Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Chicano Pride or La Raza Terrorism?


This whole illegal immigration mess is getting totally out of hand and it is about time that our voice is heard and our demands met. Why is it that those who are demanding amnesty for illegals, those setting up “sanctuary” cities for illegals, and those demanding open borders, get their voices heard even though they are in the minority? Why is it that the majority has to always bow to the whims and wishes of the minority in everything in this country when we are supposed to be majority rule? This is NOT right and it is not fair, and to tell you the truth, I have my doubts that it is even constitutional.

I say that it is about time that we, on the right, start to stand up, get loud and in your face like those on the left. We are getting no where by being nice. We are getting no where by being meek. Our country is being systematically brought down and destroyed by the liberals and I defy them to show me where I am wrong. They have an agenda to turn America into a socialistic/communistic nanny state and the only way they can achieve this is to get more votes on their side. The way they are doing this is by demanding amnesty for illegals and they want more and more uneducated and low educated immigrants to come into the country, because they know that these immigrants will require all kinds of assistance which the liberals are more than happy to give them at the tax payer’s expense, knowing that in return, the immigrants will vote Democrat.

If those on the right dare to speak out against illegal immigration, we are labeled xenophobes; if we speak out against immoral gay life-styles we are labeled homophobes. If we speak out against the special rights and treatments being given to Muslims in our schools and work places, we are called intolerant of other religions, even though Christians and other religions are not permitted the same rights and privileges that the Muslims are getting.

Our schools will have gay pride day celebrations and make our kids come to school dressed as the opposite sex, but don’t you dare try to have a Christian pride day or a Jewish pride day.

Congress keeps sticking it to those of us on the right, on a daily basis; even those who claim to be conservative are showing their disdain for Conservatives. When we speak out for secure borders, they tell us how they hear our voice and they pass legislation to secure the borders and the President signs it into law, then after we think we have won and return to our daily lives, congress turns around and secretly votes to withhold the funds needed to secure the borders. This has got to STOP. If the liberals can get their way every time they stage marches, demonstrations and protests, can you imagine what we could accomplish if the Conservatives rose up and got just as loud, just as in your face as the liberals? There are more of us then there are of them, so just think of the impact we could have if we marched in mass on Washington, D.C. FOLKS, IT IS TIME THAT WE STOPPED BEING NICE!

Check out the following video to see just what we are up against.

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