Thursday, February 8, 2007


"Just Hitting Another Brick Wall"

"Abouna" Gregori says:

"BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT" Merriam-Webster Online

Dictionary Deserve: transitive senses: to be worthy of: MERIT
Entry Word: deserve. Function: verb
Text: to be or make worthy of (as a reward or punishment) deserved that victory after the way they played> --- see EARN.

Entry Word: earn. Function: verb
Text: to receive as return for effort earned pocket money by mowing lawns>

Synonyms: deserve, merit, rate: Related Words: entitle, qualify

Lately, I have noticed how we all seem to be deserving of every thing in life. Every time one turns on their televisions or radios, we are told that we deserve this, that or the other thing, such as, if you are a woman, you deserve the most perfect complexion, or the most perfect breasts, the best looking "buns".

We men deserve a full head of hair, six-pack "Abs", bigger, better and longer-lasting erections, and bigger and faster cars and trucks. And we cannot forget the kids. They deserve more "air time" on their cell phones, louder and better stereos, faster and better computers, they deserve the latest and best clothes and sneakers, etc. You name it, we DESERVE it.

Here in my home State (
New York) our Governor, George Pataki, is featured in an ad for a State health insurance (paid by taxpayers) for children, in which he says it is "health insurance that our children deserve". Our children are taught they deserve to go to the best schools, to have perfect looks and perfect friends, to live in a perfect home with perfect parents. So many parents today feel that it is their duty to pay for their children’s college educations, why? Because your children deserve it. In reality, your financial obligation to your children, as far as their education, ends with graduation from high school.

So just what is the message that is being delivered to people today? It seems to me that we have become a society that believes that just due to the fact that we exist, means that we automatically DESERVE the best of every thing that life has to offer. We no longer teach our children that one must earn or merit anything.

When people don't get all of the things that they feel they deserve and are entitled to, they end up with "low self-esteem" and go through life having to battle with "issues". It comes as quite a blow to our fragile egos when we are forced to the realization that we do not live in a perfect world, that the majority of us are not born with perfect bodies or perfect health. We don't like to admit that there are no perfect parents, and not everybody can afford to buy the best clothes, the fastest and biggest cars and trucks.

In today’s politically correct, nothing is our fault world, the majority of people have lost the "work ethic" that was part of our grandparents and great-grandparents life. Even when I was growing up, we were taught that we had to earn the things we wanted through our labor and that we had to make-do with only what we could afford, and very often we would rely on the Lord for that which we needed for our spiritual well-being. As a result, we had more stable families, more stable societies and less "issues" in our lives to deal with. And, most importantly, we did not feel that the world owed us anything. If we worked for it, then we deserved it.

If people would just turn back to God, put their trust in Jesus Christ, then we wouldn't need Valium, Ritalin, and all of the other drugs to make us feel better. You ladies wouldn't have to spend millions of dollars to have your faces lifted, breasts made bigger or smaller, and you men wouldn't have to spend so much of your hard earned money on pills for "male enhancement" or longer lasting erections. You ladies wouldn’t feel cheated if you didn’t have hundreds of pairs of shoes in your closet, most of which you will never wear. You men wouldn’t feel like less of a man because you don’t have the biggest pickup truck or the fastest car. You teens would not have such low self-esteem because you don’t have the shortest skirts, tightest jeans, an i pod in one ear and a cell phone in the other. God accepts us just as we are, we should learn to do the same. Once you can do that, then you can start once again to teach your children to get off of their lazy butts and start to WORK for things in life, because no one owes them a darn thing.

The most important thing to keep in mind, also, is that when we place our trust and hope in the Lord, He will always give us what we NEED, not everything we WANT.