Sunday, July 29, 2007


“Just Hitting Another Brick Wall”

Osama or Obama? Click on the picture to read the full story.

Just whose side is Obama on? Who does he think he represents in Congress?

While addressing the National Council of La Raza's annual convention

in Miami Beach last week, he called the defeat, in the Senate, of Bush’s “shamnesty” immigration bill “Both ugly and racist in a way we haven’t seen since the struggle for civil rights.”

Now, he claims that the federal courts decision to rule against the town of Hazelton in Pennsylvania, to prevent them from enacting a law that would have protected the citizens against hostile foreigners filling their town with drugs, crime and gangs, is a Victory for all Americans

All of this coming from the man who wants to be President of the United States. The man who says that if he wins, he will, in his first year as president, sit down and meet with the leaders of countries who are hostile to the U.S., and he is pushing for the U.S. military to withdraw from Iraq.

This man is a danger to the to the freedom and future of the United States, and even if he don’t win the Democratic primary, there is a good chance that if Hillary wins, she may choose him to be her vice-presidential running mate. I think that we must prevent this at all cost.

Now for the Conclusion of Last Monday’s Posting of:

There are many scoffers here in America who will say that those who believe that the Constitution could possibly be overthrown or that there are those who may actually be involved in the process to over throw it, are nothing more than a bunch of conspiracy nut jobs.

I think that those who refuse to question certain evidences, those who would blindly swallow, hook line and sinker, everything that they are spoon fed by the MSN media and those in congress, are just burying their heads in the sand. When people refuse to question and just accept, that puts society in grave danger.

There is plenty of evidence that much of the legislation that has been past for more than 60 years, and much of what our elected officials have done, has been, and is, in substantial violation of the Constitution. Our Federal and State governments have usurped powers that have no foundation whatsoever in any of the provisions of the Constitution. They try to justify these assumed powers by claiming they are needed to protect us against “bad people” or that the State or Federal government has a “vested interest” in what ever area they are assuming the power. In that case, then the government could claim to have a vested interest in every area of our lives, which is slowly what they doing, as these usurpations are increasingly being used to deprive us of our rights. Even the most beneficial programs are being turned into avenues of corruption and means of gaining more and more control over the citizens. Those whom we elect to represent us, once in office, continually push the envelope test the tolerance of the public, to see far they can go and how much they can get away with, and it is not just a few rogue governmental or corporate officials who have become corrupted with greed for wealth and power, who pose an occasional threat, the truth is the whole culture of entire institutions has become corrupt and criminal in both intent and execution.

Is it a conspiracy to overthrow the Constitution or just ‘emergent behavior’ that while it may pose a threat, is not deliberate or conscious? The tight coordination between the various governmental departments, offices and even private corporations and individuals involved, certainly deserves the name of CONSPIRACY, and we cannot deny that they have conscious knowledge of what they are doing.

What is truly sad is that WE THE PEOPLE continually allow them to get away with it. A member of congress was once asked why he didn’t argue against a piece of proposed legislation that would be a violation of the constitution, he answered: If I insisted on complying with the Constitution, I wouldn’t stay in congress very long.” So, to our elected officials, the Constitution becomes just another piece of paper to be ignored or discarded if We the People do not bring pressure to bear to uphold it.

It is high time that we start to hold our elected officials’ feet to the fire. It is time that we force them to obey their oath of office and uphold the Constitution of the United States. If we refuse to do so, then we can no longer claim to be a nation of laws. By allowing this TREASONOUS trend to continue, we are making a mockery of our legal system, and the day will come, sooner than we think, that we will find that we have lost our country and our God given freedoms. When that day arrives, we will only have ourselves to blame.

Thomas Jefferson once said that we ought to have a revolution every twenty years, and that the Tree of Liberty needed to be occasionally watered with the blood of patriots. I wonder, will it take the shedding of the blood patriots to get people to once again take the Constitution seriously?

“Abouna” Gregori