Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Why are we relying on the federal government to take complete control over the raising of our children? For those who are low income, we already have Welfare with food Stamps, which we, the taxpayers, are paying for. Now we have to spend more of our tax money to have a “Free Breakfast” program in the public schools. The only reason why I can see that the majority of school kids not eating breakfast at home is simply laziness.

When I was growing up (we were far from rich) we had to get up early enough in the mornings to have time to eat a good breakfast. Like many mothers, my mother was up at 5:00 am to prepare breakfast for me and my two brothers and sisters. This breakfast consisted of hot oatmeal, scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and orange juice. Sometimes she would make French toast, pancakes or waffles. Then she would wake us up at either 5:45 or 6:00 am. To wash, dress and come down to eat. While we were eating breakfast, she would make our lunches for school which consisted of two sandwiches (tuna, sliced ham, fried egg, etc.) a cupcake and a banana, orange or apple. Very few kids, back then, bought a school lunch, most of us brown bagged it, and we were healthy.

Today, people have become so lazy that most kids go to bed late, and then they sleep until the last minute, jumping out of bed with just enough time to barely wash and comb their hair. Their mother’s, if they are home, usually are still in bed themselves and don’t get up until after the kids have left for school, or they have long left for work and the kids are on their own.

The federal and state governments should not be in the business of subsidizing laziness or the shirking of parental responsibilities. The more our society relies on government to give taxpayer handouts, be it for education, health care, or feeding our children, the more the government sticks its nose into our family life and takes more and more control over our children. We are turning into a socialist/communist country where the children belong to the state and not to the parents who brought them into the world them. Wake up America! It is about time that you realize that every time you accept money from the Federal Government, for any kind of program, be it education, health, public safety (police and fire), etc., you are forced to give up more and more of your freedoms and privacy. Federal Law (not the Constitution) states that any time the Federal Government pays for, even if only partially, any program, the institution or individual receiving the government funds MUST abide by what ever rules the government wishes to put in place. Therefore, we are now at the point where the Federal Government now has almost total control over every aspect of our lives, both public and private.