Thursday, July 26, 2007


I now feel VINDICATED!!!

After years of trying to inform people of the illegality of the Federal Income Tax, I finally read the following today:

The Internal Revenue Service was challenged by a lawyer to prove, in front of jury, the constitutional basis for the nation’s income tax, and they LOST.

I think now people are beginning to realize that this has got to be the largest fraud, backed up by intimidation and extortion and by the sheer force of taking peoples property and hard earned money without any lawful authorization whatsoever,” said lawyer Tom Cryer just days after a Louisiana acquitted him of two criminal tax counts.

Cryer went on to say: “These snake oil peddlers have conned millions of dollars out of many well-intended patriots and left a trail of broken lives in their wake. …These charlatans should be avoided, not only because they will lead you to bankruptcy and prison, but because by association they discredit those who are telling the truth.

Even though the legal citations in the case tend to run paragraphs long, Cryer says that the underlying issue is not really that complicated. In court, he argued that income is not necessarily any money that comes to a person, but rather categories such as profit and interest.

Cryer said the free exchange of labor for compensation has been upheld as a right by the Supreme Court, but that doesn’t necessarily make the compensation income.

If ever such an argument were to be presented on a nationwide basis, the income of the federal government would plummet. But their expenses could be reduced by an equal amount by eliminating programs, departments and agencies that also have no foundation in the Constitution.

Cryer rightly stated: “The Founding Fathers intentionally restricted the taxing powers of the new federal government as a measure of restraint on its size. By exceeding that limited taxing authority the federal government has been able to obtain resources beyond its intended reach, and that money has enabled the federal government to exceed its authority.”

For example, the Constitution does not empower the federal government to regulate education, employment, and agriculture, yet it continues to do so. This also goes for national health Care, but still there are those in Congress who are working day and night to take over the health insurance industry. I could give you many, many more examples.

The jury in U.S. District Court in Louisiana voted 12-0 to find Cryer, of Shreveport, not guilty of failure to file income taxes for two years. He had been indicted in 2006 on charges of failing to pay $73,000.00 to the IRS in 2000 and 2001.

Cryer is now working with Save-a-Patriot, the Free Enterprise Society, Live Free Now and his own Lie Free Zone to get the truth out there.

“There are three points that are important.” Cryer said. “There is no law making the average working person liable for income taxes. There is no law or regulation that allows the IRS to contend that earnings are 100 percent profit received in exchange for nothing, and the right to earn a living through any lawful occupation is a constitutionally protected fundamental right, and it is exempt from taxation.”

IRS spokesman, Robert Marvin, says the Internal Revenue Code provides for taxation on salaries or wages, but when pressed for a specific citation, or constitutional provision, says: “I can’t comment.

Cryer, along with me and others, warns, “Without a restoration of constitutional basics, our nation will be lost.”

“Please, people, read the Constitution and you will see that the federal role does not include ANY authority to regulate or tax any citizen directly and that WE expressly reserved the right to rule and govern ourselves as States, not as mere political subdivisions.”

“The Constitution does not allow the government to run your lives, but the money it is stealing from millions of American citizens is the fuel it needs to usurp one power after another.

“Abouna” Gregori