Thursday, April 17, 2008



Benedict XVI has overstepped his bounds:

Back when I had posted the AWAKE YOU WHO SLEEP articles, those of you who read them may recall my stating that the Roman Catholic Church was involved with helping to bring about the One World Government, working hand-in-hand with the rest of the elitist liberal evil doers. Now I realize that there are many devout Roman Catholics who will be offended by what I have to say and regardless of the truth, they will refuse to believe, but the TRUTH is in the very words of your Church hierarchy, and since, as many of you know by now, I do not subscribe to political correctness in any way, shape or form, therefore, I will not withhold the truth nor varnish it over in any way just to keep from offending people. To quote the late Pope John-Paul II, “It is what it is.”

In Awake You Who Sleep II, I asked the question; “How does the Church of Rome fit into the coming one world government and the great apostasy mentioned in Holy Scripture?” I went on to explain, that on January 1, 2004, John-Paul II called for a “New World Order…based on the goals of the United Nations.” Whenever any world or religious leader uses such terminology, it can only be seen in one light, that person is part and parcel of the Luciferian conspiracy to help create and bring about a totalitarian super socialist/communistic One World Government.

Piers Compton, a former priest and the Literary Editor of the Catholic Weekly, called The Universe for fourteen years, stated that the Papacy was actually subverted by the One World activists, called the Illuminati, in 1958, the year that John the XXIII was elected to the throne of Peter. This was the culmination of a 200 year effort to infiltrate and bring about the destruction of the Church. Compton backed up this assertion in his book The Broken Cross (1981) in which he traced the modern phase of this conspiracy to Adam Weishaupt who established the Illuminati on May 1, 1776. Weishaupt received his financial backing, as most if not all anarchist do, from a group of bankers under the House of Rothschild (part of a group of private bankers who control the wealth of the world). It was under the direction of the Rothschilds that the long range and world wide plans of the illuminati and world domination were contrived and drawn up.

Moving ahead, the illuminati finally managed to get one of their own elected to the Papacy, the first Cardinal who was a member of the Freemasons, Cardinal Angelo Roncalli, who became Pope John XXIII, after the death of Pius XII in 1958.

The very first act of Roncalli as Pope was to remove any element of Divine Revelation from catholic teaching and replaced it with “naturalism”, materialism and even Communism. These elements were put into place at the 1962 Vatican Ecumenical Synod and Vatican Two in 1965.

Another Freemason, Cardinal Giovanni Montini, succeeded Pope John XXIII, becoming Pope Paul VI in 1963; Pope Pius XII had dismissed him as the Vatican Secretary of State in 1944, for conducting secret negotiations with the Communists.

Paul VI’s true colors came through in 1965 at a speech given before the United Nations when he said: “It is your task here to proclaim the basic rights and duties of Man. You are the interpreters of all that is permanent in human wisdom; we can almost say of its sacred character.”

Pope Paul the VI further repudiated the Church’s spiritual authority when he gave the Papal Ring and his Pectoral Cross to U Thant, the United Nations Secretary General at that time. Thant then sold the items at an auction.

Paul the VI also abolished the anti-Modernist Oath along with the Index of Forbidden Books, and revised the Code of Canon Laws. He also had history and texts written from a predominately Catholic point of view re-edited. Paul VI also encouraged “humanist” theologians such as Schillebeeckx who taught that “the most honest and natural man was one who believed nothing.”

In 1969, Paul VI said: “We are about to witness a greater freedom in the life of the Church… fewer obligations and fewer inward prohibitions. Formal disciplines will be reduced ...every form of intolerance will be abolished.” None of this should be surprising when one considers reports that from 1936 – 1950 the future Pope Paul VI was part of a Communist espionage network, part owner of a chain of brothels and financed the making of erotic films.

This brings us now to Popes John Paul I & II. On August 26, 1978, the Cardinal of Venice, Alibino Lucano, a “committed Left-winger”, became Pope John Paul I. There is good reason to believe that he had taken issue with the shady dealings that the Vatican bank was involved in, and this was the reason he ended up dead one month after becoming Pope. There never was an autopsy.

Karol Wojtyla, the Cardinal of Krakow, Poland, was then the first non-Italian since 1522 and the first from an Iron Curtain country, to be elected pope, following the death of Lucano in 1978. While Cardinal Wyszynski “never gave an inch” to the Communists, Wojtyla opposed this attitude and collaborated with the Communists.

During the Conclave at which he was elected Pope, Cardinal Wojtyla read from a book of Marxist principles. This led the Abbe de Nantes to exclaim: “We have a Communist Pope!” In his first Encyclical, Wojtyla (John Paul II) praised Paul VI for having “revealed the true countenance of the Church” and for bringing it into “step with the times.” He went so far as to say that those opposed to Vatican II “cannot be considered among the Faithful.” Then on September 1, 1981 in a letter, John Paul II stated: “Christian tradition has never upheld the right of private property as absolute or untouchable.” This CONTRADICTS MANY ENCYCLICALS WHICH STATE THAT PRIVATE PROPERTY “IS A NECESSARY INCENTIVE TO HUMAN ENTERPRISE” in accordance with divine wisdom and the laws of nature. As you can see, the Traditional teachings of the Catholic Church are continuously being watered down.

Carrying on that which was started by Pope John XXIII, Pope Benedict XVI, in his meeting with American Bishops in Washington, D.C., on April 17, 2008, has indicated that he plans to continue the push toward a One World Government, when he said: “The United States should embrace immigrants and must have open borders.” This was overstepping his bounds as a religious leader.

We do embrace immigrants in America, but that does not mean that we have to allow illegal immigrants to have free reign to flood into our country. We are a sovereign nation and it is up to we the people to decide who may or may not enter our country, as well as how many and when. America does not have unlimited resources and the first concern of our government must and should be for the American citizens.

Due to his statement, you can just about bet your life that more and more Catholic churches across America will start to grant sanctuary to illegal immigrants.

Perhaps Pope Benedict XVI, the Roman Catholic Church would be far better off if you spent more time correcting the harm your pedophile priests have caused and in bringing the Church back to the correct Catholic teachings, and spend less time trying to subvert the Church and bringing about the Satanic One World Order. It is not the Church’s duty or responsibility to dictate what the policy of any country should be concerning immigration. Just look at the harm that has been done to many of the European nations because they allowed unchecked immigration. Just about every country in Europe is losing their national identity and is being taken over by the Muslims who are insisting that the various European countries replace their legal systems with Sharia Law. This may be what you want for Europe and America, but it is NOT what we, the citizens of the United States want for our country, we do not wish to lose our national identity to Hispanics or any other group no matter where they are from. We welcome all people, but we want them to enter our country legally and once they are here, we want them to fit into our culture, learn our language, and live by our laws. So with all due respect, MYOB and just worry about the spiritual health of the Church, and leave our borders to us.