

"I'm Wednesday,remember me?"
If we are to be honest with our selves, each other and the world, we must admit that the Body of Christ, the Church, is in crisis. There are several reasons for this, and if you will bear with me, I shall try to explain. I will say right at the beginning that there are some things talked about in this article that may “offend” some people, but I want you to understand that I cannot make any kind of intelligent debate about this subject without bringing up certain subjects such as abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia and pedophilia, so please try to keep an open mind. Also, try to understand that I am not judging anyone; I am merely speaking out against sin which should be the job of all who call themselves priests or ministers.
I could be wrong, but I believe it was Pontius Pilate who asked: “What is TRUTH?” and I believe that this question was asked during the trial of Jesus. Well, after listening to and reading some of the rather strongly worded condemnations of me for my various postings concerning right and wrong, morality and immorality and good and evil, I find myself posing the same question, “What is TRUTH?”.
All my life (thus far) I have been brought up to believe and I was taught that Holy Scripture is the divinely inspired Word of God, and this holds for both the Old and New Testaments. Now, for the sake of argument, let us suppose that this is true, that those who wrote the various books of the Bible were inspired by the Holy Spirit as to what they wrote. If this is so, then God, being omnipotent, all knowing and wise, would have to know what he is talking about, wouldn’t He? The same would have to hold true for Jesus Christ, since Jesus the Son and God the Father are one.
If all of the above is true, then Holy Scripture would have to mean exactly what it says. Yet, there are so many Christians, leaders and lay people (and when I say Christian, I am including all of the various Protestant sects and denominations as well as the various Catholic jurisdictions) who hold to the belief that the Bible is open to interpretation, that the Scriptures don’t really mean what they say. If this belief is true, then we have a problem, because whose interpretation is right and who has the right to interpret Scripture? The problem is, as Christians, we are to all believe and hold to the teachings of Holy Scripture, but then, if we all have a different interpretation of what God and His Son are teaching us, then how can we all be Christians? How can a house divided against it self remain standing? I can understand and accept honest differences between the various Christian churches when it comes to their various ways of worshipping, as long as they maintain the Eucharistic elements of bread and wine and that they hold to the various mysteries of baptism, Chrismation, holy matrimony, confession, holy orders and blessing of the dead. But, when it comes to belief in the Word of God, we should all believe the same, which is why I believe that the Bible means exactly what it says and is NOT open to interpretation.
If even one verse is open to interpretation, then the entire Word of God is open to interpretation. If we are all able to pick and choose, cafeteria style, what we wish to accept and reject from Holy Scripture, if we are all free to interpret Scripture to fit our individual peccadilloes, then which of us are the TRUE Christians? Just think what the flip side of all this is, NOTHING in the Bible is true! If this be the case, then we have all been had and in a big way. We have been believers, to one extent or another, in a huge fairy tale, which would then mean that there is no right, wrong, good and evil. All of this would also mean that there is no God, no Jesus Christ just as there is no Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, etc. So, if this is the case, then what do we need clergy for, what do we need the Church for? Thus, we would be a big waste of time and a laughing stock for the world. What a frightening thought that is.
Once again, let us assume that the Bible is true, and let us also assume that God is a loving God who wants what is best for us. The inspired writings in the book of Leviticus contain all of the rules, the statutes for us to live by, that covers so many aspects of human life, even going so far as to include dietary laws and laws dealing with cleanliness. The Levitical writings are an in-depth explanation of the Ten Commandments and the book of Deuteronomy goes even further to explain the Law.
There are many who have taken it upon themselves to re-interpret the meanings of what was written in Genesis, Leviticus and may other areas of Holy Scripture, and this also includes the Ten Commandments. Let me now elaborate on this.
I shall start with the story of
Yes, it is true that sodomy may also be practiced by heterosexual couples as well, and this may have also been the case in both
Again, for the sake of argument, let us assume that such a thing were true, could you imagine the moral implications that would arise? Almost all pedophiles claim that they were born that way, that they have felt a sexual attraction toward children for as long as they can remember. Our legal system, with the urging of Gay Rights groups and Christian Churches, have granted all kinds of rights to the homosexuals, because under the Constitution, we cannot discriminate against individuals on the basis of color, creed, sex or sexual orientation, therefore, we have no right, as a society, to treat pedophiles any differently, since their sexual orientation is toward children. Many gays claim that since they are non-violent, then nobody has a right to speak out against them and what they are doing. I have a news flash for you; the vast majority of pedophiles are non-violent also, thank God that the ones who kill their victims are in the minority, so since they are not violent, why should they be denied their Constitutional rights? If homosexuality is a “gift” from God, because the individual was “born” that way, then by the same token wouldn’t pedophilia also be a “gift” from God? If all of the above is true then the only thing that all of the priests, who had been accused of “molesting” young boys and as a result, were thrown in prison and/or removed from the priesthood, were guilty of, was breaking their vow of celibacy, and nothing more.
So, when the Bible states in Leviticus: “If a man lies with a man as with a woman, it is an abomination in the sight of God”, then that is exactly what it means. There were no conditions put on it. To those who say that because that was in the Old Testament, so it is no longer valid, I say you are wrong. Jesus, if as we have been taught, is one and the same with the Father, never rescinded that Law. As a matter-of-fact, Jesus himself said; “I have not come to change the Law, not one iota, dot or tittle of the Law, rather I have come to fulfill the Law.
Not too long ago, I heard this re-interpretation of another verse of scripture that some gays use to claim that homosexuality is acceptable, and that is Romans 1: 22-28, which reads as follows:
“Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things.
Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves,
Who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in them selves the penalty of their error which was due.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;”
How anyone in their right mind could possibly interpret the above passage as meaning that God made homosexuality ok, is well beyond my realm of comprehension.
