on homosexuals, bisexuals and transsexuals," the group said.

"Mom" and "dad" and "husband" and "wife" would have to be edited from all texts.

Cheerleading and sports teams would have to be gender-neutral.

Prom kings and queens would be banned, or if featured, would have to be gender neutral so that the king could be female and the queen male.

Gender-neutral bathrooms could be required for those confused about their gender identity.

A male who believes he really is female would be allowed into the women's restroom, and a woman believing herself a male would be allowed into a men's room.

A male who believes he really is female would be allowed into the women's restroom, and a woman believing herself a male would be allowed into a men's room.

Even scientific information, such has statistics showing AIDS rates in the homosexual community, could be banned.

To read the entire article, please click on the following link:

This is totally disgusting and it most definitely is child abuse. I believe it is the moral, spiritual and intellectual abuse of children. Even though I am a priest, and I am "supposed" to be non-violent, there comes a point when enough is enough, so if this filth passes, I believe that it is time for decent G-d loving Christians to rise up in a revolution against the government that is allowing this filth to take place. I am not calling for the overthrow of the government per se, nor of the Constitution. What I am calling for is overthrowing all those holding office in Congress and taking back the Constitution and if it cannot be done through the ballot box then we have the right and duty to do it by force.

You are probably shocked having a priest call for a revolution, but what is happening in California, is extremely dangerous to America, because what happens there has a habit of spreading across the country and if we don't put a stop to it NOW, America will be finished. If we don't stop it, G-d will. The only other way to avoid a revolution and save the Union would be for decent Americans to vote to have California removed from the Union.

This filth has gone on long and far enough and it MUST be stopped and stopped NOW. If any of you have any better ideas on how to stop it, please let me know.

Very Rev. Archimandrite Gregori


It seems that even babies have more sense then the liberals!

She best not try to kiss the kid, he’ll give her a knuckle sandwich!

Now here is a kid that seems to be emotionally scared for life.

I thought so, this woman has been stuck on stupid far too long.

Either that or she over dosed on goofy pills!

Far too many people today cannot tell the difference between a Republican and Democrat, just by looking.

Study the picture to the left and you will see how easy it is!

There now, wasnt that easy?

I’ll see you all next week, Lord willing and the creek don’t rise.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Some of This and Some of That:

Just some things to make you think.

For Whom Does the Bell Toll?

There is a disturbing trend spreading across Europe, but it is especially prominent in Germany. We are witnessing the death of Christianity.

The German people, as well as people all across Europe are saying that they do not want to tie themselves down or devote themselves to anything fixed be it a church, political party or any thing else. They say that they just want to live their lives and have fun.

According to a recent study, done by Dresdner Bank, in the coming ten to fifteen years, 50% of the churches in Germany may close or be turned to other uses.

In Germany, there are many pressures facing the churches, such as secularization and emptying of many villages as people move elsewhere to find work. Then to, Germany has a state religion tax that is collected from all church members, which keeps thousands from joining a church.

Should we be alarmed?

Yes, we should, because we can see the workings of iniquity in the telling words: “They just want to live their lives and have fun” If one looks around, you will find this same attitude gaining a strong foot hold right here in America. It makes no difference if one is a traditionalist Orthodox Catholic, Roman Catholic or a member of any of the Protestant Churches, there is a growing lack of concern for being responsible to the very Faith one was raised in, not wanting to live by and follow the moral precepts of the Ten Commandments and the teachings found in Holy Scripture. The majority of people today want the soft easy path, even if that path leads them straight to hell. As Jesus Christ is pushed farther and farther out of our daily lives, worldliness and Mohammed are moving in to fill the void. Thus we see the Evil One becoming a major infection, like a hideous cancer, permeating the lives and daily affairs of mankind to such an extent that unless “Church” is a theater of entertainment and “feel good” motivational lessons on how to “name it and claim it”, people want nothing to do with it. Even here in America, a recent study found that approximately 65-70% of Americans claim that they no longer believe in any religion or even in God.

So many of today’s churches have been inundated with those who support and push the gay agenda, those who support abortion and euthanasia, those who insist on getting married in white, even though they may already have a “bun in the oven” or at least one, two or more children from previous men. The majority of those in the churches today do NOT want to hear that they are sinners or about repentance. All they want to hear is how much Jesus loves them “Just as they are”, with no need to change. All they are interested in is being made to feel good. Today, when you hear young people, who are living an immoral life-style or engaged in questionable activities, say: “My parents support me”, what they are really saying is “My parents are tolerant of my life-style”. This is what they want from society and the Church.

Many priests, ministers and pastors of these churches are also of questionable moral standing. Many living in openly gay relationships, many being pedophiles or pederasts, and many of them being just plain hucksters living high on the proverbial hog, flying around the world in their own private jets, driving the most expensive automobiles, living in multimillion dollar mansions, and decked out in the most expensive suits, perfectly coiffed hair-dos and the most expensive watches and other jewelry, while the members of their congregations who are supporting them are struggling to make a living.

With the exception of a small remnant from each of the churches, I fear we have seen the end of the Church as we have known it. The best we can hope for at this point is that those of us who are still true believers will have the courage and the grace to continue the fight to the end.

For whom does the bell Toll? It tolls for the Body of Christ and for the loss of our souls.

Child-care Center Tailors Homosexual

Lessons for Toddlers:

The growing stage of a child is very crucial in the context that they pick up everything that they see in their surroundings. This makes it even more important that the toddlers are brought up in such a way, which will help them in becoming a responsible citizen.

According to reports from Daily Telegraph, the toddlers in a Sydney child-care center are taught about same-sex and transgendered parents. This government-funded centre is aiming to change the way the child perceive about ’sexuality’ and for this; they have even planned an exclusive curriculum.

All children from the age group 6 weeks to 6 years old are given lessons on ‘lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and inter-sex issues’. Slowly, even printed materials are being provided in this day care schools with pictures to make it more appealing for the young kids.

Here you have a perfect example of the Gay and Lesbian groups brain-washing the next generation into accepting a disgusting, perverted, immoral and unnatural life-style. Is this not a form of Child Abuse?

“Abouna” Gregori