Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Political Correctness; What is it?

A few days ago, I happened to read an op-ed piece written by Harris R. Sherline, a 79 year-old retired CPA, who asked, “Can Anyone Define ‘Politically Correct?’” Well, here is my definition:

Political Correctness is nothing more than the “New Speak” in the George Orwell’s book. 1984.

Political Correctness means rewriting history to fit what ever your particular bias is, but political correctness does not only have to be in words (spoken and/or written) but it can be through art. A great example of this is what happened at the World Trade Center following the attack of 9/11. If you all remember, there were three firefighters who raised the American Flag at the site during the search and rescue operations. If you remember, all three of the firefighters were white…. The photograph taken of the incident is one of the most poignant from that day…. Yet when a statue was commissioned to represent the three firefighters, the liberal wonks felt that it would not be “politically correct” to have all three firefighters portrayed accurately, so they have ordered that the statue have one white, one black and one Hispanic firefighter.

Political Correctness means to stifle the truth about any given situation or to force people to accept all forms of immorality, often done through intimidation, such as the forcing of the homosexual agenda onto our society. Those who refuse to accept homosexuality as being normal and just an alternative life style are branded as being “Homophobes,” which on it’s face is a ridiculous term, because the word “Homo” is from the Latin meaning “man” or “mankind”, and the word “phob(ia)” comes from the Greek meaning “fear” or “fear of”, so what the Looney left is saying is if you don’t accept homosexuality, then “You have a fear of mankind.”

It is the Liberal’s way of controlling the masses and forcing the wishes of the minority on the majority. Political Correctness is an assault on the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, affecting both freedom of Religion and freedom of speech. Discrimination against Christianity is becoming wide spread in America, as it is all things Christian that are banned from the public venue because it is not politically correct to have anything Christian in public because it may offend non-Christians, whereas depictions of other religions are welcome. We can no longer feel free to openly and honestly express our opinions. Instead, we are now forced to look over our shoulders and guard our words much like the people who lived under the old Soviet Union who feared the KGB, or the people who lived under Hitler’s Nazi Germany who feared the SS. For if we dared speak the truth and expressed what we thought, we may very well end up the victim of ad homonym attacks on our character and values. Even the classic children’s fairy tales are no-longer allowed to contain messages that the politically correct morons deem to be socially unacceptable, they are actually being re-written to reflect the modern day lowered moral standards.

Political correctness actually has little to do with speech, it really is all about controlling people’s thoughts, ideas and expressions, and redefining what is acceptable behavior according to the nebulous and varied standards laid down by special interest groups, (which they demand that every one else follow) and manipulated for political purposes.

Political correctness has infiltrated and contaminated just about every area of our lives, even the two most sacrosanct bastions of free speech in America, our colleges and the news media. News reporters, college professors as well as students can no longer say or write what they think without running the very real risk of sanctions, some of which may cost them their jobs, or they may even expose themselves to threats and bodily harm.

Political correctness goes well beyond speech, the written word and art. Today, in America, it permeates every aspect of our daily lives, including what we wear, what and how much we are to eat, what games our children can or cannot play, our schools and institutions of higher learning, the names and slogans that we can or cannot use for sports teams or nicknames, and the definition of acceptable behavior, individual rights and so much more.

As Michelle Malkin said: “There’s something terribly wrong when an American soldier overseas can’t receive Scriptures in the mail, but a Muslim chaplain can preach freely among al-Qa’ida and Taliban enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay.”

Political correctness is whatever certain vocal individuals, minorities or special interest groups say it is. It is using the power of censorship to stifle dissent for a political advantage and/or monetary gain through the power of the government.

What is POLITICAL CORRECTNESS? Simply put, it is Tyranny Plain and simple and it is high time that the citizens of America stand up and put a stop to it. It is time that Americans stand up and take back our Constitutional Rights.

Now for something a little lighter.

Click on the link below and find out what classic movie you are.

According to the results, I am PLATOON. Go figure.

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