Friday, July 20, 2007


This is a “NO POOP” Zone:

Today’s Post is on the serious side.

Our Brave New World:

A Canadian Pastor Facing Trial Due to Hate Crimes Laws:

A Canadian pastor is facing a hearing before the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission over a letter he wrote to a newspaper in which he condemned homosexuality. He is being accused of influencing the beating of a 17 year old gay male, which took place days after the letter appeared in the paper.

The letter was written five years ago in an Alberta Canada newspaper By Rev. Stephen Boissoin. Two weeks later a 17 year old homosexual was beaten. A complaint was filed against Rev. Boissoin, and the commission is hearing the case this week.

The founder of the Orlando based Liberty Counsel, Mat Staver, said: “What we see happening in Canada is a person’s free speech—speech on the matter of homosexuality, which says that says homosexuality is wrong and which speaks of the homosexual agenda—is now being punished in court and the person is being put on trial solely for what the individual spoke.”

Staver also warns that the case is an example of what could happen in the United States if hate crimes legislation is passed.

We must protect our free exercise of religion and our freedom of expression. We must be able to speak out in America and around the world about sexuality – and specifically that homosexuality is wrong, immoral, unnatural and harmful.”

Liberal Democrats Lift Tipster Shields:

Congressional Liberal Democrats refused to protect those who report suspicious behavior from nuisance lawsuits.

This is a slap in the face of decent and good citizens who do their patriotic duty and come forward, and it caves in to radical Islamists,” said Rep. Peter King, New York Republican and ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee.

Well, what can you expect from the very people who refuse to secure your borders? They won’t and don’t want to protect us from foreign invasion, and they don’t want to protect you from reprisals when you report suspicious behavior. So just whose side are your elected officials on? Can You Say “TRAITOR”?

Have a great week. I’ll see ya all next Saturday, Lord willing and the creek don’t rise.