Thursday, December 20, 2007



Well folks, Congress did it to us once again in a big way and they didn’t even have the decency to offer us a bag of sand and a jar of Vaseline.

If you remember, in 2006, Congress passed the Secure Fence Act after the American people overwhelmingly demanded that the government abide by their constitutional duty and secure our borders. This Secure Fence Act called for an 854-mile long, double layered fence to be built along sections of the U.S. – Mexican border.

Congress made a big deal publicly over the passage of this bill, in effect telling us, “See, we are listening to the will of the people.” People, I have been trying to tell you all, for a long time now, that our elected officials, from the president on down, do not give a tinker’s damn about the people who elected them. They could give two shakes of a rat’s ass what the citizens of this country want or even about the security of this country. The only things they care about are lining their pockets and the prestige they get from holding office.

Wednesday night, December 19th, congress approved a spending bill that includes an amendment that effectively guts the 2006 Secure Fence Act. The bill passed the House primarily along party lines. The bill kills the legislation that was passed in the last Congress which mandated the building of the fence.

We the people had a reasonable expectation that a double-layer fence will be built based on the Secure Fence Act, but this new amendment removes that requirement and gives the Department of Homeland security the option as to whether to build the fence or not and as to where they will build it if they so choose to. It also removes the requirement of the mandated double-layer. So once again the American people have been duped and screwed by those we elected to represent us. How does it feel? The new provisions remove the two-tier requirement along with the five specific locations where it was to have been constructed. House minority leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) states “The fact that this amendment was buried in 3,500 pages of legislation reflects the Democrats’ unserious approach to border security and illegal immigration.” You can bet your bottom dollar that Nancy Pelosi will make sure that no border fence bills are brought up in the House, at least not while the Democrats hold sway. The House Democrats basically adopted the Senate version of the amendment which was introduced by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) who has led the charge to change the 2006 bill.

One can clearly see that Hutchison is blatantly ignoring the wishes of not only her Texas constituents but the overwhelming majority of the American people. This woman needs to GO and hopefully a TRUE Republican will challenge her in her next election go-around. You can bet that Hutchison is taking direct orders from her former Governor and good friend as well as our current President George W. Bush. Bush has ordered that the fence bill be killed, and just in case any of you have forgotten, our so-called conservative Christian President still wants total amnesty for the up to 30 million illegals who are in the country and he has tried on more than one occasion to force this down our throats. The only real winners in all this are the drug smugglers, the illegal immigrants and the “open border one world government advocates.”

They (the government) never had any intentions of building the fence or securing our borders because that would hamper their plans for implementing the North American Union. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that most, if not all, of our political leaders are not on the side of a Sovereign United States, rather they are on the side of big business, special interest groups and a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT! Do you need more proof? Well try this on for size.

Words have meaning. I have stated this many times in the past. National means the nation (nationwide), Universal means the whole world. Have you ever stopped to wonder why the Democrats keep saying: “We need UNIVERSAL health care,” or “We need UNIVERSAL pre-K.” If these politicians intended their health care programs to cover every citizen in the U.S. or their pre-K for all the children in the U.S., does it not stand to reason that they would call it NATIONAL health care and NATIONAL pre-K? Wake up people, they are preparing you for the One World Government, that is why they are using the word UNIVERSAL, and the majority of the people in this country are too damn stupid to see it.

We are being sold out. The Department of Homeland Security has little to nothing to do with keeping America safe and secure, but everything to do with controlling us and conditioning us for the totalitarian world government that they are pushing us into. More and more every day, we are losing more privacy rights, ever stricter government infringements on our rights to keep and bear arms are put into force. Ever greater restrictions are being placed on our religious freedoms especially on Christians. All of our financial transactions and our spending habits are being monitored. We are being told what we can or cannot eat or drink and how much. Our children and grandchildren are not only being indoctrinated in our public schools, into accepting all of the liberal B.S., but they are also told what games they can or cannot play, and they are expected to indoctrinate their parents when they get home.

It is well past time that we show the courage to call these people in congress and in the office of president, what they really are, TRAITORS! When, will you, the citizens of this country, get the courage to stand up and force every one of these TRAITORS out of office? I don’t mean vote them out in the next election, I mean FORCE THEM OUT NOW by what ever means it takes. We do not have the luxury of time to wait until the next election in the hopes that we might get some politicians with true moral values, that is just NOT going to happen. We MUST show these traitorous self-serving scum that we mean business and that the government and the country belongs to us, WE the PEOPLE, not to them to do as they damn well please.

I for one am calling for the immediate removal from office of every single member of Congress along with the President and vice-President. I am demanding that they be replaced by a temporary government and that they be tried for treason and dereliction of their constitutional duties. I am calling for the immediate securing of our borders and the deportation of every single one of the illegals in this country. I am sick and tired of hearing that it is impossible to round up and deport all of the illegals. It is NOT impossible. All the Government has to do is stop handing out taxpayer funded freebies and hand outs and force employers not to hire illegals, and arrest anyone, including members of the clergy who insist on hiding, aiding and abetting illegals. When the illegals find that they can’t get jobs, housing, food, medical care or free schooling for their kids, they will leave. And children born in this country to parents who are here illegally to not have the right to be automatic citizens.

I am demanding an immediate end to every one of the so-called ‘Free Trade’ agreements that result in the loss of American jobs. These are not FREE TRADE, they are the sell-out of American workers. I’m sorry if there are some who feel that I am being unchristian, but after all there is nothing Christian in selling out your own country.

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