Friday, July 27, 2007


What a messed up world!

The majority of Americans have been demanding something be done about the illegal immigration problem. They have been writing letters, sending faxes and making phone calls demanding that the federal government enforce the immigration laws that have already been on the books for years, but those who have been elected to represent us have shown us that they do not wish to any thing. So, it should come as no surprise that many communities across the country have decided to take matters into their own hands through their local governments. Believe it or not, this is an entirely proper role for these local governments to take.

In 2006, the citizens of Hazleton, Pennsylvania noticed some rather troubling signs from an increase of illegal immigration in their community. There was an increase in murders, drug-related crimes and their school district bursting at the seams. The tax-payer-funded English as a Second Language program rose from a cost of $500 a year in 2001 to a whopping $1 million + a year today.

The citizens of Hazelton demanded that something be done, thus the Illegal Immigration Relief Act was introduced by the mayor and was supported by the city by a vote of 4 to 1.

The purpose of this Act was designed to reduce crime, reduce the numbers in the increasingly overcrowded schools, and reduce the rising hospital and medical costs, and the escalating demands for city services that were being placed upon the citizens of Hazelton due to the huge influx of illegal immigrants. Under this Act, the law would deny licenses to businesses that knowingly and continually hire illegal immigrants. It would fine landlords $1,000.00 for each illegal immigrant discovered renting their properties. And, it would require city documents to be in English only.

It is obvious that this Act is about dealing with the illegal immigration problem. The mayor and city officials of Hazelton made that perfectly clear right from the start. But the ACLU, as is their want, purposely decided to muddy the waters and portray Hazelton’s law as much uglier. They portrayed it as an Anti-Immigration bill. They filed a suit in the Federal Court to block the law.

The ACLU was successful. The court made two conclusions. It found that the Act violated the due process clause of the Constitution and they claim that city lacked the authority to enact the law because Congress had preempted the field. So what the court said was “Congress has passed laws that preempt the field of immigration. As a result, state and local governments cannot enact laws to control illegal immigration or even the effects of illegal immigration.”

Now think about this ruling and what it means. Congress has preempted the field, so state and local governments are powerless to act. Then, Congress and the federal authorities do nothing to prevent illegal immigration, in violation of the Constitution and their oath of office, placing an undue burden on the states and local communities, but those communities cannot act because Congress says they can’t. What kind of sense does that make? Gosh! I’m just a dog and I can see that this makes no sense at all.

Hazelton plans to appeal this ruling and well they should. Our Constitutional Republic system allows our citizens to take reasonable actions to protect their communities, and that is exactly what Hazelton is attempting to do. And, it is what many other communities around the nation are trying to do.

The ruling on the part of the federal court wasn’t the worst of it, even though it was bad enough. You see, the ACLU brought their case on behalf of the illegal immigrants in Hazelton, and what the court did was a total disgrace. The court gave rights to the illegal immigrants that citizens of this country don’t even get. They (the illegals) demanded that they not have to appear in court and that they do not have to even give their names, on the grounds that to do so might result in their being deported. The court granted both of these demands. Also they were granted the right to sue the city. No American citizen can bring a law suit against anyone; city or individual, and not have to give their name or even appear in court.

Don’t that Bite?

Get a load of this!

The following was on a segment of Hannity and Colmes this evening on the Fox News Channel:

Two 13 year old middle school boys in Oregon were arrested and charged with ten counts of felony sexual abuse and assault. This took place this past February.

What did they do? They were doing what most of the students in their school were doing, observing “Butt Swat Friday”, which means that they ran around swatting each other (male and female) on the butt. A substitute teacher happened to observe them and decided that what they were doing was politically incorrect so she reported them and insisted the police be called.

The two boys were held in juvenile detention for over a week. So far, the felony sexual assault charges have been dropped, but both boys are still facing five counts each of sexual abuse charges, which are considered misdemeanors. If found guilty of these, they could face up to five years on each count and be forced to register as sex offenders for the rest of their lives. All for innocent harmless fun.

This is political correctness gone amok.

“Boy am I a sad puppy. Do you know why?”

“Because this is how liberals view the world!”

See ya all next week, Lord willing and

the creek don’t rise.