Monday, December 3, 2007



By now most, if not all, of you have heard of the hostage incident that took place at Hillary Clinton’s campaign office in Rochester, N.H. by a mentally disturbed man, Leeland Eisenberg, who strapped road flares to his chest claiming it was a bomb, and walked into the Clinton campaign office and held several volunteer campaign workers hostage, demanding to speak to Hillary, in a misguided effort to seek mental health treatment he could not afford.

The whole incident ended after nearly six hours when Eisenberg walked out of the office with his hands raised. He then removed the flares from his chest laid them on the ground and then proceeded to lie face down on the sidewalk himself, and was taken into custody without incident (Of course, the brave men of the bomb squad were called to blow up those dangerous road flares. Have you ever noticed how every time there is a “suspicious” package found, even after the package has been ascertained to be nothing more than a harmless briefcase, suitcase, or even a brown paper bag containing a sandwich, the bomb squad still has to come and blow it up. I am beginning to think that the bomb squads are made up of a bunch of immature juveniles with a fetish for watching things go boom!).

So, you ask suspiciously, how are we being bamboozled? Because, and I’ll tell you why, Hillary was NO WHERE NEAR Rochester, N.H. when the incident took place, as a matter of fact, she was no where in New Hampshire. She was at her Washington, D.C. home when the incident was going down, but never let the facts get in the way of a good old B.S. session to make Hillary look bigger than life.

What I am referring to is that no sooner had the incident come to an end, when all of the pundits and talking heads on the various news shows, including the Fox News Channel, began crawling out of the woodwork to sing the praises of Hillary. I heard one person after another claiming how BRAVELY and CALMLY Hillary handled the situation, and how “PRESIDENTIAL” she looked and acted in the face of this dangerous situation. GIVE ME A BREAK! She wasn’t there; she was no where near there. It is extremely easy to act brave and calm during a dangerous situation when you are hundreds of miles away.

How easy it is to B.S. the masses. How come I haven’t heard any one else even mention this farce?

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