Saturday, June 16, 2007


“Just Hitting

Another Brick


Can You See Where We Are Heading?

Those of you who have been reading my Tuesday postings; “Lessons In Civics & the Constitution”, know that the Constitution only specifies

three federal crimes, they are treason, piracy, and counterfeiting. This has Not stopped Congress from usurping their powers and passing illegal federal laws against kidnapping, gun ownership, drug use, "hate crimes," discrimination, fraud, carjacking, vandalism, pornography, and dozens of other activities that have no national significance.

The three most insidious laws that the federal government has pushed upon the citizens of the United States, are the Federal Gun Control Laws, Hate Crimes Legislation (which now includes infringements on our Freedom of Speech) and the National Sex Offenders Registration. I will show you the danger in these laws, to our freedoms, but first let me take a moment to lay out a scene of what has been taking place, year – by – year, and why I truly believe that we are heading toward a totalitarian police state. After you finish reading this posting, you can reach your own conclusions.

For years, especially since 1913, the federal government has been nibbling away at our constitutional rights and freedoms. At first it was in little ways, a little here and a little there, and most people at the time were unaware of what was happening. It didn’t matter which party was in, because they both had the same goal in mind to push us into a socialistic/communistic one world government. The only difference between the two parties was the speed at which they wish to accomplish their aims. The Democrats want to do it quickly, whereas the Republicans want to go about it in little increments.

Then with the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and the attacks on the U.S.S. Cole and the two American embassies in Africa, President Clinton (D) began to sign a lot of secret executive orders that gave the government the “right” to spy on us. These orders even went so far as to even require banks to turn over the personal financial information of their customers to the government. Then the government began to collect information on every single American from their school records and medical records.

Following the attacks of 9/11, President G.W. Bush (R), really got going and started putting many more surveillance techniques into place and signing even more executive orders for even more spying on American citizens while leaving the borders wide open to whoever wants to sneak in, all in the name of “Home Land Security”. Most of these laws have very little to do with keeping America safe, but have more to do with tracking us and keeping us under control.

Now let’s take a look at the Federal Gun Control Laws. First, the Constitution of the United States is very clear and unequivocal when it states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”. Congress has absolutely NO right getting into who may or who may not own a gun or, for that matter, what kind of firearm and how many a person may possess.

Oh sure, there are plenty of you out there who feel that the federal government is justified in passing such laws because it prevents crime. Well I have news for you, all of the gun control laws in the world will not stop crime, nor will it stop criminals and terrorists from getting a hold of guns. Secondly, all powers not granted to the three branches of the federal government by the Constitution, are to belong to the States. If the individual States wish to pass legislation concerning who may or may not own or possess firearms and to limit the number of firearms an individual may possess, then that is the State’s right, but it is not the right of the federal government. They are in violation of the Constitution and they are infringing on our right to keep and bear arms.

What was the intent of the founding fathers adding the Second Amendment to the Constitution? They knew that an armed citizenry could not be conquered or enslaved, either by foreign enemies or by their own government, should that government ever turn tyrannical. The federal government knows this. Right now, the only thing standing in the way of the One World Government is our Constitution, especially the Second Amendment. Each year, congress passes more and more gun control legislation aimed at making it harder and harder for people to obtain firearms. In effect, they are slowly disarming the citizens through these illegal and unconstitutional laws.

Here is a heads up for you, did you know that under the Clinton administration, a bill was passed that makes it illegal for anyone who has been “accused” (even if never convicted) of spousal abuse to own or possess a firearm? The same also goes for anyone who has ever received any counseling from a school psychologist or psychiatrist, no matter how long ago that was.

Next, let’s look at the Federal Hate crimes legislation which is wrong on so many levels. These hate crimes laws fly in the face of everything our founding fathers fought for. Go back and read the Declaration of Independence, it proclaims that “all men are created equal”.

What these laws are doing is setting aside certain groups of people to be treated “special” and to be given extra consideration under the law. If an individual decides to harass, assault or kill someone belonging to one of these “Special groups” such as Afro/Americans, Gays, Elderly, handicapped, etc, that individual will be punished much more severely then if the crime was committed on someone not on that “special” list. I am sorry, but this is NOT right and it damn well is not constitutional.

Besides treating some classes of people as “special”, it also, along with the gun control laws, poses another danger to the rights of the accused. These laws allow the federal government to circumvent the Bill of Rights and subject the accused to ‘double jeopardy’. We are guaranteed that we cannot be tried twice for the same crime if a jury finds us not guilty. In other words, if you were charged with assault on a person who happened to be gay, or if you were charged with the violation of a State gun law and a jury found you not guilty, the federal government can now turn around and re-charge you under federal laws, and if you are then found guilty, your sentence will be much longer then you would have gotten in a state or local court, and without parole.

Another aspect of the Federal Hate Crime Laws is that they now cover speech. In other words, the federal government is now placing limits on certain speech. It will soon be illegal for priests, ministers, pastors or anyone else to speak out against homosexuality as that is considered to be “Hate Speech”. In one fell swoop, the federal government will have not only violated our Second Amendment right, but they will have also violated our First Amendment rights as well, if House bill H.R. 1592 and Senate bill S. 1105 are passed by congress

Last, but certainly not least, we will look at the “National Sex Offenders Registry” law. Now please don’t get me wrong, I am all for protecting our children and parents do have a right to know who is living in their neighborhood, but there is absolutely nothing fair about this law nor is it really legal. Why? Well, once an individual has served the sentence handed down by the court, they have paid their debt to society. By making them register with a federal database, is punishing them over and over again for the same crime and it prevents many of them from finding employment or even a place to live. If the people of a State do not like the laws concerning sex offenders, if they feel that the offenders should be given longer sentences, then it is their right and obligation to have their State legislators change the laws, it is not up to the federal government to impose its laws on the States, especially when the federal government has no constitutional right to do so.

Of course, there is another problem with the Sex Offender Registry Law, and that is the fact that a lot of people are forced to be on the registry that shouldn’t be. For instance, if a 16 year-old boy is going with a 14 year-old girl and they have consensual sex, it is considered legal under the law. Now, if they continue to date and he is now 18 years-old and she is 16 years-old, and they encage in consensual sex, he can be charged with engaging an underage minor in sex or he could be charged with statutory rape, both of which then makes him a child-molester and he would be forced to register as a sex offender if charged and convicted.

Also, this law, like many others is just a slippery slope. A few years ago, I was talking to my brother-in-law who is a retired juvenile detective, and I asked him, if they enact the National Sex Offender Registration Law, how much longer will it be before the government starts to force other classes of criminals to register after they have served their time? He laughed at me and said that will NEVER happen. Well guess what, the New York State legislators have just introduced a bill that, if passed, would require all persons convicted of drug dealing to register with the State. You know, that if this passes here in New York State, it will only be a matter of time before other states enact similar laws and then the federal government will pass one of their own, then how long do you think it will be before everybody convicted of any crime, even minor infractions, will have to register with a Federal National Criminal Registration list? Think about folks, think about it long and hard.

“Abouna” Gregori