"Abouna" says:
"Starting today, I have decided to take Saturdays off from bloging to give my mind a rest. I am going to allow my little Toy Fox Terrier, "Munchkin" to have her own little blog on Saturdays, called 'Munchkin's Corner'. Now, without further ado, I give you Munchkin in her own words."Hello folks, like my daddy said, my name is Munchkin. He calls me that because I am so small. Starting today, I will be in this spot every Saturday with my poop on a dogs world. I hope you will enjoy our time together."
"The following are my first two thoughts for you to mull over during the coming week. . . . ."
“I wish my human would stop peeing in my water bowl”
"Now with all of the excitement of this being my first blog posting, I have become a little 'furklempt', or it could just be a fur ball. Either way, you can discuss among your selves the above thoughts and perhaps you can leave a comment or two. Until next Saturday, I remain your little "poop chute".