I have also been told by many members of the Gay community that homosexuality is natural because homosexual activity has been observed among various animals and birds. What the gay community fails to mention, though, is that homosexual behavior among animals or birds is the exception rather than the rule. Also, what many of the Church leaders and clergy are forgetting is that when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and brought sin into the world, their sin brought about the corruption of ALL creation.
I believe that the greatest disservice to the Body of Christ is coming from the very Hierarchs of the various Catholic jurisdictions, mostly from the Old Catholic and other Independent Catholic jurisdiction, who refuse to even take a stand on the matter. They cop out by stating: “I don’t know if homosexuality is right or wrong, and to discuss it offends some members of our church, therefore it is better to remain neutral and leave it up to God.” Such thinking is WRONG and harmful to the Church. How can one continue to call themselves a Catholic or a Christian, how can they even continue to be a “shepherd of their flock”, if they are so afraid to stand up and face the evils that are assailing the Church, the Bride of Christ? What they are saying, in not too many words, is “Let’s bury our head in the sand because if we don’t see it or talk about it maybe it will go away.”
If God finds the practice of homosexuality to be an abomination, and I tend to believe the Word of God, then is it not blasphemy if a “man of God”, performs a same-sex union or a same-sex marriage and they ask God’s blessings upon the same-sex couples? I mean, after all, are they not asking God to bless the very thing that He finds to be detestable?
Another area of misinterpretation is the commandment that says; “Thou shalt not kill”. From all of the studies I have done, the original wording was; “Thou shalt not murder”. There is a very big difference between killing and committing murder. If we were to adhere to the “Thou shalt not kill” interpretation, then that would make even the killing of animals for food a sin. We could not even defend our selves and our families because we may have to kill our attacker(s) in the process of defending our selves or our families which would be a sin. Murder is the intentional taking of the life of another human being and this includes abortion.
There are so many “Christians” who support and condone abortion, yet those very same people will fight to the end to protect the life of a convicted killer. These people will protest for and demand the right of a woman to have an abortion, but they will fight to protect the lives of whales, baby seals and various birds and insects. Something is terribly wrong with this picture.
Another area where many clergy, priests and bishops, and many Protestant ministers are doing grave harm to the Church, not to mention to the country as well, is when they urge their congregations to defy the laws of the
How can one call them selves a follower of Jesus Christ, when they are contradicting what Jesus taught? The scriptures teach us that we are to obey those who are in authority. I can understand and support disobeying laws that are immoral, but when laws are in effect that are for the benefit and safety of one’s country, it is wrong to disobey them and it is twice as wrong for a servant of the Lord to urge their congregations to disobey these laws.
Harm to the Church hasn’t just come from within; it has come from without as well, from the embracing of worldly ideas or trends that have no business in the Church. One of the biggest culprits has been the embracing of political correctness and all-inclusiveness. Political correctness has harmed the Church, because it has made Church leaders afraid to speak out against sin for fear of retaliation by authorities or because they may offend sinners. Do you really think that Jesus would have been concerned about retaliation or offending sinners when He confronted evil? Do you think He was afraid of offending the money-changers when He overturned their tables at the
As to the “all-inclusiveness”, the accepting of everyone, no matter what; let’s take a look at what Jesus had to say. When it comes to the Church teaching that all religions are equal, did not Jesus say: “I am the Light, the Truth and the Way; no one comes to the Father except through me.”? How can we honestly call ourselves Christian if we teach the opposite of what Jesus taught? Jesus purchased our salvation through his shed blood. It is a gift of pardon free for the taking if we are willing to accept it. This act of acceptance comes through our reaching out to the Lord and receiving baptism and the other mysteries of the Church. Does Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Wicca or any other religion offer salvation or a way to reconcile ourselves to God? Because of political correctness and all-inclusiveness, one is hard pressed to find a church that preaches repentance or sin.
Society also has influenced Christianity in another way and that is in the area of a “feel good” gospel. Christians today, do not want to be told that they are sinners; they do not want to be told that they are responsible for their own behavior, for their own actions. Like the rest of society, they like to have their ears tickled. People are told every day in advertisements that they are deserving of everything good in life. They are taught that they need not work for or do anything to earn things because just by virtue of having been born, they deserve to have things. Psychiatry, a dubious science at best, has led people to believe that they are not responsible for the wrong that they do or for their failures in life. They are taught that all of their short-comings are a result of the way they were raised, or because they were bullied as a child or they are a product of their genes.
I find it interesting how “scientists” seem to be finding more and more everyday, that there is a gene that causes all kinds of our bad behavior. If one does not have the will power to stop over-eating, there is a gene that causes that, if one is an alcoholic or drug addict, that’s not their fault because a gene causes that, and on-and-on it goes. Thus, so as not to lose any members of their congregations (which would mean a loss of money in the collection basket) many churches have taken on the mantle of being “motivational speakers”. They preach about how much God loves everybody no matter what and that we are all going to heaven and it is not their fault when they do wrong and if any body speaks out against sin, that person is an evil, uncaring and heartless bigot. No repentance, no feelings of remorse, nothing. Just show up at church, maybe put a buck or two into the collection plate and receive a blessing by the priest or minister and your ticket to heaven is punched. You have nothing more to do.
All of this brings me to another point. With all of this going on, have you ever wondered how many people are receiving the Eucharist unworthily which is a sin. And if the people are receiving unworthily, the priests who are not teaching repentance, who do not urge that their people go to confession, yet still distribute the Eucharist to them and some who even knowingly administer the Eucharist to non-Catholics, and worse yet to those who they know are advocates of sinful behavior (those who advocate and support abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriages, etc.) are not they themselves guilty of sin?
So, once again, I have to ask; “Who then are the true Christians?” “What is TRUTH?”