Saturday, April 5, 2008


What exactly is McCain’s Problem?

I have been trying to figure Sen. McCain out for quite sometime now, and I must admit that I am at a total loss. The nearest I can figure out is, he is either a dyed in the wool Lliberal Democrat who infiltrated the Republican Party or he is suffering from some form of mental malfunction. He appears to have been a “smart ass know-it-all” while a student at the United States Naval Academy that had to do things his way or no way, and he certainly isn’t any different as the Senator from Arizona. One could blame it on age, but he has been this way all of his life, so that would rule out “Old timer’s disease.”

This thick skulled idiot either just doesn’t get it or he just doesn’t give a damn. So, what am I kvetching about you ask in stunned wonderment? Last night, Greta Van Susteren, of the Fox News Channel’s ‘ON THE RECORD’, did an interview of McCain on her show and once again the subject of illegal immigration and “Free Trade” was brought up and why there was such a deep divide between McCain and the Conservatives. Greta asked McCain what he felt was the cause of this divide and how he would heal it.

Now, McCain has been told over and over again what the Conservatives are demanding when it comes to illegal immigration as well as free trade, in order for them to fully accept and support McCain, but he just refuses to accept it. Here is what McCain had to say last night for the umpteenth time, concerning illegal immigration: “The Conservatives just don’t trust the government to secure our borders, so they are demanding that we secure the borders first before we start coming up with programs that will offer amnesty to the hard working illegal immigrants that are already here. That is why, if I am elected, I will see to it that our borders are secured first and then work on amnesty.” He went on to say; America is a generous nation and we believe in treating people humanely, and it would not be humane to deport the illegals who are just here to make a living for their families.” Hey, McCain, “BULL S&#T!”

Here is what McCain refuses to accept, various Conservative groups and organizations have been telling McCain time and again, “We want our borders secured which is the federal government’s mandated responsibility under the United States Constitution and we want ALL of the illegal immigrants sent back to their home countries. Capeci?” As far as our treating the illegals humanely, just how much more humane do want us to be? They snuck into our country illegally, and instead of us shooting them or putting them in prison, we are giving them free schooling for their spawn, we are giving them free medical and dental care, food stamps, low income housing, etc., all at the taxpayers’ expense. Isn’t that enough, now you want us to let them stay? If you love them all so much, why don’t you take them into your home and care for each one personally out of your own pocket? I am sick and tired of hearing you, the rest of the Liberals, and the Mexican government, continue to say that we have a “broken immigration system in the US.” That is one big fat lie. We do not have a broken immigration system. What we do have is immigration laws that our government refuses to uphold due to special interest groups. You people in Congress sit on your fat bloated butts and enact the laws, then our presidents (from both parties) sign them into law. Then you sit back and violate them and/or allow them to be violated by others to score political brownie points to get yourselves re-elected.

As far as “Free Trade” agreements, how dare you sit there and tell the American people that Social Security and Medicare are going broke, and then you turn around and say that you want even more “Free Trade” agreements, knowing full well that these agreements keep costing the American workers more and more of their jobs, then you want to bring in millions more immigrants (both legal on H-1B visas and illegals) to take what few jobs we have left, leaving no one to pay into the Social Security and Medicare systems. And to make matters worse, you along with the majority of the senate voted last year, to have Social Security benefits paid to illegal immigrants even though they have never paid penny one into it.

So here is the question Mr. McCain, either you are a thick headed moron that honestly doesn’t get it, or you are a leftist Liberal who supports a one world government and doesn’t really give a damn about the Conservative principles, which appears to be the case from the speech you gave in California a couple of weeks ago. Which is it? You tell us, and try to be honest.

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